St. Clair County 1883 Pensioners
1883 Pensioners on the Roll
St. Clair County, Missouri Cert. # Name Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Original date APPLETON CITY Post Office: 210292 Jas. M. Mock gsw of rt. arm 2.00 Jun 1882 63050 Wm. D. Clark wd of lft. leg 8.00 -- 148715 Xanthus M. Kennedy wd. rt. thigh 4.00 Oct 1877 148470 Mathias Zener gsw of head 12.00 -- 121984 Jacob Haviland gsw of rt. leg 6.00 -- 221468 Jacob R. McFarren dis. of abdominal viscera 4.00 Nov 1882 137746 Geo. W. Ray injury to abdomen 6.00 -- 179246 Albert Falcon inj. to rt. foot & chr. diarrh 8.00 -- 134908 Cornelius F. Hinkley chr. diarrhea 2.00 Jul 1875 45658 Hiram C. Boyd gsw of rt. hip 18.00 -- 198614 Geo. W. Trumbo gsw of lft. should 4.00 Dec 1881 188754 Jno. Terry dis. of spine 6.00 May 1881 73929 Jno. L. Rood gsw thro' lung & rt. side 8.00 -- 194440 Lemuel K. Westcott gsw neck & r. arm 15.00 Aug 1881 32190 Samuel J. Griffith w. r. hand 4.00 -- CHALK LEVEL Post Office: 169463 Benj. N. Prier dis. of left leg 8.00 Jun 1880 4243 Wm. Bishop spinal irritation & results 18.00 -- 136228 Abraham B. B. Lewis chr. rheumatism 10.00 Oct 1875 175611 Thos Rosburgh chr. rheum., par. paraly. l. leg 18.00 Oct 1880 COLLINS Post Office: 18749 Wm. Howard surv. 1812 8.00 Aug 1872 JOHNSON CITY Post Office: 159961 Robt Martin wd. rt. side of head 2.00 May 1879 98081 Jno Pursley gsw of rt. chest 12.00 -- 152169 Jno Dawson gsw left thigh 4.00 Apr 1878 178770 Heazlett P. Cockrell gsw of rt. lung 4.00 Nov 1880 27110 Nancy McClelland widow 1812 8.00 Sep 1879 118696 Kilbern Cowder paralysis of motor nerves from measles 72.00 -- 153898 Albert F. Cope inj. r. ankle 6.00 Jun 1878 LOWRY CITY Post Office: 144783 Jas. R. Kennedy inj. to left leg 12.00 -- 102691 Harriet Topping dependent mother 8.00 Nov 1867 54735 Jonas Rothgeb amp. lft. arm abv. elbow 24.00 -- 29374 James W.Titus gsw lft. forearm & l. side 8.00 -- 139354 Philip H. Clear gsw lft. hip & thigh 18.00 -- OHIO Post Office: 203177 Robt McGauthy injury to abdomen 4.00 Feb 1882 101820 Joseph Scott -- 4.00 -- OSCEOLA Post Office: 35097 Wm. Galloway wd. of l. jaw & r. should 8.00 -- 175083 David J. Beardslee wd. of rt. shoulder 6.00 Oct 1880 127971 Geo. W. Wolfe gsw of lft. foot 8.00 May 1874 165509 James H. Linney gsw rt. thigh & chr. diarr 11.00 Mar 1880 133051 Henry Lever ulcers of lft. leg 14.00 Apr 1875 87270 Sherwood S. Weeden wd. of rt. arm & hip 8.00 Nov 1867 184351 Jane Stufflebeam dependent mother 8.00 Jun 1879 187442 Sarah M. Clark dependent mother 8.00 Mar 1880 42604 Elizabeth Creson widow 8.00 -- 54744 Elisha Kates loss of lft. arm abv. elbow 24.00 -- 192123 David G. Freeman chr. diarrhea 8.00 Jun 1881 126045 Marg't H. McConnell widow 8.00 Mar 1869 145346 Sarah F. Kinzey widow 8.00 Oct 1870 158799 Sarah C. Leonard widow 8.00 Jul 1872 206 Wiley Davis surv. 1812 8.00 Jun 1871 22648 Luticia A. Neal widow 15.00 Sep 1873 ROSCOE Post Office: 128957 Lewis F. Reeder chr. conjunctivitis 8.00 -- 107843 Geo. W. Clemmens wd. lft. hand 2.00 -- 147806 Edward Proctor dis. of lungs 6.00 -- 21126 Mary J. Slasholtz widow 8.00 -- 160842 Narcissa C. Yarnell widow 8.00 Jun 1873 38253 Hugh Conway gsw of lft. foot 8.00 Feb 1865 100549 Jno Glendining gsw of left breast 4.00 -- 24591 Elizabeth Estes widow 1812 8.00 Jan 1879 2031 Polly Burk widow(act June 3, 1858) 8.00 -- TABERVILLE Post Office: 191076 Maria W. Andrews widow 8.00 Feb 1881 41840 Winchester Good gsw of rt. arm 18.00 -- TIFFIN Post Office: 126682 Jno Brown shell wd. lft. hand 8.00 --
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