1878 Springfield and North Springfield Directory
1878 Directory of Springfield and North Springfield
EXPLANATORY The plan of numbering is that adopted by the City Council in the ordinance recently enacted. To find a number on the Public Square, commence with No. 100, at the northeast corner, and count around, via the north, west, south and east, to the place of beginning. To find a number on any of the four principal streets leading out from the Square, commence with No. 200, and every time you cross a street begin a new hundred, remembering that all even numbers are on the east and south, and all odd numbers on the north and west. All other streets number from these four principal streets according to the same rule, and all parallel streets are made to correspond as nearly as possible with those upon which the numbers are given on the map. The space allowed for a number is from 20 to 25 feet in the business portion, and from 40 to 100 feet in the dwelling-house portion of the city. Residences and business houses in North Springfield are not numbered, but will be distinguished by the letters N. S. placed after the name. Ave. stands for avenue; al. for alley; bet. for between; bds. for boards; clk for clerk; col'd for colored; cor. for corner; nr. for near; prop'r for proprietor; op. for opposite; res. for residence; st. for street; and n. s. e. and w. for the points of the compass. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z S Sable, Edward, dealer in rags and old iron, res 409 W. Clay. Saddler, Jesse, photographer, rooms and res 401 College. Saddler, Miss Jessie, dress maker, res same as above. Salchow, F., farmer, res west end of State. Sampey, Thomas, (Atzert & Sampey, meat market,) 213 South, res 213 W Walnut. Sample, J. B., painter, 212 South, bds 305 South. Samuel, Mrs. O. T., bds Young House, 317 South. Sander, E., furinture dealer, 219 Boonville, bds 226 St. Louis. Sanders, Andrew, carpenter, Springfield Wagon Factory, boards 307 W Olive. Sanford, W. B., clerk, 143 Public Square, res 205 S Jefferson. Sanford, Mrs. S. G., res same as above. Sanford, Charles, col'd, servant, 700 E Elm. Savidge, D. B., constable, office 127 Public Square, res 509 S Main. Savington, George, col'd, laborer, res 600 Mill. Sawyer, George M., (Sawyer & Lamoreaux, editors Springfield Times,) 217 South, res 511 South. Sawyer, Miss Anna, teacher, res 510 N Jefferson. Scharlach, H. R., clerk, 126 Public Square, bds 305 South. Scheiding,______, laborer, Railroad Shops, N S, res 1203 Boonville. Schell, M. R., painter, res 310 N Campbell. Schoenberger, Mrs. A. F., millinery and fancy goods, also gents' furnishing goods, Comm'l st, nr Lyon House, N S, res same. Schmook, John, miller, 400 Boonville, res 408 same. Scholten, Henry, saloon keeper, 209W South al, res 313 S Market. Scholten, Miss Maggie, res same as above. - Scholten, Mrs. E. T., res 219 E Walnut. Scholten, Charles, bar keeper, 209 W South al, res 329 S Market Schrader, A. H., brewer, with S. Dingeldein, 901 College, resides 608 W Phelps. Schuler, A., carpenter, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Robberson ave, nr Atlantic st, N S. Schuler, V., brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds with B. A. Fay, Commercial st, N S. Scott, J. P., bds North Springfield House. Scott, Lemuel, res 610 St. Louis. Scott, Robert, shoemaker, 208 W Olive, res 309 South. Scott, Ollie, col'd, laborer, res 815 Franklin. Seaman, Levi, wagon maker, 204 N Jefferson, res 700 S Main. Seaman, Miss Laura, milliner, res same as above. Seaton, George W., carpenter, res 715 N Campbell. Seaton, John H. C., farmer, res same as above. Seaton, Miss Mary E., res same as above. Seaton, Miss Nancy C., res same as above. See, David C., grocer, 240 South, res 610 E Elm. See, Fred, Deputy County Collector, office in Court House, res 602 E Elm. Shackelford, Washington, col'd, plasterer, res 724 5 Grant. Shackelford, Dee, col'd, laborer, res rear of 614 E Water. Shackelford, Fred, col'd, laborer, res 304 N Pearl. Shackelford, Henry, col'd, laborer, res rear of 614 E Water. Shade, Philip, broom maker, 701 State, res; same. Shanahan, F., section boss, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res W Commercial, nr Anchor Mills, N S. Shanahan, Miss Mary, bds same as above. Shank, J. C., engineer, Railroad Shops, res Robberson ave, near Commercial st, N S. Shank, Mrs. H., res Pacific st, near Robberson ave, N S. Shank, C. E., laborer, bds with Mrs. Shank, as above. Shanks, John W., shoemaker, 134 Pub. Sq., res 805 Boonville. Sharp, Mark, col'd, farmer, res 613 S Jefferson. Shaver, Richard, col'd, teamster, res 602 South. Sheldon, J. B., train dispatcher, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Robberson ave, nr Pacific St, N S. Sheley, Robert, marble cutter, res 307 W Phelps. Sheley, Miss Moliie, res same as above. Sheley, Mrs. Elizabeth, res same as above. Shelton, Wiliam, brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, bds North Springfield House. Sheppard, Henry,.retired merchant, res 414 St Louis. Sheppard, Miss Margaret, res same as above. Sheppard, Charles, Cashier Greene County National Bank, 106 Public Squsire, res 426 St Louis, Sheppard, Joseph D., student, Drury College, res same as above. Sheppard, William D., traveling salesman, res 414 E Walnut. Sheppard, David D., merchant, 215 South, res 418 E Walnut. Sheppard, Frank, attorney at law, 202 South, res 419 E Walnut. Sheppard, Celia, col'd, res-211 Hampton ave. Sheppard, Sargent col'd, res same as above. Sherwood, A. C., carriage and wagon maker, Commercial st, near Freight Depot, N S. Sherwood, W. A., blacksmith, as above. Sherwood, C. A., hostler at Stoughton's stable, Boonville st, N S, bds with A. C. Sherwood, as above. Shine, Frank, agent for school furniture, bds 307 W Olive. Shipley, E. R., Postmaster, 224 College, res 403 E Walnut. Shipley, William, merchant tailor, 206 South, res 300 E Elm. Shipman, Mrs. J. P., res 600 S Jefferson. Shipman, Frank, clerk, 143 Public Square, res same as above. Shockley, F. M., (Shockley & White, carpenters,) 208 S Jefferson, res 525 W Pine. Short, John, mail agent, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res 502 S Jefferson. Shortey, Mrs. Rosina, works at 311 S Main. Show, Nancy, col'd, washerwoman, res 232 Weaver. Show, Ross, col'd, servant, 413 W. Phelps. Shrable, John, train dispatcher, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, resides Pacific, between Clay and Webster, N S. Shrivels, Miss Huldah J.,waiter, at 305 South. Shropshire, Rev. John N., Pastor African M. E. Church, res 402 E. Center. Shroud, George, col'd, waiter, 219 College, res 608 South. Shull, Edward, teamster, res 405 S Jefferson. Shultz, John, col'd, blacksmith, Springfield Wagon Factory, res 711 South. Shumate, Lottie, col'd, res rear of 514 Cherry. Shumate, Henry, col'd, res same as above. Shutt, Mrs. C., res 826 N Jefferson. Sibley, F. M., book-keeper, Railroad Shops, res. cor. Commercial and Washington sts, N S. Simmons, P. T., (Simmons & Travers, attorneys at law,) 107 Pub. Square, res 1301 N Campbell. Simmons, Isom, laborer, S. & W. M. Railroad, res at Steam Pump, Washington st, N S. Simmons, John, cigar maker, with A. Hornbostel, 221 Boonville, res 216 same. Simmons, Mrs. E. C., res 1114 N Jefferson. Sims, James, millwright, res 405 N Campbell. Sims, James P., saddler, with A. P. Routh, Boonville, resides 211 North Main. Sims, Miss Mary J., res 308 S Patten alley. Sims, Isaac, col'd, clerk, 139 Pub. Sq., res 406 N Jefferson. Sims, Henry col'd, farmer, res 503 Weaver. Sims, Julia, col'd, washerwoman, res 505 Weaver. Slater, H. B., student Drury College, bds Fairbanks Hall. Slayer, Mrs. A. F., works at 419 E Walnut. Slaughter, Charles, col'd, laborer, Freight Depot, N. S., res 1103 Washington ave. Smallstig, William, harness maker, with Wm. McAdams & Co., 122 Pub. Sq., res 406 E Walnut Smith, M. K., proprietor Springfield Woolen Mills, resides 512 West Lynn. Smith, Jared E., Representative in State Legislature; merchant, 127 Pub. Sq., res 705 N Main. Smith, W.F., clerk, 127 Pub. Sq, res 406 W Center. Smith, M. C., hack driver, res Pacific St, nr Jefferson ave, N S. Smith, B. C., res 329 Boonville. Smith, Austin A., grocer, 712 Boonville, res 811 same. Smith, James H., traveling salesman, bds Metropolitan Hotel. Smith, Oliver, traveling salesman, res 207 E Center. Smith, Marshall N., clerk, 209 South, res 412 ; W'ashington ave. Smith, Don, clerk, 215 South, res Robberson ave, N S. Smith, Lucian B., dentist, res 412 Washington ave. Smith, Mrs. Augusta M., physician and surgeon, office and res 412 Washington ave. Smith, Robert, res 311 South Market. Smith, N. J., painter, 207 South, bds 311 South. Smith, David, machinist, Springfield Iron Works, res 209 West Phelps. Smith, Elijah, brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, boards Harding House, N S. Smith, James H., carpenter, SL L. & S. F. Railroad, res Benton ave, nr Commercial st, N S. Smith, Horace T., carpenter, Railroad Shops, res cor Boonville and State sts, N S. Smith, Charles, carpenter, bds 313 W Phelps. Smith, Morris, carpenter, res 907 N Campbell. Smith, Charles, carpenter, bds with B. A. Fay, Comm'l st, N S. Smith, Wm. M., collar maker, with A. P. Routh, 213 Boonville st. res 515 W Phelps. Smith, Martin, shoemaker, with Baltz & Son, Benton ave, resides Robberson ave, nr Atlantic st, N S. Smith, John T., res 218 N Patten alley. Smith, Isaac, teamster, res rear of 801 S Grant. Smith, Miss Leni L., music teacher, res 512 Lynn. Smith, Mrs. Mary, res 209 W. Phelps. Smith, Mrs. Catherine, res 218 N Patten alley. Smith, Miss Cynthia, works for Mrs. Lowry, Campbell street, op Wagon Yard, N S. Smith, Miss Julia, works at 306 State. Smith, Marion, col'd, plasterer, res 1111 Earle. Smith, Wesley, col'd, cook, res 717 St Louis Smith, Mahala, col'd, cook, res 210 Dollison. Smith, Penny, col'd, midwife, res 516 Weaver. Smith, Annie, col'd, works at 207 E Center. Smith, Samuel, col'd, laborer, res 505 E Water. Smith, Charles, col'd, laborer, res same as above. Smith, Priscilla col'd, res; 720 S Grant. Smith, Louis, col'd, laborer, res 814 Washington. Smith, Major, col'd, res 617 Franklin. Smith, Mary, col'd, res 208 E Water. Smith, Joseph, col'd, res 305 Weaver. Smith, Caesar, col'd, res 617 Lincoln. Smith, William, col'd, laborer, res rear of 541 W Pine. Smith, John, col'd, laborer, res 717 St Louis. Smith, Charity, col'd, res 603 S Jefferson. Smith, J. M.,col'd, laborer, res same as above. Snavely, D. H., (Conlon & Snavely, carpenters,) 308 College, res. 602 S Jefferson. Snow, Isrum, night watch, Springfield Wagon Factory, resides 211 Mill. Snow, Mrs. Amanda, res same as above. Snow, Hollet, teamster for John Schmook, 400 Boonville, resides 305 Mill. Snowden, John, policeman, res 1001 Concord. Snyder, William, farmer, res 407 Washington ave. Sommers, Victor, (Victor Sommers & Co., merchants,) 109 Public Square, res 309 E Elm. Southworth, M. H., stone mason, res 634 W Walnut. Speaker, E., tinner, res 310 Brower's ave. Speck, Miss Sallie, works for Mrs. Goldsmith, Jefferson, near Pacific st, N S. Spencer, Bob, col'd, res 615 Franklin. Spencer, Mary, col'd, res 609 Franklin. Spicer, John, brakeman, St. L. & S. F. R. R., bds Lyon House, N Springfield. Sprague, H. C., Foreman Bridge Shop, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res Benton ave, north of Pass. Depot, N S. Sprague, G. B., brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, resides same as above. Sproul, Miss Eliza, res 207 F Center. Squib,Wesley, carder and spinner, Springfield Woolen Mills, res 416 W Lynn. Staley, J. P., carpenter, Railroad Shops, N S., res 821 N. Jefferson. Stanley, Mrs. Celia, washerwoman, res 400 N Pearl. Stansfield, George, hostler, with W. P. Whitlock, 112 Public Sq., res 405 W. Olive. Stark, C. L., stone mason, bds with Gamble, Comm'l St, N S. Stark, Mrs. A. D., res Campbell st, nr Freight Depot, N S. Stauffer, David, proprietor ,Arkansas House, 219 W Olive. Stauffer Miss Ellen, res as above. Mrs. A. H., res 313 W Phelps. Steele, A., col'd, fireman, Sp. Cotton Mills, res 308 Wash'n ave. Steele, Harriet, col'd, res rear of 614 St. Louis. Steele, George, col'd, servant at 714 S Jefferson. Steffen, W. F., grocer, 329 Boonville, res same. Steffen, Fred W., shoemaker, 418 Boonville, res same. Steffen, John, res as above. Steiger, George, grocer, 208 Boonville, res 212 same. Stellwag, L. W.., feather renovater, res nr Fulbright spring. Stenry, Miss Lizzie, works 511 W Walnut. Stephens, J. A., post office book store, 224 College, resides 312 St. Louis street. Stephens, W. M., agent for musical instruments, res 510 N Jeff. Stephens, Mrs. P. C., res 204 Mt. Vernon. Stephens, P. P., foreman job department, Patriot-Advertiser, 208 St. Louis, res as above. Stephens, W. O., (Stephens & Sabin, grocers,) 209 St. Louis, res 510 Benton ave. Stevens, L. F., watchman, Springfield Cot. Miills, res 407 E Pine. Stephenson, Matthew, hostler, Perkins' stable, 213 W Olive,res 209 Kimbrough. Stephenson, Douglas, fireman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res corner Jefferson and Locust, N S. Stewart, A. D., car inspector, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res corner Jefferson and Locust, N S. Stewart, W. P., traveling salesman, res 404 Benton ave Stewart, Miss Viola C., res as above. Stewart, Miss Clara A., res as above. Stewart, Miss Margaret A., teacher, res as above. Stiles, John, farmer, res 620 E. Phelps. Stine, Henry, clerk, 210 College, bds 319 W Olive. Stinson, David, col'd, laborer, res 519 Monroe. Stites, Miss Emma, milliner, Commercial st., cor Robberson ave, res with H. H. Haynes, Jefferson,nr State, N S Stites, Miss Helen, res as above. Stitsell, Geo. W., laborer, res 605 Billings. Stokes, William, blacksmith, cor Boonville and Pacific, res Boonville, nr Public School, N S. Stokes, J. R., blacksmith as above, res as above. Stone, Sparkman, shoemaker, with J. Shanks, 134 Public Square, res 509 E. Elm. Stone, O. M., agent for sewing machines, and editor Great Southwest, 207 St. Louis, bds 217 South. Stone, James, col'd, (Gatewood & Stone, grocers), 221 St. Louis, res 401 Washington ave. Stone, Anna, col;d, res as above. Stormes, Gregory, miner, res 540 W. Chestnut. Stoughton, James A. stock dealer, livery and saloon keeper, nr Freight Depot, res cor Pacific st and Robberson ave, N S. Stover, J.P. carpenter, res 410 Washington ave. Straw, Albert, shipping clerk, Freight Depot, bds Lyon House, N S. Stroud, Aaron, barber, with A. V. Gueringer, 216 College, bds rear 615 St. Louis. Stroud, Geo. col'd works at 219 College. Stuart, Miss Sallie, res 408 St. Louis. Stuart, Miss Emma, res as above. Stuart, George, col'd laborer, res 408 E. Center. Stutzman, F. P. blacksmith, with S. R. Beagle, 221 W. South alley, res 219 N Patten alley. Stutzman, John M., carpenter, res 412 E Pine. Stutzman, Miss Mahala, res as above. Stutzman, Miss Adeline, res as above. Sullivan, John P., bar tender, 215 W. Olive, bds same. Sully, Mrs. C. M., boarding house keeper, Jefferson nr Pacific, N S. Surges, Mrs. Anna, res 1208 Boonville. Sutter, L., (Sutter & Headley, grocers,) 215 Boonville, resides 315 E Phelps. Sweet, A. W., dealer in real estate, bds Harding House, N S. Swor, Miss Julia A., seamstress, bds 204 W Walnut. T Talcott, D. R., farmer, res cor Benton ave and Pacific st, N S. Tallen, Thos., laborer, res 208 W Phelps. Tallen, Miss Mary, res same as above. Taunt, Almet, stone cutter, res 610 St. Louis. Taunt, Frank, hostler, at Agnew's stable, 214 W Olive, bds 215 same. Taylor, J. Z., clerk, with Fox & Mc Masters, W Commercial st, cor Commercial and Boonville, N S. Taylor, H. D., brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res cor Pacific st and Robberson ave, N S. Taylor, E. D., Delmonico Restaurant, Commercial st, near Boonville, N S. Tedrick, George, clerk, 238 South, res 208 W. Walnut. Tedrick, Robert-, res same as above. Teed, Orlo, carpenter, res 804 Florence. Teed, Harry H., machinist, Springfield Iron Works, res same as above. Teed, Miss Anna, res 412 N Campbell. Teed, Prissy, col'd, waiter, 210 St, Louis. Tefft, J. E., physician and surgeon, 144 Pub. Sq, res 408 St. Louis. Templin, Dr. F., bds 313 W Phelps. Terry, Robert, res 302 Pacific. Terry, Joseph, laborer, res 409 College. Terry, D. M., horse jockey, res same as above. Teveball, Louis, col'd, laborer, res 304 Weaver. Teveball, Francis, col'd, washerwoman, res 511 Weaver. Thackery, W. R., carpenter, res 509 N Campbell. Thackery, Adalaska, painter, res same as above. Thackery, H. M., blacksmith, res same as above. Thomas, A. B., (Thomas & Norris, proprietors Metropolitan Hotel,) 220 College. Thomas, Miss Martha, works at 215 W. Olive. Thomas. John, col'd, laborer, res rear of 541 W Pine. Thomas, Hickey, col'd, res rear of 701 Weaver. Thompson, M. C., machinist, Spgf'd Wagon Factory, res 215 E Water. Thompson, Geo. W., machinist, res 509 N Main. Thompson, Samuel, miller, at Nevada City, res 500 N Main. Thompson, Wm. F., harness maker, res 315 Mill. Thompson, Jas. R., painter, res 315 Mill. Thompson, C. W., painter, res 615 W Phelps. Thompson, Mrs. Mary A., res 315 Miil. Thompson, Miss Hester A., waiter at Metropolitan, res 315 Mill. Thorsan, George, blacksmith, Railroad Shops, bds North Springfield House. Thornhill, William, res rear of 535 W Pine. Thornhill, James H., res as above. Thornhill, John W., res as above. Thrasher, C. W., (Thrasher & Young, attorneys at law,) 125 Pub, Sq., res 605 Boonville. Thurston, Henry, carpenter, res 721 South. Tilley, Frank, col'd, laborer, res 232 Weaver. Tillman, W. J., farmer, res 408 State. Tillman, Mrs. A. M., res as above. Timball, Julia, col'd, works at 501 N Jefferson. Timmons, W. P.,millineryand fancy goods, 133 Pub. Sq., res same. Tinker, W. H., traveling salesman, bds 317 South. Titus, Joseph, (Titus & Ferguson, grocers,) 225 St. Louis, res 606 E Walnut. Tompkins, Clay, painter, res rear of 507 Market. Tompkins, Miss Josie, res as above. Toomer, R. F., traveling salesman, res 714 S Jefferson. Townes Richard, painter1 220 College, res 728 S Campbell. Townes, John J., hack-driver, bds 215 W Olive. Townsend, Wm. M. A., dealer in boots and shoes, 101 Pub. Sq., res 514 Benton ave. Townsend, Miss Sadie V., student, res as above. Townsend, W. N., clerk, 101 Pub. Sq., res as above. Townsend, G. H., student, res as above. Townsend, J. B., (J. B. Townsend & Co., hardware dealers,) 123 Public Square, res 312 E Walnut. Townsend, Thomas, clerk, as above, res as above. Townsend, Edward F., student, res as above. Townsend, W., clerk, 215 Boonville, res 316 Cherry. Townsend, T. B., stock-dealer, res 602 N Jefferson. Townsend, T. B., jr., clerk, 215. South, res same as above. Townsend, M., stock dealer, res 124 Public Square. Townsend, A. M., trader, headquarters at Probate Clerk's office, Court House. Trace, D. B., carpenter, res 829 N Jefferson. Thrace, Miss M. A., res as above. Tracey, J. P., (Leach & Tracey, editors Patriot-Advertiser) 208 St. Louis, res 809 W. Walnut. Tracey, John R., clerk, Metropolitan Hotel, 220 College. Trammel, Mrs. P. A., res 901 N Main. Transfield, John, watchman at Schmook's Mill, bds 326 Boonvllle. Trantham, W. H. B., editor , Southwester, Jefferson, nr Commercial, N S, res Benton ave. Travers, O. H., (Simmons & Travers, attorneys-at-law,) 107 Public Square, res 711 Billings. Trowbridge, G. N., brickmaker, Schmook's Yard, North Grant, resides 607 same. Truesdell, J. B., laborer, res Benton ave nr State, N S. Tucker, Miss Laura, student, res 1322 Benton ave. Tucker, Isaac, grain dealer, res 508 W Walnut. Turner, N. B., grocer, 210 Boonville, res same. Turner, D. W., County Assessor, res 607 E Walnut. Turner, Mrs. Ellen, works at 322 South. Tuthill, Joshna, book-keeper, 137 Pub. Sq., bds 226 St. Louis. Tutt, Louis, col'd, gardener, res rear of 603 W Phelps. Twigger, George, carpenter, Railroad Shops, resides east of the Jefferson road, N S. Twigger, John, gardener, res as above. Twombley, A. F., engineer, S. & W. M., Railroad, res Washington ave, nr Pacific st, N S. U Ullman, Dr. L., dealer in county warrants, residence and office 309 College. Unwake, Upton, teamster, bds with A. B. Clayton, Benton avenue, nr Pacific st, N S. Underhill, W. A., tailor, res 418 E Elm. Underwood, F. J., dealer in patent rights, res Benton ave, corner Atlantic st, N S. Upham, F. B., brick molder, res corner Pacific st and Robberson avenue, N S. V Van Arsdale, Mrs. C. M, res 214 E Walnut. Van Bibber. James, County Clerk, office in Court House, resides 711 Boonville. Van Bibber, Alfred H., student, res same as above. Vanderbilt, J., carpenter. bds 330 St Louis. Vanhoose, Dr. Z, physician and surgeon, 206 Boonville, res 607 W Walnut. Van Hoozer, Isaac, drummer, res 401 N Main. Van Hoozer, Mrs. Isaac, boarding house keeper, 401 N Main. Vaughan, J. R., (Boyd & Vaughan, attorneys at law,) 102 Public Square, res 315 W Chestnut. Vaughn, Benj. N., col'd farmer, res 717 N Evans. Vaughn, Lucinda, col'd, res same as above. Vaughn, Columbus, col'd, fariner, res 591 N Jefferson. Vaughn, S. M., col'd, clerk, 217 St Louis, bds same as above. Vaughn, Dan, col'd, laborer. res 511 N Grant. Veech, A., clerk, Freight Depot, N S, res Pacific st, nr Campbell. Vest, Mrs. Melinda, res 800 Boonville. Vick, G. O., miller at Anchor Mills, res W Commercial st, N S. Vickrey, Miss Jennie, dressmaker, res 615 W Phelps. Vinton, S. S., jr.. clerk, Doling, Parce & Gray, Commercial street, bds Harding House, N S. Vinton, Jackson, col'd, res rear of 615 St Louis. Vinton, Mary, col'd, washerwoman, res same as above. Volner. A. W., res 403 N Main. Volner, George, machinist, res same as above. Von Gunden, Mrs. E., washerwoman, res 503 Boonville. Vroman, Mrs. Mary, res 513 E Elm. W Waddill, J. S., attorney at law, 102 Public Square, res 701 Pearl. Waddill, James R., (Waddill & Crenshaw, attorneys at law,) 102 Public Square, res 703 N Jefferson. Waddill, R. S., traveling salesman, with Keet, Rountree & Co., 120 Public Square, res 600 S Jefferson. Waddings, J. M., cabinet maker, with Kassler & Paxson, 223 College, bds 219 College. Wagner, Adolph, book binder, with C. B. McIntire, 221 South st, res 400 Benton ave. Wagner, Albert, engineer, St. L. & S. F. Railroad res Jefferson, nr Division, N S. Wagner, Celia, col'd, works at 212 E South alley. Wagnon, Miss Sarah, works at 707 State. Waite, Mrs. D. P., (J. B. Townsend & Co., hardware,) 123 Public Square, res 416 E Walnut. Waite, Miss Minnie, student, Drury College, bds Fairbanks Hall. Waits, Isaac, wiper, Round House, bds cor Pac. and Webster, N S. Waldrup, J. M., farmer, res 303 N Main. Walker, Horace, machinist, Springfield Iron Works,, boards 226 St Louis. Walker, Ralph, res 413 E Pine. Walker,______, col'd, res 701 N. Evans. Walker, Eliza, col'd, res 405 Washington ave. Walker, Caroline, col'd, servant, 305 W Center. Wallace, J. M., photographer, with W. S. Johnson, 21S St. Louis, bds 210 same. Wallace, Allen, col'd, works at 210 W Walnut. Wallace, Thomas, col'd, res 603 S Jefferson. Wallace, Martha, col'd, washerwoman, res 304 Weaver. Ward, N. W., agent for washing machines, res 629 W Walnut. Ward, Caleb, hack driver, res 409 Poplar. Ward, Joseph, expressman, res 519 W Elm. Ward, Mrs. Sarah A., housekeeper, rear of 535 W Center. Ward, Benjamin, col'd, porter, Metropolitan Hotel, res 41S E Elm. Ward, John, col'd, laborer, res 310 Madison. Ward, George, col'd, stone mason, res 316 Madison. Ward, Mary, col'd, washerwoman, res rear of 605 Wash'n St. Warner. S., machinist, Railroad Shops, res, cor State and Wash'n` streets, N S. Warner, S. M., laborer, Railroad Shops, res 1219 N Jefferson. Warren, Frank H., attorney at law, 204 St Louis, bds 226 same. Watkins, Miss Martha, works at 307 E Pine. Watson, Lucy F., col'd, seamstress, res 618 St Louis. Weaver, J. J., farmer, res 523 W Phelps. Weaver, Miss Bettie, res same as above. Weaver, L., (Weaver, Wood & Co., merchants,) 118 Pub. Square, 800 W Phelps. Weaver, Fred, grocer, 403 Boonville, res 308 E Phelps. Weaver, James, farmer, res 608 N Campbell. Weaver, George W., laborer, res 711 St. Louis. Weaver, John A., laborer, res same as above. Weaver, Jas., laborer, res 713 St Louis. Weaver, Allen, col'd, blacksmith, res rear of 515 E Center. Weaver, Mrs. Mahala, col'd, washerwoman, res 405 Wash'n ave. Weaver, Matilda, col'd, servant, 907 Washington. Webb, Mrs. Maria, res 413 E Walnut. Webster, Wm. C., carpenter, res corner Washington avenue and Atlantic st, N S. Wellman, Mrs. G. B., proprietor South Street Boarding House, 311 South st. Wellman, Henry, col'd, laborer, res 505 S Main. Wells, W. M., tin peddler, res 415 W Calhoun. Wells, Miss Arminta, res same as above. Wentworth, J. R., Passenger and Freight Agent, St. L. and S. F. Railroad, res Jefferson st, nr Locust, N S. Wesson, M. B., proprietor of Wesson brick yard, 705 N Grant. Wesson, Mrs. W. D., res same as above. West, Dr. A. J., dentist, 131 Public Square, res 701 Benton ave. Westmoreland, H., stock dealer, res 408 Benton ave. Westmoreland, Miss Mary, res same as above. Westmoreland, Hannah, col'd, washerwoman, resides rear of 609 St. Louis. Whitcomb, O. A., (Whitcomb & Williams, painters and paper hangers,) res 417 S Grant. White, Mrs. E. L., (Adams & White, merchants,) 218 College, bds 210 St. Louis. White, B. T., clerk, 224 College, bds 305 South. White, J. R., book-keeper, 211 College, res 204 Mt. Vernon. White, J. T., (Nearing & White, meat market,) 2I7 ½ College, res 606 W Walnut. White, John E., (Shockley & White, carpenters,) 208 S Jefferson, res 609 N Main. White, William, carpenter, res 909 Boonville. White, R. N., carpenter, res 720 South. White, John, col'd, barber, rear of 111 Public Square, boards 704 Washington ave. White, Aaron C., col'd, laborer, res 509 Weaver. Whitehead, G. M., (Whitehead & Patterson, painters,) 224 College, res 407 W Phelps. Whitehead, Jerry, col'd, teamster, res 1100 Earle. Whitfield, Dan, col'd, laborer, res 807 N Grant. Whitock, W. Porter, livery stable, 112 Public Square, resides 305 W Center. Whitsitt, Albert, col'd, farmer, res 207 Hampton ave. Whitsitt, George, col'd, laborer, res same as above. Whitsitt, Lucy. col'd, res same as above. Whitson, B. S.,. blacksmith, 216 W South al, res 801 W Walnut. Whitson, Miss Laura, teacher, Room No. 10, Jefferson St. Public School, res same as above. Whitson, Miss Cora, artist, res same as above. Whitson, Miss Lou., music teacher, res same as above. Whitson, Miss Ella, res same as above. Whitson, Albert, col'd, servant at Capt Jones', East Chestnut. Whittaker, G. J., carpenter, Railroad Shops, res Benton ave, north of State st, N S. Wicker, Elizabeth, housekeeper., 413 N Campbell. Widman, C., baker, res 310 W Olive. Wiegmann, Rev. Karl, Minister German Evangelical Church, res 212 Boonville. Wiegman, H. B., picture agent, res 703 E Elm. Wightman, F. H., brakeman, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, res corner Webster and Pacific sts, N S. Wightman, Miss Jennie, res same as above. Wilburn, Ed., col'd, res rear of 617 St Loms. Wilburn, Anthony, servant, 210 E Walnut. Wilburn, Celia, col'd, res rear of 617 St Louis. Wilburn, Lazarus, col'd, res same as above. Wiley, W. F., res 707 Boonville. Wilkerson, Miss M. M., hair worker, res 206 N Jefferson. Wilkerson, J. F., tobacconist, with Wm. Porter & Sons, 439 St.Louis, res 617 Billings. Wilkerson, David, wagon maker, Springfield Wagon Factory, res rear of 621 St Louis. Wilkerson, Thomas A., Springfield Wagon Factory, resides same as above. Wilkison, Mrs. Jane, res 615 St. Louis. Wilks, Rev. Jesse M., Pastor Christian Church, 301 College, res 322 South. Wilks, Henry, student, res 322 South. Willard, Miss Minnie, music teacher, res 412 E Water. Willeke, F. E., jeweler, 119 Public Square, bds 317 South. Willeke, Joseph G., jeweler, as above, bds 209 Mt Vernon. Williams, Thomas, produce dealer, cor Walnut and Campbell, res 226 College. Williams, John W.,(Weaver,Wood & Co., merchants,) 110 Public Square, res 806 W Walnut. Williams, Newton, clerk for Newsom & Jarrett, 242 South, res 610 W Walnut. Williams, Fred D., Cigar maker, bds Lyon House, N S. Williams, John T., clerk Bridge and Road Dept's, St. L. & S. F.Railroad, res State st, bet Benton and Wash'n aves., N S. Williams, D. L., wagon maker, Springfield Wagon Factory, bds 304 E Water. Williams, H. F., (Whitcomb & Williams, painters and paper hangers,) res 507 Billings. Williams, Allen, hostler at Kinney's livery stable, E South alley, bds 212 South Campbell st Williams, Chas, col'd, barber, res 1312 Washington ave. Williams, Irving, col'd, laborer, res 541 W Chestnut st. Williams, Maria, col'd, res rear of 211 S Jefferson. Williamson, Mrs. Martha, res 409 N Pearl. Wilson, A. H., County Collector, office Court House, resides 502 College street. Wilson, W. L., druggist, Commercial st, near Freight Depot., bds with J. M Wilson, W Commercial St, NS. Wilson, A. K., druggist, Same as above, boards same. Wilson, J.M., farmer, res W Comm'l st, nr Anchor Mills, N S. Wilson, Mrs._________, res 604 Lincoln. Wilson, G. W., auctioneer, res cor Campbell and State sts. N S. Wilson, Mrs. Amanda, servant .at 313 W Phelps. Wilson, Mrs. Nancy, works at 905 Union. Wilson, Peter, col'd, gardener, at 419 Boonville. Wilson, Jane, col'd, cook, at 701 Pearl. Wilson Henry, col'd, laborer res rear of 301 N. Jefferson. Wilson Shade, col'd, laborer, res 307 N Evans. Wilson Henry. col'f, teamster, bds 602 South. Wilson, Jane, col'd, res 222 E Center ave. Wilson, Jane, col'd, res Ebenezer road, N S. Wimmer, E., student at Catholic School, bds with Robt. Newman, cor Robberson ave and Pacific st, N S. Winfield, Alex., col'd, laborer, nr Ebenezer road, N S. Winfield, Handy, col'd, laborer. res rear of 614 E Water. Wirth, Henry, gardener, with J. T. Keet, 325 St. Louis. Wise, Miss Mary, waiter, at Mrs. Hamilton's, Commercial st, bet Benton and Washington aves. N S Wisener, Sylvester, col'd, laaborer, res rear of 605 Washington ave. Withrow, S. D., clerk with D. C. See, 240 South st, res 616 E. Elm. Witty, James, laborer, 404 W. State. Woelk, E. O. tobacconist, 124 Public Square, res 213 E. Walnut. Wood, J. M., (Weaver, Wood, & Co., dry goods and groceries.) 118 Public Square, res 600 College. Woodbury, D. M., (Henshey & Woodbury, dry goods and clothing) 211 Boonville st. res 219 Benton ave Woodle, T. J., teamster, res Pacific st, nr Jefferson ave, N S. Woodrow, Garrett, col'd, farmer, res rear of 507 E Water. Woodrum, N. J., col'd, well digger, res 703 South. Woods,______, plasterer, bds 215 W Olive. Woods, Lydia Jane, col'd, res rear of 615 St Louis. Woolf, Daniel, (Woolf Bros., clothiers,) 141 Public Square, res 407 Walnut. Woolf, E. M., sslesman with S. W. McLaughlin, 309 N. Campbell, res 304 N Grant. Woolf, J. H. B., clerk, with W. A. Hall, 110 Public Sq., bds 210 St Louis. Wollard, Henry, col'd, blacksmith, with McCurdy & Collins, 331-3 St. Louis, res 233 Benton ave. Wollard, A. Lafayette, col'd, laborer, res 233 Benton ave. Woolley, Geo. A. C., Register U. S. Land Office, res 510 W Walnut. Woolsey, N. W., laborer, res 409 College. Worrell, Mrs. S. M., ice cream saloon, 132 Pub., Sq., res same. Worrell, Caleb, tobacconist, with Geo. Anthony, res 719 South. Wren, John, laborer, with with J. F. Atzert 728 S Main. Wriight, Dr. C. F., Dentist, 106 Pub. Sq., res 717 Boonville. Wright, E. A., ag't musical instruments and sewing machines, 208 South, res 493 S Jefferson. Wright, A. W., architect and builder, res Arcade. nr Commercial street, N S. Wright, Asa, P., machinist, St. L. & S. F. Railroad, boards with A. W Wright, Arcade St, N S. Wright, Thomas E., butcher, Commercial st., One door west of on Lyon House, N S. Wright, C. P., tailor, rear of 111 Pub. Sq , res 535 W Center. Wright, John, carpenter, Springfield Iron Works, 13 Mill street, res 720 S Main. Wright, Jacob, col'd, (Wright & Jefferson, shoemakers,) 210 North Jefferson, res same. Wrightsman, Joseph, Baptist Minister, res 310 South alley. Wunder, Isaac S., butcher, with E. Wunder & Co., 219 St. Louis, res over meat market. Wunder, Benj. J., butcher, with E.Wunder & Co., 219 St. Louis, bds St. Louis Street House. Wyand, Ernest, expressman, resides Webster, near Commercial sitreet, N. S. Y Yancey, Ellen, col'd, washerwoman, res 520 Weaver. York, William N., carriage maker, rear of 225 St. Louis, res 225 Benton ave. Young, Henry C., (Thrasher & Young, attorneys at law,) 125 Public Square, res 322 South. Young, Charles G., student, res 322 South. Young, Dr. Henry R., dentist, res 213 Benton ave. Young, Joseph, traveling salesman, res 612 S Campbell. Young, Mrs. Harriet, res Young House, 317 South. Young, Mrs. Ann, bds 715 W. Phelps. Young, Lewis, col'd, laborer, Springfield Iron Works. Young, Robert, Col'd, plasterer, res rear of 306 E Phelps. Young, Henry, col'd, laborer, res 303 Washington ave. Young, Chaney, col'd, res 1110 Earle. Young, Presley, col'd, res same as above. Young, Mary, col'd, res same as above. Young, Caroline, col'd, washerwoman, res 1006 Earle. Young, Alex, col'd, laborer, res 404 E Phelps. Z Zeigler, J. J., Car repairer, Railroad Shops, res corner Boonville and State sts, N. S. Zeigler, John, shoemaker, Commercial st, nr Boonville, N S.
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