Washington County Land Entries
Washington County Land Entries
Original Spanish Grants: numbers are acres of grant. The Old Mines Grant was a large grant of more than 10,000 acres split between 31 parties. Abar, Peter Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Ashbrook, William 572 Aubuchon, Louis 680 Austin, Moses 6085 (1797) Baker, Elisha 640 Baker, John 180 Bates, Elias Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Bates, Moses 680 Bequette, Joseph Old Mines Grant Blais, Joseph Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Blote, Joseph 425 Boise, Jacob Old Mines Grant Bouelvian, Nicholas Old Mines Grant Boydston, William 432 Boyer, Charles Old Mines Grant Boyer, Joseph Old Mines Grant Boyer, P. P. Old Mines Grant Boyer, Peter Brinker, Abraham Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Brown, James 640 Bruffee, Robert C. Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Carr, William C. Old Mines Grant Chadbum, Joseph Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Coleman, Bernard Old Mines Grant Coleman, Widow Old Mines Grant Cooper, John 640 Corder, John 403 Crow, William 375 Decelle, Joseph Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Duclos, A. Old Mines Grant Dunklin, Daniel Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Gibbourd, Jaque Old Mines Grant Goforth, Miles 640 Hawkins, James 640 Horine, David 640 Horine, Jacob 680 Horine, Michael 640 Hull, Uriah 640 James, John 519 James, William 620 Jones, John 640 Jones, John Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Labrate, Jean Baptiste 405 Maddin, Thomas 3402 Martin, Peter Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Martin, Pierce Old Mines Grant McCoy, Ananias 640 McLane, Charles 636 McLane, Charles Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton McLaughlin, Thomas 640 McMurtry, Joseph 640 McNeal, John T. Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Neal, Samuel 170 Partina, Amable 500 arpents (5 Sep 1799) Paul, John 640 Perry, John 639 Perry, John Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Perry, Samuel Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Perry, William M. Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Placet, John Baptiste Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Portel, John B. Old Mines Grant Pratt, John P. Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Pratt, Joseph Old Mines Grant Reed, William 640 Rencore, Louis Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Rickman, Abraham 640 Rickman, John 590 Roberg, Louis Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Robert, Charles P. Old Mines Grant Ruggles, Martin 640 Ruggles, Salmon 470 Russ, Thomas Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton St. Gemme, B. Old Mines Grant Shaw, Darius 640 Sloan, Robert 640 Strickland, David 640 Strickland, John 600 Strother, Benjamin 510 Treat, Gideon W. 640 Valle, Basil 639 (1792) Valle, F. B. Old Mines Grant Wise, Jacob Spanish Grant around Mine-A-Breton Land Entries after US gained control of the territory: Alexander, A. F. 1821 Alexander, John P. 1821 Allison, Sylvanus 1830’s Amelin, Manuel 1822 Anderson, John 1821-1825 Bennett, John 1836 Bennett, John 1830’s Benning, Isaac 1820’s Bequette, Joseph 1821 Blunt, Peter D. 1836 Boggs, Robert W. 1830’s Brinker, Abraham 1820 Brown, Elisha 1836 Brown, Robert T. 1821 Brown, Samuel 1822 Buford, William 1822 Buren, Pascal H. 1830’s Burnes, Uriah 1826 Campbell, George 1836 Campbell, Samuel 1836 Carter, George 1830’s Casey, Andrew 1830’s Casey, Daniel 1830’s Casey, John 1830’s Casey, John H. 1824 Cavanaugh, Joseph 1830’s Charbonneau, Tousaint 1822 Charbons, Jousin 1825 Clark, Austin 1830’s Coak, Valentine 1820’s Collard, Francis 1820 Collard, Francis 1820 Compton, John 1824 Compton, Richard 1821-1825 Compton, Richard 1834 Conner, Ed R. 1830’s Counts, Adam 1830’s Coxe, Henry S. 1830’s Cresswell, George 1836 Crowder, William 1830’s Cunningham, William 1821-1825 Dace, John 1830’s Davis, Henry C. 1830’s Davis, Luke 1820’s Dent, Mark 1821 Dickey, Andrew S. 1833 Donna, Peter Charles 1836 Dougherty, Owen 1830’s Dougherty, Patrick 1830’s Duclos, Michael 1830’s Dunklin, Daniel 1820’s Eaton, Absalom 1822-1826 Edmonds, S. 1820’s Evans, John 1824 Ferguson, Robert 1830’s Finnison, Daniel 1836 Finnison, James 1836 Fisher & Imboden 1820’s Fisher, Joseph 1823 Ford, John 1836 Frizzell, Jason 1822-1826 Garvia, Thomas 1820’s Gilham, Benjamin 1836 Gilham, William 1836 Goforth, Andrew 1823 Guy, John F. 1820’s Hamilton, James 1836 Harges, Thomas 1821-1825 Harris, Thomas R. 1820’s Harrison, John 1830’s Harrison, William 1820 Hays, William 1820’s Hearst, Thomas 1821 Hearty, John 1825 Henderson, Samuel 1820 Henderson, William 1821 Henry, Andrew 1821 Hight, Alfred D. 1836 Hinkson, John 1821-1825 Hinkson, William 1820 Holt, John 1824 Hopkins, John W. 1821 House, Adam 1830’s House, Andrew 1830’s Hudspeth, Ahijah W. 1820’s Hudspeth, George 1820 Hudspeth, William 1825 Hughes, James 1822-1826 Hughes, John 1821 Hughes, Robert 1821 Hughes, Samuel 1821 Hughes, William 1820’s Hulsey, James 1830’s Hulsey, James W. 1830’s Hunt, E. 1820’s Hutchins, John 1820 Isgrig, Madison 1830’s Jamison, George 1820’s Jamison, John 1823 Janney, Nathan 1836 Jett, Abraham 1836 Jimmerson, John 1822-1826 Johnson, James I. 1830’s Johnson, Josiah 1821-1825 Johnson, Uriah 1821-1825 Jones, Myers 1822 Kelly, Thomas 1836 Kimberling, Ben. 1825 La Baume, Augustus 1821 Lamarque, Etienne 1820 Lamarque, Smith 1820’s Land, Lucy 1834 Lasswell, Joseph 1836 Laurius, Jacob 1820 Lore, John 1836 Manning, Forman 1836 Marion, Samuel S. 1836 Marion, Sydney 1836 Matthews, Ralph 1836 Matthews, William A. 1836 Matthews, William B. 1836 Maul, Antone 1830’s McCabe, Alpheus 1836 McCoy, Joseph 1822-1826 McEwin, John 1825 McGready, Israel 1836 McMurtry, William M. 1836 Merry, Samuel 1836 Miller, Andrew 1820 Miller, Andrew 1820 Monday, Felix 1830’s Morrison, John 1821-1825 Morrison, Lewis 1821-1825 Moultry, James H. 1820’s Norvell, Napoleon B. 1836 O’Harver, Philip 1821 O’Mara, Eugene 1830’s Obushon, Morello 1830’s Obushon, Napoleon 1830’s Ockeltree, William 1821-1825 Parker, Nat 1821 Patton, John 1830’s Peas, Henry 1830’s Perry, James F. 1820 Perry, James F. 1821-1825 Perry, Samuel 1820 Perry, Samuel 1821-1825 Pinnell, Peter 1833 Pinson, Joseph 1830’s Powell, Ambrose 1836 Rambo, Jacob H. 1820’s Rector, Elias 1821-1825 Redding, Felix 1820 Renfro, David 1824 Renfro, Thomas F. 1833 Reyburn, Joseph 1821 Robinson, Archibald 1820’s Roussin, E. 1830’s Roussin, Ettienne 1824 Ruggles, Martin 1820 Scott, John G. 1825 Scott, T. John 1820’s Sevens, Basil W. 1821-1825 Shoak, Amos C. 1822 Shoak, Amos C. 1836 Silvers, Samuel 1820 Sloan, Amos 1822-1826 Sloan, Fergus 1822-1826 Smith & Glenn 1825 Smith, Jesse B. 1824 Smith, John 1820’s Smith, Reuben 1821 Springer, Charles 1820 Stemler, John 1820’s Stephenson, Robert M. 1820 Stevenson, Robert M. 1821 Stewart, William H. 1836 Stone, Samuel P. 1836 Strong, David 1821 Sturman, Thomas 1836 Summers, Richard 1821-1825 Swan, John 1820’s Teas, Henry 1836 Todd, William 1830’s Tucker, James 1830’s Tucker, James G. 1836 Wallen, Elisha 1822-1826 Wallen, William B. 1821 Walthall, Thomas B. 1822 Walton, George 1836 Watson, Walter 1821-1825 Westover, Job 1823 Westover, Job 1823 Wheelan, James 1836 White, James M. 1830’s Wiezer, David 1821 Wilson, Hardin 1820 Woods, William 1824 Woods, William 1820 Woolsey, James 1836
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