Greene County Biographies
Greene County Biographies
From: Past and Present of Greene County, Missouri Early and Recent History and Genealogical Records of Many of the Representative Citizens by Jonathan Fairbanks and Clyde Edwin Tuck BENJAMIN F. TEGARDEN. In studying the life record of Benjamin F. Tegarden it will be seen that he is the possessor of those attributes which never fail to win success if persistently and properly directed, as has evidently been done in his case, for he has accomplished definite results in many lines of human endeavor, including extensive mining operations, a large meat packing business and at present he ranks among the most progressive agriculturalists and stockmen of Greene county, being proprietor of beautiful "Clover Leaf Hereford Farm" in Murray township, where he is carrying on farming under the most approved and advanced twentieth century methods and is making a specialty of handling a high-grade of live stock. Mr. Tegarden was born December 15, 1857, in Orange county, Indiana. He is a son of Andrew and Sarah (Fisher) Tegarden. The father was born in Kentucky in 1802, where he spent his boyhood, and located in Indiana in 1818, when sixteen years of age, with his parents, Basil Tegarden and wife, and he spent the remainder of his life in Orange county, that state, on the farm where he first located. He made many visits to Missouri but never established his home in this state. He devoted his active life to general farming and made live stock raising a specialty. He prospered through his able management and judicious dealings with his fellow men, and became one of the leading farmers of Orange county, owning seven hundred and sixty acres of valuable land at the time of his death. He was well informed on general topics and an influential man in the affairs of his community. He was very successful in a business way and accumulated considerable wealth all through his individual efforts, for he started out in life without a dollar. His death occurred November 8, 1872, at the age of seventy years. He was known as a man of public-spirits, charitably inclined and a true friend to those worthy of his friendship, and he was widely known and highly esteemed for his many fine qualities. Andrew Tegarden was three times married, first to a Miss Lee, by which union four children were born, namely: William Henry, Abraham, John and Jane, all now deceased. His second wife, Mrs. _____ Finley, bore him five children, namely: Joseph, Polly Ann, Sally, Amanda, all four deceased; and Preston, who lives in Fort Scott, Kansas. His third wife, Sarah Fisher, was born in Orange county, Indiana, in 1822, and her death occurred January 16, 1877, at the age of fifty-five years. Ten children were born to this last union, named as follows: Benjamin F., of this sketch; David Andrew lives in Kansas; Winfield Scott lives in Arkansas; Elijah Elsworth lives in Kansas; Ulysses Grant lives in Springfield, Missouri; Robert Basil makes his home in Arkansas; Mrs. Cora Dell Carr, of Indiana, and John Reed, of California, were twins; Elmer J. is a resident of Louisiana; the youngest child died in infancy. Benjamin F. Tegarden spent his boyhood days on his father's farm in Orange county, Indiana, and there he learned the various phases of agricultural pursuits which stood him so well in hand in later life, and he received his early education in the public schools of his native community, but left school at the age of thirteen years, when his father died, continuing to assist with the work on the home place until he was eighteen years of age, when he struck out in life for himself, and he is today a fine example of a successful self-made man. He began his career by working in a brick yard, keeping his eyes open the meanwhile and learning thoroughly the brick making business, spending three years in the same yard. He also learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed two years. For some time he devoted his attention to well drilling in western Kansas. He has traveled extensively, having been in twenty-seven states. Farming has formed no small portion of his life work. He is entitled to rank with the progressive, scientific, well-informed husbandman who is doing much to place this country on an equal basis with the best as an agricultural country. For ten years he engaged in the mining business at Joplin, Missouri, Arkansas, and what was then the Indian Territory. He also followed the show business for three years and the meat packing business for eight years, in partnership with his brother, Ulysses Grant Tegarden, they having founded the Tegarden Packing Company of Springfield, Missouri, which has long been a successful and well-known concern throughout this section of the country. Our subject is no longer connected with this splendid and well-equipped plant, but it is still operated by the Welsh Packing Company. Our subject also followed the meat packing business in Fort Scott, Kansas, for some time. He at present has interests in mines in California. It was in 1904 that he came to Springfield and he resided there until 1913, when he bought his present fine farm of three hundred and sixty acres in Murray township, which is one of the best and most desirable farms in Greene county, none being more highly improved or more productive, however, it was badly "run down" when he took possession of it, but by hard work, the expenditure of ample funds and the application of modern ideas of farming he has transformed it into an estate of which he should be justly proud and which is one of the show places of the township. He has remodeled the barns and painted them an attractive red and made such other improvements as were necessary. He has a feed mill, and his residence is commodious and nicely furnished. The general surroundings are beautiful, and everything about the place indicates thrift, good management and excellent taste. In connection with general farming he is making a specialty of handling Percheron horses and Hereford cattle, being a breeder of the latter. At this writing he has seventy head of cattle and nine head of horses, and is also an extensive raiser of a good grade of hogs. He has worked hard to make his place a model farm in every respect and is realizing the accomplishment of his ambition. Mr. Tegarden was married on December i8, i8go, to Margaret Crawford, who was bom in Iowa, a daughter of Harvey and Mary (Riley) Crawford, both n atives of Indiana and both now deceased. They spent their early days in their native state, finally establishing their home in Iowa, where they became comfortably located and were well known and highly respected and there Mrs. Tegardert grew to womanhood and was educated. She has proved to be a fit helpmeet to her energetic husband in every way and no little amount of his success has been due to her encouragement and counsel. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Teagarden has been blessed by the birth of three children, namely: Hazel Dorothy, who married George Bolds, who is now connected with the Kansas City Star, and he is also a vaudeville sketch and song writer of some note and has placed two benefit shows on in Kansas City which were a success; this marriage has been without issue. Harvey married Nellie Harrison, a native of Greene county; he lives with his father, whom he is assisting on the home farm; he and his wife have one child, Benjamin F., Jr., Bernice, the youngest of our subject's children, is at home with her parents. Politically, Mr. Teagarden is a Progressive, is a man of liberal views on civic, religious and other questions, and while he takes much interest in public matters has never sought or held office and has no fraternal affiliations. He is essentially a business man and a home man, never better contented than when by his own cheerful fireside with his mutually happy family. Mrs. Tegarden is a member of the Methodist church. They are both known to their neighbors as hospitable, helpful and kindly disposed. NORMAN FULLINWIDER TERRY, M. D. Ceaselessly to and fro flies the deft, shuttle which weaves the web of human destiny, and into the vast mosaic fabric enter the individuality, the effort, the accomplishment of each man, be his station that most lowly or one of majesty, pomp and power. Within the textile folds may be traced the line of each individuality, be it the one that lends the beautiful sheen of honest worth and useful endeavor, or one that, dark and zigzag, finds its way through warp and woof, marring the composite beauty by its blackened threads, ever in evidence of the shadowed and unprolific life. Into the great aggregate each individuality is merged, and yet the essence of each is never lost, be the angle of its influence wide-spreading and grateful, or narrow and baneful. That properly applied industry, faithfulness to duty, a wise economy and sound judgment, are the surest contributing elements to success, was exemplified in the life of the late Dr. Norman Fullinwider Terry, who for a number of years was one of the foremost physicians and surgeons of Springfield and southwestern Missouri. The cause of humanity never had a truer friend than this valued gentleman who has passed to the higher life. The stereotyped words customary on such occasions seem but mockery in writing of such a man when we remember all the grand traits that went to make the character of this noble man. In all the relations of life--family, church, civic, professional and society he displayed that consistent gentlemanly spirit, that innate refinement and unswerving integrity that endeared him alike to man, woman and child. Doctor Terry was born October 3, 1853 in Kossuth, Iowa. He was a son of Sherman and Leah Jane (Bruce) Terry. The father was a native of the state of New York, from which he removed in pioneer times to Iowa and established the future home of the family. After living a number of years in Des Moines county he removed to Mt. Pleasant, that state. His grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and his eldest son Stewart Bruce Terry, served four years in the Civil war, in fact throughout the struggle, in an Iowa regiment, and, being captured, he served ten months in Andersonville prison. When Norman F. Terry was a small child he removed with his parents to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and there grew to manhood and received his early education in the public schools, later becoming a student in the Iowa Wesleyan University. Ambitious to become a physician and especially a great surgeon, he taught school two years in order to get money to defray his expenses in medical college, meanwhile laying a foundation by home study during his spare time. In due course he entered Miami Medical College in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he made a brilliant record, and from which institution he was graduated with the class of 1876. And in 1893 he took a post graduate course at the Chicago Polyclinic Medical School. He first began practicing his profession in northern Iowa, but owing to the severity of the climate and the condition of his father's health he removed with his parents to Lyons, Kansas, where he built up a large practice, and while there was local surgeon for the Santa Fe and Frisco systems. He was especially successful in surgery and spared no pains and efforts to become a great surgeon, and he lived to see his laudable ambition gratified. He came to Springfield, Missouri, in 1894, where he remained in active practice until his death, or for a period of twenty years, during which he ranked in the fore-front of the medical men of Greene county and the Ozark region and was widely recognized as one of the greatest surgeons of the Southwest. Scores of calls from all over this locality made him see the great need of a modernly appointed hospital in Springfield, and he founded one here, Springfield Hospital, of which he became president. Although it was a commodious one to begin with, it had to be enlarged from time to time to adequately meet the great demand. Under his able management it became very successful and still stands as a monument to his devotion to the public welfare, city pride and profession. Doctor Terry was married on February 3, 1881, to Leora Hibler, a lady of many commendable attributes of head and heart, who has always been a favorite with a wide circle of friends. She is a daughter of Alton H. and Mary A. (Baxter) Hibler, of St. Louis, Missouri. She had the advantages of an excellent education. The union of Doctor and Mrs. Terry was without issue. Politically, Doctor Terry was a Republican, and religiously he belongs to the Methodist church. He belonged to the Society of Sons of the American Revolution, and was a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity when in the university. He was a member of the Association of Railway Surgeons, the Missouri State Medical Association, the American Medical Association, and the Greene County Medical Society, and at one time was president of the last named. He was a charter member of the Springfield Club. He was for several years a lecturer to advanced students in Drury College on physiology. He was a fluent, learned and entertaining writer and contributed numerous papers to various medical journals and for a number of org animations to which he belonged, and he left in manuscript a work of fiction which was intended to portray his ideal of a true man in medical practice. Personally, he was modest, unassuming, but progressive in his ideas and helpful to all those with whom he came in contact. ABNER D. THOMPSON. One of the most enterprising farmers of Clay township, Greene county, is Abner D. Thompson, who has considered himself fortunate, and indeed he might well do so, that he has been permitted to spend his life on the homestead, for, in the first place, as one of our great writers said long ago, "There is no place like home," and also because his home happened to be in a country greatly favored by nature. It is true that it took a great deal of hard work to get Greene county in proper shape for agricultural purposes, but once in condition there is no better. Mr. Thompson was born in Greene county, Missouri, July 28, 1855. He is a son of James and Elizabeth (Dabbs) Thompson. The father was born, in Henry county, Tennessee, December 13, 1822, and in 1829, when seven years old, he came to Missouri with his parents, the family having made the trip in wagons, experiencing a number of hardships en route. They settled in Greene county among the earliest pioneers, when this locality was indeed a wilderness, the vast forests having as yet heard the ring of the axe but little and the wide rolling prairies were still unscarred by the plowshare. It was amid such environment that the father of the subject of this sketch grew to manhood. He found plenty of hard work to do in assisting to develop a farm, and he received a meager education in the old-time subscription schools. He remained under his parental roof tree until he was twenty years of age, then began life on the farm for himself, entering land from the government and purchasing other tracts until he became owner of valuable holdings aggregating eight hundred acres. He had some of the finest farms in the county. He kept his land in good shape and was a prosperous farmer and extensive raiser of live stock and also a large dealer in stock, was very successful as a trader. He was one of the prominent men of the county in the early days. In the fall of 1864, during the Civil war days, he drove a large herd of cattle to the northern part of the state, where he sold them and upon his homeward trip was waylaid and killed, October 5, 1864, about a mile from his home. It was supposed that he had a large sum of money on his person at the time, and bushwhackers murdered him; however, the mystery has never been cleared up. Politically, be was a Democrat. On May 21, 1854, he married Elizabeth Dabbs, who was born in North Carolina, March 27, 1831, who came at an early age to Missouri with her parents, the family locating in Greene county. After her husband's death she reared her four children. She, too, met a tragic end, having been killed by a cyclone April 18, 1880. In all, five children were born to James Thompson and wife, namely: Abner D.,of this sketch being the eldest; William Edward, born February 3, 1858, died August 13, 1861; James P., born May 16, 1860, is living in California; Mrs. Mary L. Fulbright, born May 15, 1863; Mrs. Elizabeth McCracken, born January 25, 1865, is living in California. Abner D. Thompson was born and reared where he is now living, and educated in the district schools. Being the oldest child he took the lead in making a livelihood for the family after his father's death, being only nine years old at that time. He finally became owner of the homestead, and at this time has one of the best farms in the township, consisting of three and ten acres. He has kept the place well improved and has a good home. The land is all in cultivation with the exception of about thirty-five acres which is in timber. He has been very successful as a general farmer. Mr. Thompson deals extensively in live stock, shipping on an average of twenty cars of hogs and cattle each year. Mr. Thompson was married, December 4, 1879, to Janie S. Galloway, who was born in Barry county, Missouri, and is a daughter of Major Charles and Susan (Carney.) Galloway. She came to Greene county when a young girl and was reared on a farm. She received a common school education. She had a narrow escape from death in the cyclone of April 18, 1880, in which her mother was killed. Nine children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, namely: Mrs. Jessie Anderson lives in California; Susie E., born November 15, 1883, lives at home; Charles E., born March 15, 1885, is farming in Greene county; Catherine Rena, born February 14, 1887, is working in Springfield at the McDaniel National Bank; Mrs. Janie Dee Gibson, born June 1,1889, lives in Greene county; Mrs. Ruth Gibson, born June 18, 1893. Janie and Ruth married brothers. Bettie, born July 20, 1895, lives at home; Anna Lee, born July 27, 1897, lives at home; Mary Eunice, born February 8, 1903, is at home. Politically, Mr. Thompson is a Democrat. Fraternally, he belongs to the Modern Woodmen. WILLIAM E. THOMPSON. It used to be if there was a bright boy in the farmer's family he must needs forsake the farm to become a lawyer, or a doctor, or some sort of a. professional man, but those whose wits were seen to be dull, would do very well on the farm. On the surface it would seem that the farms lost and the professions gained. But it was not always so and more often the farmer lad who chose to remain on the farm outstripped his apparently brighter brother. Yet because he dealt with things earthly his occupation and he himself, likewise, were very frequently "looked down upon." As years went by, however, it became more and more apparent that to succeed in crop producing required knowledge no less exacting in its requirements and covering a vastly wider range of subjects than the knowledge which brought success in other walks of life. For many, many years, however, it was true that our practice as applied to crop raising far outran our knowledge of the principles involved. While it is true that the cultivation of the soil and the handling of crops will never become an exact science, yet the knowledge which we now apply to the work in which we are interested and which any tiller of the soil must have at his command, has increased manifold within very recent years. And it is because of this gain in knowledge, both theoretical and practical, that the attitude of every one toward the farmer and his occupation has changed. Today farming in its several more or less specialized branches of vegetable growing, fruit growing, berry raising, poultry raising, and field crop production is regarded as a worthy calling for the brightest and best minds in the land. One of the most progressive general agriculturists of the northern part of Greene county is William E. Thompson, of Cass township, who owns a large acreage of valuable land and who applies twentieth century methods to his business. Mr. Thompson was born in the above named township and county on January 14, 1867. He is a son of William E. Thompson, who was born on April 28, 1827, in Tennessee, and there he grew to manhood on his father's farm and received a common school education. Remaining in his native state until 1851, he emigrated to Greene county, Missouri, and established the future home of the family in Cass township. During the Civil war he served in the Federal army, in a home militia regiment, and was stationed in Springfield during the latter part of the conflict, however, he saw little actual fighting. After being discharged from the service he located on a farm of his own in Cass township and developed a good place through his good management and hard work. He married Malinda Earnest, May 23, 1850. She was born, June 11, 1830, and was a daughter of Wesley Earnest, one of the early settlers in the vicinity of Cave Spring, this county. To their marriage ten children were born, six of whom died when young; those who survived were named as follows: Sarah married Doctor Delzell, of Rogersville, Webster county, Missouri, where they still reside; Alice is the wife of W. S. Julian and they make their home near Gravel Springs, Oklahoma; William E., of this sketch; Ethel is the wife of W. E. Haun, and they live on a farm in Cass township. The father of the above children was a Democrat. He was an active member of the Presbyterian church, and gave liberally of his time and means in building the church of this denomination at Cave Spring, which structure has been used as a high school for a number of years. He was a member of the Masonic Order and was active in the work of the same in this county. The death of Mr. Thompson occurred on February 3, 1908, his wife having preceded him to the grave on June 14, 1906. They were held in high esteem by their neighbors and friends, being noted for their honesty, charity and hospitality. William E. Thompson, of this sketch, grew to manhood on the homestead farm in Cass township and there worked hard when a boy during the crop season. During the winter he attended the common schools and the high school at Cave Spring, later spending one term in Morrisville College and one term in Drury College, after which he worked with his father on the home farm for two years, then purchased a farm of his own. Ten years after leaving school he purchased his present excellent home farm of two hundred and forty acres. He has managed well and applied himself closely to his work as general farmer and stock raiser and, prospering with advancing years, has added to his original purchase other tracts until today he owns in all four hundred and five acres of valuable and well-improved land. He makes a specialty of raising large numbers of mules for the market. He is an excellent judge of live stock, especially of mules. He has a commodious home and substantial and convenient outbuildings where his stock, which he tries to keep up to a good grade, is properly cared for at all seasons. Everything about his place denotes thrift and that a man of modern ideas is at the helm. Mr. Thompson was married on February 12, 1890, to Fanny Staley, who was born in Cass township, Greene county, and there reared and educated. She is a daughter of Weldon E. and Angeline (Evans) Staley, a complete sketch of whom will be found on another page of this volume. To our subject and wife one child was born, which died in infancy. Politically, Mr. Thompson is a Democrat, and he has been more or less active and influential in local party affairs for some time, having been township committeeman for twelve years. GEORGE W. THURMAN. In any rich and progressive agricultural country, like that contiguous to the town of Republic, Greene county, Missouri, the flour milling business is usually found to be one of the most important industries. Here a vast acreage is put to wheat annually and the total number of bushels produced after the results of the threshing season are known is enormous, so a great and modern mill in the center of this nature-favored locality has sprung up, known as the Republic Custom and Merchant Mill Company, of which George. W. Thurman is manager. To conduct such a business successfully requires ability of a high order and characteristics that have been known to make for success whenever and to whatever they are properly and persistently applied. Mr. Thurman was born in this county, February, 22, 1870, and is the son of Caleb and Mary S. (Jenkins) Thurman. The father was born in Sevier county, Tennessee, in 1834, where he spent his boyhood and during the Civil war he removed to Arkansas, and after the close of the conflict came to Greene county, Missouri, and soon thereafter purchased a farm and devoted the rest of his life to general farming and stock raising here, making grain raising a specialty. He was a man of rare business ability and industry, and although he came here with little of this world's goods, only fifty cents in money and a pair of mules, he worked hard, managed well and prospered with advancing years, became owner of one of the finest farms in the western part of the county, which contained three hundred acres, and at the time of his death was worth twenty-five thousand dollars. He was a well-known man and influential citizen. His first wife was also a native of Tennessee and there spent her girlhood and they were educated in the common schools of their native state and were married upon leaving there for Arkansas. She proved to be a faithful helpmeet and is still living on the home place near Republic, at the age of eighty years. The death of Mr. Thurman occurred in January, 1909, at the age of seventy-five years. To these parents ten children were born, seven sons and three daughters, six of whom survive, namely: William H., I. J., Samuel G., Robert E., and Martha C., twins; James G., our subject; John died in infancy; Cyphronia A., and Mary Jane. George W. 'Thurman was reared on the homestead in Greene county and there he did his full share of the work during crop seasons when he became of proper age, and he received a good practical education in the local schools. In August, 1898, he was married to Hattie A. Orr, a native of Greene county, where she was reared and educated. She is a daughter of Elias R. and Martha Jane (Norman) Orr. Mr. Orr was of German descent, and he came to Greene county, Missouri early in the nineteenth century, from Ohio, and here became well established on a farm and spent the rest of his life, dying in Republic in October, 1907. His wife died in 1889. They were the parents of seven children, one son and six daughters, namely: Mary Elizabeth, Gracy Alta, Libby Emma, Hettie A., wife of our subject; Lula Mehelia, Horner Noah, and Edith Audry. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Thurman, named as follows: Gaynell H., born in October, 1899; Jewell Ivan, born March 7,1891; Noel, born March 7, 1903; Geneva died in infancy; Ruth, born in March, 19l4. Mr. Thurman remained on the home farm until he was twenty-three years of age, then began working as a stationary engineer, which he followed for a number of years. In March, 1904, he and five others formed a stock company and built the Republic Custom and Merchant Mill and have operated the same ever since. During the ten years of its existence it has been a marked success and its volume of business has gradually increased with the years. Mr. Thurman is active manager of the mill, and its pronounced success has been largely due to his able management. He is a close student of everything that pertains to the flour-milling business and has mastered every phase of the same, keeping fully abreast of the times in modern methods. This is one of the largest and best equipped mills in southwest Missouri. The building is a three-story substantial, well arranged and well located structure, and the equipment is up-to-date in every respect. In February, 1911, an electric light plant was added to .the equipment. The capacity of the mill is fifty barrels per day of flour and same of cornmeal, and the products of the same find a very ready market over the Southwest, owing to their superior quality. The following are the principal brands of flour produced here: "White Lily," "Satisfaction," and "Premium." Politically, Mr. Thurman is a Republican and he has long been active and influential in local public affairs. He is now incumbent of the office of police judge of Republic and is discharging his duties in this connection in a highly commendable manner. He has also served as alderman, and has done much for the material and moral upbuilding of Republic. Fraternally, he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Free and Accepted Masons. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman belong to the Knights and Ladies of Security, and the Eastern Star. JOSEPH A. M. TILLMAN. During the sixty-four years of his residence in Greene county, Joseph A. M. Tillman, a retired farmer of Clay township, has noted many important changes in this locality in which he is well and favorably known and in which nearly all his life has been spent, and here he has made a success as a general agriculturist because he has been both industrious and a close observer. He is a descendant of a prominent old Southern family, and is a second cousin of Benjamin Tillman, the noted United States senator from South Carolina. Many of the commendable qualities of his ancestors are noticeable in our subject. Mr. Tillman was born in McNeary county, Tennessee, July 7, 1848. He is a son of Samuel Taylor Tillman and Mary (Perry) Tillman. The father was born in Chatham county, North Carolina, in November, 1800, and the mother was born in the same county, in May, 1810, and there they grew to maturity. The father moved to Tennessee when a young man, locating in Bedford county, where he married and bought a farm, also owned a mill on Duck river. After living in Bedford county for some time he located in McNeary county, and remained there until 1850, when he brought his family to Greene county, Missouri, purchasing a farm a mile east of where his son, our subject, now resides, the place having contained one hundred and forty-six acres. Later the elder Tillman entered forty acres from the government here and had a good farm. He cleared all of his land and kept it in good condition. He was an extensive______ and trader and was a very successful general farmer. He took much interest in public affairs and before leaving Tennessee was justice of the peace for a period of fourteen years and also served in this capacity after coming to Greene county for a period of sixteen years. After buying a place in Greene county he went back to Tennessee where he remained fifteen years before returning to Greene county, Missouri. He died on his farm here in 1864. His wife was reared in North Carolina on a farm and moved with her parents to Tennessee. She was a member of the Christian, church. The father of our subject was twice married, his second wife being a sister of his first wife, and to his first union five children were born, namely: Louisa, Lidia, Calvin, Wesley, Newton, all deceased, the two latter having been killed while soldiers during the Civil war. The mother of these children was Clara Perry. His children by his second wife, Mary Perry, were ten in number and were named as follows: Margaret, Oram, both deceased; Newton was killed while serving in the Civil war; Stanley, Martha W. Caroline and Pearlee, all deceased; Joseph A. M. of this sketch, is the only survivor of the, fourteen children; Lucy, deceased; Samuel, deceased. The immediate subject of this sketch was two years old when his parents brought him over the rough roads from Tennessee to Missouri. He was reared on the farm and received a common school education in the Schools of Greene county. He remained on the homestead until his father's death, and he then operated the farm for his mother until he was married, on March 22, 1868, to Rebecca J. (Cunningham). He remained on the home farm about seven years, then rented land for five years, which he cultivated, and in March, 1881, bought one hundred acres, later adding twenty acres. He cleared and improved most of his land and built a cozy home on it and here he has since resided and has been successful as a general farmer, although he has been taking life easy for some four years, renting his land and merely overseeing it in a general way. Mrs. Tillman was born in Obion county, Tennessee, September 12, 1850. She is a daughter of Charles M. and Mary P. (Hubbard) Cunningham. The father was a native of middle Tennessee, where he was reared on a farm and received a common school education, and he became owner of a two hundred acre farm in his native state. He removed to Fulton county, Kentucky, in 1859, where he remained about two years, then went to Carroll county, Arkansas. When the Civil war broke out he came to Missouri and joined the Federal army in 1861, but died of measles soon after his career as a soldier began. Eleven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Tillman, namely: John W. lives in Greene county and during the campaign of 1914 was a candidate from two districts for associate judge; Samuel is deceased; Mrs. Mary J. Climer lives at Mentor, this county; Joseph's home is in Springfield; Fred is engaged in the mercantile business at Rogersville; Bertha is deceased; Mrs. Viola Wills lives in Springfield; Mrs. Minnie Hunt was a teacher in the Greene county schools for six years; Mrs. Pearl Chaffin lives in Ozark, Missouri; Mattie is deceased; Ross E. lives in Springfield. The wife of our subject was thirteen years old when she came to Greene county. She received a common school education. She often recalls the trip from Tennessee, which the family made in an ox wagon. She is a member of the Christian church. Politically, Mr. Tillman is a Democrat and has long been an active worker in the party. He has served as justice of the peace for four terms, also as notary public four terms, discharging his duties in an eminently satisfactory manner. He was appointed by the governor. While incumbent of the first office he married forty-eight couples. Fraternally, he belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He has been a consistent member of the Christian church since he was eighteen years of age. He is one of the leading citizens in Clay township. ISAAC T. TRACY. It is a pleasure to farm if one manages like Isaac T. Tracy, of Jackson township, Greene county. On his farm of large acreage it is doubtful if you could find anything materially out of its place. The owner has even been his own manager and carefully looks after details. Nothing is done in a haphazard manner, everything being carefully planned and methodically carried out. Mr. Tracy was born in Webster county, Missouri, April 15,1858, and the fact that he has spent his life in this section of the Ozark Mountains indicates that he has been contented with local conditions. He is a son of Evans and Sarah (Kinselo) Tracy, the father born near Glasgow, Barren county, Kentucky, in 1814, was reared on a farm there and received the usual limited education in the subscription schools of those frontier days. He remained in the Blue Grass state until 1840 when he emigrated to Missouri and settled in Greene county in 1841, entered a farm from the government, owning a good place of one hundred and twenty acres, which he cleared and developed. His wife was also born in Kentucky in 1817, and her death occurred on the homestead in Webster county, Missouri, December 16, 1888. She was reared on a farm in her native vicinity and attended the early-day schools. These parents were married in their native state. The father died on his farm in Webster county, where he removed from Greene in an early day, the date of his death being May 17, 1891. To Evans Tracy and wife nine children were born, namely: Mrs. Nellie Hill is the eldest; Erasmus lives in Fair Grove, Greene county; Mrs. Mary Debbis, Mrs. Amanda Burgone; James is deceased; Mrs. Mealy Britton, Mrs. Sarah Wommack, Isaac T. of this sketch; Samantha is the youngest. Isaac T. Tracy grew to manhood on the farm in Webster county, where he did his full share of the work about the place when not in school. He attended the public schools of his home district, and assisted his father with the work on the place until he was twenty-one years of age, then started in life for himself, buying a farm of eighty acres in Webster county on which he got a good start. Finding this too small for the proper exercise of his talents as a husbandman, he sold it and purchased an excellent place in Jackson township, Greene county, consisting of two hundred and forty acres, which he still owns. He has made many substantial improvements with the advancing years until he now has one of the most up-to-date farms in this part of the county as well as one of the most productive, and he has been very successful as a general farmer and stock raiser. He has a commodious home and numerous substantial outbuildings. A good grade of live stock is always to be seen in his fields and about his barns and no small portion of his annual income has been derived from this source. His boys now operate the place for the most part, he merely planning and overseeing the work. Mr. Tracy was married in 1888 to Lucretia Wommack, who was born in Greene county, October, 1861, and here she was reared on a farm and attended the rural schools in her neighborhood. Six children have been born to our subject and wife, namely: Mrs. Lodena Bass, Everett, Henry, Emmitt, Avery and Casper. Politically, Mr. Tracy is a Republican and while he has remained loyal to his party through both defeat and victory he has never sought to be a leader in public affairs. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen. Religiously, he is a member of the Baptist church. ALVIN B. TRENARY. Although Springfield is a noted railroad town, thousands of trainmen and shopmen making their home here, it is impossible for each to know the other, but in some instances, like that of Alvin B. Trenary, an individual becomes well known in his own circle. This is partly because our subject has been a resident of this city for a period of thirty years, during which he has followed railroading, and partly because he is a good mixer, a jovial, companionable gentleman and is therefore popular among his fellow workers, and is a widely known passenger engineer. Mr. Trenary was born in Franklin, Indiana, February 20, 1862. He is a son of Thomas L. and Mary A. (Stairs) Trenary, the father a native of Indiana and the mother was born in Ohio. They grew to maturity in their respective localities and received good educations for that period, the father becoming a successful teacher, which he followed for some time. He was also a carpenter by trade. During the Civil war he enlisted from Johnson county, Indiana, in 1862, and met death in the service of his country, being wounded in battle, and died from the effects of the same in a St. Louis hospital. His widow survived to old age, and died in Greene county, Missouri. Our subject's paternal grandfather and mother had the distinction of being the first couple to be married in Tippecanoe county, Indiana. To Thomas L. Trenary four children were born. Alvin B. Trenary was a small child when he lost his father and he was thrown upon his own resources early in life, consequently his education was limited, but he has made up for this lack in later life by general reading and contact with the world. What schooling he obtained was in Urbana, Illinois, and when but a boy he began working in a grocery store in that town, and when eighteen or twenty years of age he went to Indianapolis, Indiana, and began his railroad career by firing extra on the Big Four road, and there he remained until in the autumn of 1884, when he came to Springfield, Missouri, where he has since resided, He went to work here for the old Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis Railroad as fireman of a freight train on the Ozark division, and eighteen months later as fireman on a passenger train and about the same run. Later he ran a switch engine about three years, then was promoted to a regular freight engineer, and ran in this capacity on the Ozark division about six years, then was promoted to passenger engineer on this division, and at this writing still has the same run. This road has been a part of the Frisco System since 1900. Our subject is regarded as one of the safest and most efficient engineers out of Springfield, always sober, cool, alert and careful. Mr. Trenary was married in Springfield on November 14, 1889, to Lutie Seaman, a native of Iowa, who was a small child when her parents brought her to Springfield, and here she grew to womanhood and was educated. She is a daughter of Levi and Mary (Fisher) Seaman. Mr. Seaman is a carpenter by trade. To our subject and wife two children have been born, namely: Helen V., born on August 13, 1890, received her education in the local high school and normal, and is living at home; Elsie Louise, born on April 12, 1896, is a junior in the Springfield high school at this writing. Mr. Trenary has a splendid and well furnished home on West Walnut street. Politically he is a Democrat. He belongs to No. 378, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Fraternally he belongs to the Masonic Order, in which he has attained the master's degree. He and his family are all members of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church, South. CLAUDIUS ELSBERRY TREVITT. In presenting the biographical memoir of this well-remembered gentleman, whose life was that of a high-grade man, of noble ideals and laudable ambitions, it is believed that the youthful reader, whose destinies are yet matters for future years to determine, will be much benefited and encouraged, for his was a life that made for success because of the honorable principles he employed in dealing with his fellow men and because of the many admirable qualities he possessed which made his daily walk one worthy to be emulated. It is no easy matter to achieve a high degree of success in any calling in this age of strenuous endeavor and sharp competition, and when an individual succeeds in several vocations, as did the late C. E. Trevitt, for many years one of the leading citizens of Ash Grove, Greene county, he wins the admiration of all. Mr. Trevitt was born in Greene county, Tennessee, November 3, 1857, and was a son of James F. and Locaddie (Ripley) Trevitt. The father was a man of influence in public affairs. He spent his earlier life in Tennessee, but removed to Georgia in the latter sixties and represented his county in the state Legislature. Claudius E. Trevitt grew to manhood in the South and received a very good education in the public schools and Tecumseh College in Tennessee. He went to Georgia when about sixteen years of age, and remained in that state three years. In 1878 he came to Greene county, Missouri, locating on a farm just east of Ash Grove and worked on various farms for about three years, then engaged in the furniture business in Ash Grove for about ten years, after which he devoted his attention to the grocery and hardware business, also dealt in real estate. He was very successful in all these lines of endeavor and built up a large business in each, having the confidence of the community by reason of his honest and straightforward dealings. He continued a very busy man until 1912 when he was compelled to retire from active life on account of failing health, and he continued to decline until he was summoned to close his eyes on earthly scenes on April 21, 1914. Mr. Trevitt was married on January 25, 1880, to Nora McCrory, who was born in Louisiana, July 12, 1861, a daughter of James and Mary E. (Moss) McCrory. The father of Mrs. Trevitt was born in Wilkinson county, Mississippi, in 1829, and was a son of William and Mary (Hubbard) McCrory. His father was born in Ireland, December 25, 1792, and from that country emigrated to America in an early day, finally establishing his home in Wilkinson county, Mississippi, where his death occurred in 1843. His mother was a native of Tennessee and died in 1829 when he was an infant. James McCrory grew to manhood in his native state and was educated in the common schools there, and was engaged in farming until he removed to Louisiana. He remained there until 1867, most of the time farming in Catahoula parish. He then came to Illinois but soon thereafter came on to Missouri and stayed a year in Saline county, and then removed to Greene and located on a farm where he spent the balance of his life, three miles cast of Ash Grove. His fine farm consisted of one hundred and seventy acres. He was one of the successful general farmers and stock raisers of this section of the county. He was one of the first in his section of the county to help organize a grange in 1874. Mr. McCrory was married in 1855 to Mary E. Moss, daughter of George Moss, Esq., of Wilkinson county, Mississippi. Mrs. McCrory died February 14, 1868. They reared a family of three children all of whom grew to maturity married and located in Greene county. Mr. McCrory's death occurred in 1902. Mrs. Trevitt grew to womanhood on the home farm in Greene county and received her education in the public schools. To Mr. and Mrs. Trevitt nine children were born, seven of whom are living, namely: Ada, deceased; Claude McCrory is an assayer for a gold mining company in the state of Washington; Cle F. died when six years of age; Fannie L. is the wife of L. L. Dyer, of Springfield; Carl L. is farming in Alberta, Canada; Clyde V. lives in Washington; James F., Helen and Roger P. are all at home. Politically, Mr. Trevitt was a Republican, and was a worker for the general improvement of his community in which he was influential and held in the highest esteem. GEORGE TRIECE. It was nearly thirty-five years ago that George Triece came to Ash Grove, and he has ever since been a resident of Greene county, and has been an interesting spectator to the general development of this vicinity. A Hoosier by birth, his earlier life was spent in that state, and most of his active life has been devoted to general farming, but the latter part has been spent as a hotel keeper. He is one of the honored veterans of the great war between the states, having proved his patriotism to his country by fighting in defense of the Stars and Stripes on many a sanguinary field, and he was one of the sufferers at Andersonville prison. Mr. Triece was born in Vermilion county, Indiana, March 26, 1841. He is a son of Samuel and Sarah (Missemor) Triece. The father was born in 1801, in Pennsylvania, and he was a son of Henry Triece, a native of Pennsylvania and of German descent. The latter came from his native state to Vermilion county, Indiana, in 1832, and entered three hundred and twenty acres of land which he farmed until his death in 1850. His son, Samuel Triece, came to Indiana at the same time, and spent the rest of his life farming in Vermilion county, dying there in 1860. The mother of the subject of this sketch died in 1872 at the age of sixty-nine years. Politically, the father of our subject was a Democrat, and in religious matters he was a Methodist. George Triece grew to manhood on the old homestead in Indiana and there worked hard when a boy, and he received his education in the common schools. When the Civil war broke out he enlisted in August, 1861, in Company K, Seventy-first Indiana Volunteer Infantry, in which he served one year and was transferred to Company K, Sixth Indiana Cavalry. In fact the former regiment was merely changed into the latter. As infantry the regiment fought at Richmond and Muldo Hill, Kentucky, and as cavalry at Knoxville, under General Burnsides; Kenesaw Mountain, Resaca, Buzzard's Roost, and was with General Stoneman on July 20, 1864, on his raid to Macon, Georgia, where our subject was captured and sent to Andersonville for three months, then, to Florence, South Carolina, for two months, from which prison he was paroled and sent to Savannah, thence to Maryland, and on home, and was mustered out and honorably discharged June 27, 1865. After the war Mr. Triece returned to Vermilion county, Indiana, and resumed farming which he carried on along general lines until 1880 when he came to Ash Grove, Missouri. He was deputy postmaster here for three years, then operated the Grove House twelve years and the Commercial House nine years, then conducted a grocery store and restaurant two years. He also spent two years in Springfield, and during the past two years has been running a boarding and rooming house in Ash Grove. He has become one of the most widely known men in his vocation in this part of the country, and the traveling public have always found him a genial, obliging and honest host. Politically, Mr. Triece is a Republican. He belongs to the John Matthews Post, Grand Army of the Republic at Springfield. Mr. Triece was married May 22, 1866, to Lydia McBuey, who was born May 16, 1851, in Fountain county, Indiana. She is a daughter of Daniel and Mary (McKewn) McBuey; they came from Ireland. Mrs. Triece received a limited education. To Mr. and Mrs. Triece four children were born, three of whom are deceased, namely: Charlie L., Millard the third died in infancy, and Mandrid M. Triece, the surviving child, is living in Long Beach, California. JOHN PARKER TROGDON. Farming has been considered a game of chance too long and the uncertainties of the elements have been overcome to such an extent by intelligent study and use of fertilizers, irrigation and drainage, and intensive cultivation that day by day agriculture is becoming more and more an exact science and the best and brightest minds of the country have not thought it beneath their dignity or effort to give it the best of their genius. John Parker Trogdon, of Brookline township, Greene county, is a type of our better class of farmers, a man who uses more brain than brawn in operating his place. He has been successful both as farmer and merchant and also as a dealer in live stock. The reason that he has been able to succeed in whatever he has turned his attention to is because he plans well is energetic in their execution, "preparedness" being his motto, in other words, he first decides that he is right, then goes ahead. Mr. Trogdon was born near Ash Grove, Missouri, March 6, 1872. He is a son of Reuben and Phoebe (McDorman) Trogdon, the father of English descent, a native of North Carolina, the mother a native of Tennessee. Seven children were born to Reuben Trogdon and wife, four sons and three daughters, namely: W. Clinton, Henry F., Loran E., all three live near Ash. Grove, this county; John P., of this sketch; Lottie married F. H. Moomaw, of Brookline township, Greene county; Effie married D. G. Hendrix, also of Brookline township; Laura married Jay Mason, of near Bois D'Are, Missouri. John P. Trogdon grew to manhood on the home farm where he worked during the summer months, and in the winter attended the district schools remaining on the farm with his father until he was twenty-one years of age, or until his marriage, then started farming for himself, renting a farm near Ash Grove, where he remained nine years, then moved to that city and engaged in general merchandising two fears, after which he bought his present farm of one hundred and thirty acres near Brookline. His place is well improved in every respect and he keeps it under a high state of cultivation. In connection with general farming he devotes considerable time to the breeding of Jersey cattle, and he is very successful with his fine stock. He has a modernly appointed, nine-room residence of the bungalow type, only a fourth of a mile from Brookline on the main highway between that place and the village of Battlefield. His spacious yard is sown with Kentucky blue grass, which has given the place the appropriate name of "Green Lawn," by which it is known throughout the neighborhood. Mr. Trogdon has numerous substantial outbuildings, including two large barns, one of which is especially equipped for the care of his milk cows and is kept sanitary in all seasons. He has a concrete silo with a capacity of one hundred and fifty tons, a wagon and buggy-shed, a water-tank with a capacity of three hundred and fifty barrels, also a garage large enough for two cars. Mr. Trogdon was married on March 6, 1894, to Dilla A. Johnson, a daughter of George A. and Jane Johnson, of near Halltown, and a native of Greene county, Missouri, where the family settled in the early thirties, having emigrated from Tennessee. Mrs. Trogdon grew to womanhood and was educated in her native community. The union of our subject and wife has resulted in the birth of two children, namely: Alta, born July 2, 1895, lives at home; Mabel, born December 24, 1901, is also with her parents. Politically Mr. Trogdon is a Republican and is influential in the affairs of his party. He has served several years as township committeeman and has done much toward the success of the party in the county in years past. Fraternally he belongs to Brookline Lodge, No. 328, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; also the Modern Woodmen of America, of Springfield, and the Anti Horse Thief Association, of Nichols. Mr. Trogdon is one of the progressive and useful citizens of his township and is ever ready to lend his support and encourage any movement having for its object the general good. WILLIAM C. TROGDON. When the farmer matures his plans and operates his farm on the basis of a real purpose for the future, just as the business man, the railroad, or the corporation, then will he have the ability to get the long-time mortgage loans at the lower rates and with the many privileges that business organizations now enjoy. He must figure out.a certain definite annual expense on the basis of a certain gross income which must be sufficiently in excess of the expense to provide funds for proper maintenance of the farm and its equipment and its soil fertility, as well as an ample sum to take care of the annual payments on principle; he must provide for the usual accidents and failures and then an additional net sum or dividend of profit, at a proper rate, based on the market and increasing value of the farm which he is operating. In short, the successful farmer of this day and age must look well to the financial side of his business. William C. Trogdon, of Boone township, is one of our Greene county farmers who does this and consequently he is living very comfortably and setting a good example before his neighbors Mr. Trogdon was born in Lawrence county, Missouri, July 15, 1875. He is a son of Reuben F. Trogdon, who was born in North Carolina, from which state he removed to Indiana in an early day, settling near Mooresville, subsequently removing to Missouri, prior to the breaking out of the Civil war. He settled at the head of Clear creek, Greene county, where he resided ten years, then moved to Lawrence county. He finally returned to Greene county and bought a farm of two hundred and six acres in Boone township, which he has brought up to a good state of cultivation and general development and on which he is still residing. As he prospered he later added one hundred and thirty-five acres to his holdings, the latter excellent tract lying at Brookline. He is one of the best known citizens of this part of the county, and has an attractive home. He married Phoebe Ann McDorman, daughter of William McDorman, a farmer, who spent many years on a farm in Greene county, Missouri, where he became well established. William C. Trogdon grew to manhood on the home farm where he assisted with the general work when a boy, and he acquired his, early education in the common schools of Greene county. At the age of twenty-one years he began farming for himself, which he continued with gratifying results until 1904, when he engaged in merchandising at the village of Miller, Lawrence county, until 1910, having enjoyed a satisfactory trade with the people of that locality. Deciding to return to farming, he purchased one hundred and twenty acres in 1911, two and one-half miles southeast of Ash Grove, where he still resides, engaged in general farming and stock raising, experimenting with alfalfa. He is a man who gives his affairs the closest attention, using his brain as well as his brawn. His land is well tilled. Mr. Trogdon was married in 1896 to Ollie Burney, a daughter of James Burney, a farmer and miller of Greene county. He originally came from Tennessee. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Trogdon, namely: R. Lail, born December 14, 1899, and Velta, born December 1, 1901, both attending public school in their neighborhood. Politically, our subject is a Republican. Fraternally, he belongs to the Masonic Order, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World. Mrs. Trogdon is a member of the Rebekahs, Royal Neighbors and the Order of Eastern Star. EDWARD GARNER TUCKER. There is an inherent something in every successful man that singles him out and sets him apart. He has ideas of his own, and in those ideas he has faith that nothing can shake. He defies precedent, ignores rules and falters not to do what others have failed to do before him. Edward Garner Tucker, president of the Tucker-Ferguson Company, of Springfield, has proven that he is a man of individual ideas and the possessor of those qualities which make for success, such attributes as ginger, candor, honesty of purpose coupled with a naturally optimistic temperament, which has been stimulated by actual observation. Mr. Tucker is a scion of an old Southern family, and his birth occurred May 11, 1872, in Lebanon, Kentucky. He is a son of Creed H. and Rowanne (Riffe) Tucker. The father was born in Virginia, July 13, 1832, and when young in years moved to Kentucky with his parents, where he spent much of his life, successfully engaged in the hotel business until 1869, when, owing to failing health, he retired from active affairs. His death occurred in 1897. Politically, he was a Democrat, and in religious matters a Baptist. He and Rowanne Riffe were married in Lebanon, Kentucky, about 1859. She was born in the Blue Grass state in 1842 and there grew to womanhood, and, like her husband, received her education in the old-time common schools. She is still living, although past her alloted three score and ten years. She makes her home among her children, of whom there are: Mrs. Verne Powell, Boston, Massachusetts; Mrs. Florence Tucker, Doling City; and Mrs. A. H. Gifford. Edward G. Tucker spent his boyhood in Kentucky and moved with his parents to Sedalia, Missouri, when young. He received a common school education and attended high school at Sedalia, later studied at Garfield University, Wichita, Kansas. After leaving school, he worked for the Adams Express Company in Springfield, Missouri, for a period of fourteen years, having come to this city in 1888. He gave the company eminent satisfaction in every respect and was regarded as one of their most faithful and efficient employees. He was alert, prompt, reliable and courteous. He went to Pittsburg, Kansas, in 1904, and engaged in coal mining for three years, and his ventures there as an operator were quite successful. In 1907 he returned to Springfield and engaged in the warehouse business, enjoying a good patronage for two years, and in 1909 he and C. A. Ferguson incorporated the company of which he is now president and manager, and which, by his able management and close application, has grown to large proportions. They conduct one of the best known and most successful storage and transfer businesses in this part of the state. A detailed description of the Tucker-Ferguson Company will be found on another page of this volume, to which the reader is respectfully directed. Politically, Mr. Tucker is a Democrat; however, he votes independently in local matters. Religiously, he is a member of the Christian church. Mr. Tucker was married, August 15, 1897, to Elizabeth Ferguson, who was born, October 5, 1876, in Springfield. She received a good education, and is a daughter of John R., Sr. and Virginia Ferguson. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, namely: Edward G., Jr., born February 14, 1899, died when seventeen months old; Florence R., born in 1902; Edna M., born in 1905; Anna E., born in 1907; Alice B., born in 1911. The daughters are all in school. TUCKER-FERGUSON WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER COMPANY. One of the thriving business firms of Springfield which is worthy of specific mention in this volume is the Tucker-Ferguson Warehouse and Transfer Company. They maintain three large warehouses, located as follow: Office building, a one-story concrete building with 30,000 square feet of floor space, at 666 East Chestnut street; a three-story brick building, corner Summit and Chestnut streets. It is equipped with electric elevator, containing 400,000 square feet; a three-story brick building, corner Phelps avenue and Grant street, containing 300,000 square feet of floor space, with electric elevator. There is five hundred feet of private trackage, and there is also a large barn for live stock, accommodating twenty-five head of draft horses. The company operates three solid, enclosed, padded moving vans, and all household goods is guaranteed not to be soiled by bad weather, dust or scratched in transit. Three stake wagons, are also kept for freighting and ordinary moving; also two curtain vans for household goods, other equipment, such as floats, trunk and delivery wagons and a special wagon for safes and heavy hauling. Eighteen experienced, skilled and reliable men and drivers are constantly employed, and prompt and first-class service is the aim of the firm at all times. Special carload consignments are given prompt attention, and they handle about four hundred carloads annually. Household goods are packed for shipment by experts. Their slogan, "The quality service merchants of Springfield." The firm was incorporated in 1909, for twenty-thousand dollars, fully paid up. E. G. Tucker, a complete sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work, is president and manager, and E. A. McKay is secretary and treasurer. Some estimate of the reliability and efficient management of the firm may be obtained by the mention of the fact that one sugar company alone entrusts them with $500,000 of sugar for storage and distribution. Elmer Alexander McKay was born in Knox county, Missouri, July 25, 1881. He is a son of. James G. and Clara J. (Bryson) McKay. The father was born in Lafayette county, Indiana, May 13, 1845, and when fourteen years of age came with his parents to Knox county, Missouri, where he followed farming for nearly forty years, and at this writing he is president of the Home Bank in Knox, Missouri, and is one of the prominent citizens of Knox county. Politically he is a Republican. He belongs to the Presbyterian church and is a member Of the Knights of Pythias. Clara J. Bryson, mother of E. A. McKay, was born in Knox county, this state, October 28, 1858, and there grew to womanhood, received her education, and, in fact, has lived there all her life. Elmer A. McKay was reared in his native community and obtained a good education; he was graduated from the Knox high school in 1895, from the Kirksville State Normal in 1901, and from the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1906. After leaving the university he took a position in the Home Bank at Knox, where he remained until in June, 1911, when he came to Springfield and bought an interest in the Tucker-Ferguson Company, of which he is secretary and treasurer, and the large success of the same has been due in no small measure to his industry and foresight. Mr. McKay was married on June 20, 1907, to Mary Asbury, who was born in Farmington, Missouri, February 12, 1883, and there grew to womanhood and received her education at Elmwood Seminary and University of Missouri . Mrs. McKay is, a member of the Saturday Club, the Daughters of the American Revolution, and state treasurer of the Missouri Parent-Teachers' Association. To Mr. and Mrs. McKay one child has been born, James Asbury Mc-Kay, whose birth occurred September 14, 1912. Politically Mr. McKay is a Republican. He belongs to the Presbyterian church, and fraternally is well known in Masonic circles, being a member of Edina Lodge No. 219, Free and Accepted Masons, at Edina, Missouri; Edina Chapter No. 61, Royal Arch Masons, also at Edina; and Zabud Council, Royal and Select Masters. He is a member of the Young Men's Business Club, and is secretary of the same. JOSEPH HENRY TURK. It is oftentimes considered by those in the habit of superficial thinking that the history of so-called great men only is worthy of preservation and that little merit exists among the masses to call forth the praises of the historian or the cheers and appreciation of mankind. A greater mistake was never made. No man is great in all things and very few are great, even especially competent, in many things. Some by a lucky stroke achieve lasting fame, who before that had no reputation beyond the limits of their neighborhoods. It is not a history of the lucky stroke that benefits humanity most, but the long study and effort which made the lucky stroke possible. It is the preliminary work, the method, that serves as a guide for the success of others. Among those enterprising men of Greene county who have forged ahead along well-established lines, gradually mounting to the ladder's summit by earnest, honest endeavor is Joseph Henry Turk, the present efficient and popular postmaster of Ash Grove and for many years a well-known hardware dealer of that city. Mr. Turk was born in Lawrence county, Missouri, October 18, 1871. He is a son of Thomas B. and Sarah Jane (Stotts) Turk. The father was born in Cumberland county, Kentucky, in 1834, and there grew to manhood, received his education and resided until about 1865 when he emigrated to Missouri and located in Lawrence county, where he engaged in general farming until about eighteen years ago when he returned to Kentucky, and engaged in the real estate and insurance business in Bowling Green, that state, until his death on August 14, 1914. Politically, he was a Democrat. He belonged to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and was a member of the Presbyterian church. He and Sarah Jane Stotts were married in 1865. She was born in Cumberland county, Kentucky, about 1840, and there she was reared and educated and they were married in their native locality. Thomas B. Turk and wife were the parents of five boys and one girl, namely: James; Joseph H.; Lee; Luther; Loren and Hiram. Joseph H. Turk, of this sketch, grew up on the home farm where he worked when a boy, and he received his education in the common schools. Having a natural inclination to machinery he secured a position in an implement house, and later was a traveling salesman for a champion implement firm for three years, giving it entire satisfaction and doing much to increase its prestige in the territory to which he was assigned. In 1892 he launched out in the hardware business in Ash Grove where he has remained ever since and has built up a large and growing trade which extends all over this section of the country. He has always carried a large and well-selected stock of general hardware and farming implements. Mr. Turk has manifested an interest in public affairs for some time, and on July 13, 1913, he was appointed postmaster at Ash Grove, and is discharging the duties of the same in a manner that reflects much credit upon himself and to the satisfaction of the people and the department. Politically, he is a Democrat, and he has been a committeeman for eight years and is active and influential in the affairs of his party. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic order, and is now worshipful master of the local Blue Lodge; he is also a member of the Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Zabud Council, Royal and Select Masters, and the Order of the Eastern Star. He is one of the active and prominent Masons in this part of the state. Religiously he belongs to the Presbyterian church. Mr. Turk was married on April 22, 1896, to Laura Barham, who was born in Ash Grove, in September, 1873, and here grew to womanhood and was educated. She is a daughter of Mr. W. F. and Mrs. T. E. Barham, natives of Missouri. Mr. Barham devoted his active life to farming. His family consists of six children. To Mr. and Mrs. Turk the following children have been born: Seth, is attending the Springfield high school; Harold is attending the high school in Ash Grove; Richard is in the public school; Geraldine is also a school pupil; and Helen, who is the youngest. GRANVILLE W. TURNER. To be employed nearly a half century by one firm, continuously, is a record of which few citizens of Springfield and Greene county can boast, Granville W. Turner has been connected with the bridge building department of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company since 1866, and for forty years has been in charge of that department. He would not only have had to proved himself to be an expert in his line, but also a man courage, fidelity, integrity and industry to have been retained during so a period. He is one of the most widely known Frisco employees. He is a man who has always valued his good name and today takes pleasure in feeling that he has won the respect of his fellow workers and acquaintances by his course in life. Mr. Turner was born in Knox county, Missouri, January 3, 1843. He is a son of Granville D. and Maria (Taylor) Turner. The father was born in the mountains of Kentucky and the mother was a native of Ohio, but she came to Harrison county, Kentucky, when young. These parents were married in Quincy, Illinois. Our subject's father and the first governor of Illinois came to Quincy together. Mr. Turner became a large land owner. He was a cabinet maker by trade. Leaving the Prairie state in an early day, he located in Knox county, Missouri and he and his wife died in this state. He was a minister in the Christian church, an old-time circuit rider, and preached among the pioneers. Politically, he was a Democrat. His family consisted of nine children, named as follows: The eldest child died in infancy; William is deceased; Mary; Emma; Granville W., of this sketch; James, deceased; Reuben, deceased; George and May E. Mr. Turner of this review received a limited education in the common schools, and he grew up on the farm in Knox county, where he worked when a boy. He has worked hard and is a self-made man in the best sense of the term. In his youth he learned the carpenter's trade. In September, 1861, he enlisted for service in the Civil war, at Rolla, Missouri, under Captain Rich and Colonel Phelps, and although his term of enlistment was but for six months, he served nine months. He saw considerable service during that brief period, including a number of skirmishes and the battle o Pea Ridge, Arkansas. He was honorably discharged in April, 1862, then went to work for the government, building pontoon bridges, corrals, barracks, coffins, etc. He continued in this work until the close of the war, gaining valuable experience which stood him well in hand in his subsequent career. He began work for the Frisco at Rolla in 1866, in the bridge building department, with which he has been connected ever since, being head of the department for the system for some four decades. In 1913 he was retired by the company on a pension. However, he is still doing special work in his department, reporting direct to the general manager. He long ago mastered every phase of the art of bridge building and has kept well abreast of the times in this line of endeavor. Mr. Turner was first married in June, 1879, to Malissa Trower, in St Louis, her native city. She was a daughter of Samuel Trower, a farmer and stock raiser, a pioneer of the Mound City, where, for a number of years, he was justice of the peace, also holding other minor offices. Mr. Turner's first wife died October 10, 1889, leaving five children, namely: Walter G. married Gertrude Singleton in St. Louis and he is a civil engineer by profession; Mary Agnes married Mr. Greenridge and they live in Douglas, Arizona; George R. married Goldie Holder and they live in Walnut Grove, Missouri; Nellie E. married Thomas Wommock, an employee of the Frisco and they live in Springfield; Lillian F. married G. Marks, who is also connected with the Frisco and lives in Springfield. Mr. Turner's second marriage was consummated in February, 1893, in Carthage, Missouri, when he was united in marriage to Mrs. Agnes L. Brown, a daughter of John and Eliza Deyell, of St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. To this second union two children have been born, namely, William E. and James D. Politically, Mr. Turner is a Democrat. Fraternally, he belongs to the Masonic order, Gate of the Temple blue lodge and St. John's Commandery. Mr. Turner made his headquarters in Springfield in 1873 and moved here to make his home in 1879. In 1872 he was made assistant superintendent of the bridge and buildings department of the old Atlantic & Pacific railroad, later known as the Frisco. In 1875 he was made general superintendent of this department. He has had something to do with the building of nearly every bridge on the entire Frisco system. WILLIAM LAFAYETTE TURNER, M. D. Belonging to Greene county's enterprising class of professional men, Dr. William Lafayette Turner, of Galloway, Clay township, is deserving of specific mention in these pages. To the active practice of medicine he has given, not only the gravity of his thought and the truest exercise of his abilities, but the strength of his personality and the momentum of his character. He is a physician of discriminating mind, keen and acute in reasoning, a patient and persistent investigator, sinking his inquiring lead down to the bottom of principles, and thereby, being enabled to better and more fully understand the case or cases to be treated, and consequently he meets with a high degree of success. Doctor Turner was born near Marshfield, Webster county, Missouri, July 17, 1871. He is a son of Robert N. and Sarah F. (Cox) Turner. The father was born in Webster county, this state, in 1843, was reared on the farm and received a meager education in the early day schools. He worked for his father on the homestead until he was married, then began working at the carpenter's trade, at which he became quite expert and which he has made his principal life work. Has also done considerable contracting. Naturally talented as a musician he made himself proficient in that art and for some time taught music during the winter months when there was no carpenter work. About 1899 he moved to Texas where he remained some three years, then went to Ft. Smith, Arkansas, and established his home, and in that city his death occurred on March 12, 1914. Politically, he was a Democrat, and he belonged to the Methodist Episcopal church, South. His wife was also a native of Webster county, Missouri, where she grew to womanhood and was educated, her birth having occurred in February, 1841. She is still living in Springfield. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South To these parents ten children were born, namely: Doctor William L., of this sketch; Mrs. Hepsabeth Straughan, Robert J., John B., who lives in Ft. Smith, is the inventor of the automatic street car switch which is in use all over the country; Lucy, Jessie P., Mrs. Nellie Guthrie, Della, Oma and Lee. Doctor Turner grew to manhood on the home farm in Webster county and there he assisted with the general work during the summer months. He received his education in the public schools of his native county, later attended high school at Marshfield, and when nineteen years of age he began life for himself as a teacher. He kept up home study and in 1895 was enabled to enter the Springfield Normal where he spent a year, then studied two years at Drury College, after which he resumed teaching, which vocation he followed for some time in Greene and Webster counties. He gave a high degree of success as an educator and his services were in large demand, but believing that his true bent lie in another direction, he abandoned the school room in 1901 and began the study of medicine, entering Barnes Medical College, St. Louis, he remained in that institution until his graduation in 1906, making an excellent record. Returning to Marshfield he remained there a short time, then located for the practice of his profession at Galloway, Greene county, where he has since remained, and has built up a large and growing practice and is regarded among the leading general practitioners in this section of the country. He owns a pleasant home on the Springfield and Ozark road. Doctor Turner was married on July 18, 1901, to Joel P. Haden, who was born in Greene county, Missouri, April 22, 1883. She is a daughter of Joel H. and Nancy A. (Beshears) Haden. The father was born in this county, December 4, 1847, and here grew up on a farm and received a common school education. During the Civil war he served in the Home Guards, seeing considerable service in his native county. After the war he returned to the farm, and has followed general agricultural pursuits, being now owner of a valuable and well-improved farm of three hundred acres. He has long made a specialty of raising fine live stock, and is an excellent business man, well known and influential in his vicinity. Politically he is a Democrat. His wife was born in this county, December 2, 1858, and here she grew to womanhood and was educated in the public schools. Mrs. Turner was reared on the home farm and was given good educational advantages. To Doctor Turner and wife six children have been born namely: Edith, deceased; Retha, deceased; Joel, Fred, Mary and Pinkney are all at home. Politically, Doctor Turner is a Democrat. He is a member of the Greene County Medical Society, and the Missouri State Medical Association. Religiously, he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church, South. He is a man of exemplary habits and is popular with all classes.
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