Miller County, Missouri

Dooley Cemetery

Miller County home page

Franklin Township: Section 12, Township 41, Range 16 West Miller County, MO.

Take Hwy 52 East of Eldon to Hwy Y, take Hwy Y for 2.9 miles to Hwy Z and go .9 mile to Glenwood Rd., turn left (Dooley Cemetery sign), go .3 mile to cemetery on the left. This cemetery is fenced and well cared for

The last date that we will update the cemeteries in Miller County, MO. is August 5, 2003. Dianna (Hale) Mattingly, Glenda (May) Crawford and Bobbie (Burks) Bradshaw

Inventoried by Dianna (Hale) Mattingly & Glenda (May) Crawford & Bobbie (Burks) Bradshaw.


? ? ? 
age 12yrs. 2m. - died 18 Apr. 1884
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890

broken stone - died 1880

17 Feb. 1893 - 20 Jan. 1894

?,  Mary E.
26 Jan. 1860 - 3 Apr. 1884

P[arma]?, W. H.
died - 6 Dec. 1887 - age 12y 10m
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890

Adams, Alice M.

Adcock, Clifton Lundy
30 June 1890 -12 June 1947
MO. PVT 356th Inf. 89th Div.  - WW I

Alexander, Eugene H.
13 Mar. 1876 - 23 May 1908

Alexander, Lea
1 Apr. 1899 - 24 Aug. 1901
Miller County records

Alexander, Sonja Elaine
30 Oct. 1970 - 31 Oct. 1970

Allen, A. Louise
31 May 1915 - no date
same stone as Willie H.

Allen, Elizabeth Ann (Athey)
23 Apr. 1827 - 27 Dec. 1920
born in Fredonia, Ohio
w/o Samuel 

Allen, Ida B.
14 Nov. 1881 - 14 Aug. 1943
same stone as Oliver J.

Allen, Infant
one date - 9 June 1934
s/o W.H. & A.L.

Allen, Mary J. 
died  - 25 Mar. 1923
age 75y2m28d

Allen, Oliver J.
13 Apr. 18841 - 12 Dec. 1955
same stone as Ida B.

Allen, Robert
4 Oct. 1931  - 21 Nov. 1931
s/o R. T. & I. O.
Miller County records

Allen, Samuel B.
1900 - 1971

Allen, Willie H.
8 Sept. 1911 - 6 Sept. 1982
same stone as A. Louise

Amos, Barcie L.
1888 - 1965

Amos, Gloe Wharton
5 Mar. 1916 - 7 Dec. 1986
PFC U. S. Army  - WW II

Andrews, Richard
7 Apr. - 12 May 19?4

Apperson, Alpha O.
1892 - 1977
w/o Floyd A.

Apperson, Carl Kenneth
died 17 Jan. 1911- age 19y5m18d
s/o S. J. & M. H.

Apperson, Charles M.
21 Sept. 1879 - 24 May 1955

Apperson, Dexter
1877 - 1940
side-by-side of Maude

Apperson, Eva J.
1876 - 1943
same stone as Thomas H.

Apperson, Floyd A.
1889 - 1957
h/o Alpha O.

Apperson, John A.
1853 - 1935
same stone as Mary L.

Apperson, Lena
no info - no info
Miller County records

Apperson, Lola A.
8 Nov. 1912 - 5 Mar. 1917
d/o Floyd A & Alpha O.

Apperson, Mary L.
1856 - 1934
same stone as John A.

Apperson, Maude
1879 - 1952
side-by-side of Dexter

Apperson, Minerva H.
1857 - 1924

Apperson, Myrtle L.
1893 - 1949
same stone as Tennyson C.

Apperson, Samuel J.
1849 - 1936

Apperson, Tennyson C.
1887 - 1951
same stone as Myrtle L.
Apperson, Thomas H.
1882 - 1940
same stone as Eva J.

Armstrong, Andrew J.
no date - no info
Miller County records

Armstrong, Charles 
no date - no info
Miller County records

Armstrong, Charles B.
died - 11 Feb. 1888 - age 23y 10m
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890

Armstrong, Minerva
no date - no info
Miller County records

Athey, Burges
1 Nov. 1794 - 5 Mar. 1875
h/o Hannah

Athey, Hannah
1808 - 22 July 1878
w/o Burges

Athey, Luella Alice
13 Dec. 1864 - 9 Feb. 1976
d/o J B & Zerelda

Atkinson, Vera
died - 15 May 1885 -age 75y
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890 

Aucutt, Ina Louise
6 Apr. 1925 - 22 Mar. 1999
w/o Linus Garland - wed 28 Oct. 1971

Aucutt, Linus Garland
one date - 23 Sept. 1927
h/o Ina Louise
Babcoke, Alice (Bliss)
1872 - 1925

Babcoke, Charles T.
1880 - 1933

Babcoke, Martha C.
21 June 1850 - 6 July 1924

Badley, Sheila M.
born & died - 25 Mar. 1967
Miller County records

Banister, J.A.
no dates 
Co. B 42nd EN MO. Militia

Barnard, Anna C.
1872 - 1942
same stone as George E.

Barnard, Cansada S.
1866 - 1946

Barnard, Darius
died - 26 Sept. 1885 - age 52y
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890 

Barnard, Edward F.
died - 2 Jan. 1941
Michigan PVT Field Art.

Barnard, George E.
1875 - 1939
same stone as Anna C.

Barnard, Ida M.
19 Oct. 1877 - 10 Sept. 1895
Miller County records

Barnard, Opel
24 Sept. 1892 - 5 Nov. 1892
d/o C.E. & S.L.

Baughman, Alice
1896 - 1963
same stone as Richard B.

Baughman, Judy R.
11 Nov. 1946 - 26 July 1997
w/o Rudy M. - wed 24 May 1966

Baughman, Lois
1923 - 1939
side-by-side of Milford J.

Baughman, Milford J
21 Feb. 1921 - 30 July 1944
MO. PFC 117th Infantry  - WW II
side-by-side of Lois

Baughman, Richard B.
1893 - 1957
same stone as Alice

Baughman, Rudy M.
18 Sept. 1940 - no date
h/o Judy R.
Benton, B. F.
1855 - 1933
Miller County records

Berry, John Earl Sr.
25 Jan. 1960 - 5 Nov. 2002
s/o Bill & Jean (Simpson) Berry

Bissell, Leta
1903 - 1971

Blacksher, Anna E.
29 Aug. 1922 - 2 May 1994
same stone as Raymond O. 

Blacksher, Ervin D.
1 Jan. 1954 - 10 Aug. 1990

Blacksher, Larry A.
15 Sept. 1947 - 21 Sept. 1947
same stone as Raymond O. & Anna E.

Blacksher, Raymond O.
18 Mar. 1920 - 22 Jan. 1990
same stone as Anna E.

Blackston, James H.
1831 - 1861
same stone as Mary J.

Blackston, Mary J.
1833 - 1913
same stone as James H.

Blankenship, Ireannah E.
15 Sept. 1897 - 5 Dec. 1989
same stone as Joseph T.

Blankenship, Joseph T.
6 Apr. 1894 - 4 Aug. 1960
same stone as Ireannah E.

Bliss, B.F.
no dates - s/o W.P. & B.

Bliss, Ed Montie
8 June 1886 - 15 June 1887
s/o T.B. & N.A.

Bliss, Elizabeth
no date - no info
d/o H. E.
Miller County records

Bliss, Fannie (Shelton)
1902 - 1974

Bliss, Hattie
no dates - w/o W.P.

Bliss, M.C. Victoria
25 Sept. 1840 - 12 Nov. 1857

Bliss, Mary
31 Aug. 1857- 24 July 1893
w/o D.B.

Bliss, Mary C.
30 Dec. 1830 - 10 Aug. 1854

Bliss, Mary E.
20 Oct. 1880 - 29 July 1892
d/o T.B. & N.A. 

Bliss, Nancy T.
18 Jan. 1804 - 28 Mar. 1858
w/o Daniel

Bliss, Olive
no dates - d/o W.P. & H.E.

Bliss, Rebecca
died - 25 Sept. 1904 - age 75y

Bliss, S.D.
25 Nov. 1882 - 21 Oct. 1882
age 26d

Bliss,  Samuel .D. (Dr)
9 July 1826 - 11 Aug. 1915
h/o Mary (Lumpkin )
h/o Rebecca (Conner)

Bliss, Sidney M.
9 Jan. 1899 - 20 Dec. 1972
1st Lt. Army Air Forces  - WW II

Bliss, Victoria
died - 1857 age 17
d/o Daniel and Nancy T. 

Boan, Bessie
24 Mar. 1899 - 17 Aug. 1899
d/o John M. & Nancy J

Boan, Bessie M.
31 May 1910 - 15 Sept. 1969
d/o William B. and Sarah (Thompkins) Boan

Boan, Dessie P.
24 Mar. 1899 - 14 May 1900
d/o John M & Nancy J

Boan, Ed D. (Rev.)
24 Jan. 1904 - 14 Dec. 1964
same stone as Elsie M

Boan, Elizabeth N.
1873 - 1947
same stone as John M.

Boan, Elsie M.
29 Oct. 1903 - 10 Nov. 1988
same stone as Rev. Ed D.

Boan, John M.
1872 - 1959
same stone as Elizabeth N.

Boan, Johnny E.
29 Dec. 1922 - 12 Jan. 2002
U S Army  - WWII  
h/o Joyce Boot (Crawford) - wed 11 Mar. 1947

Boan, Levina J.
29 Oct. 1842 - 17 Apr. 1919
w/o William

Boan, Nancy J.
22 Dec. 1875 - 2 Apr. 1899
w/o John M.

Boan, Rebecca E.
1887 - 1931
same stone as Robert M.

Boan, Robert Allen
4 Oct. 1931 - 21 Nov. 1931
s/o R.T. & I.O.

Boan, Roberta Jean
died -  1929
Miller County records

Boan, Robert M.
1881 - 1965
same stone as Rebecca E.

Boan, Sarah Francis
1884 - 1952
same stone as William Benj.

Boan, Sarah J.
20 Sept. 1899 - 19 Mar. 1925

Boan, William
31 May 1831 - 13 Feb. 1918
h/o Levina J.

Boan, William Benj.
1879 - 1957
same stone as Sarah Francis

Boan, ? William
no dates

Bohanan, Elbert
no date - no info
Miller County records

Bohanan, Joe L.
1906 - 1944

Bohanan, Silas
27 Dec. 1871 - 28 Feb. 1910

Bohanan, Tommy
no date - no info
Miller County records

Bohannan, Martha R.
21 Feb. 1878 - 16 July 1940

Bohannan, Paul R.
27 Dec. 1871 - 11 Nov. 1928

Bond, J.S.- can’t read

Boots, John E.
1924  - 1993
T. Sgt. U. S. Army Air Corps - WW II

Boots, Katheryn O.
2 Dec. 1926 - 24 Aug. 1981

Boots, Marylin K.
born & died  - 17 June 1950
d/o J. & K.

Boyce, Charles H.
24 Feb. 1871 - 17 Aug. 1900

Boyce, Clodia (Roark)
17 Mar. 1881 - 25 Apr. 1955
same stone as Mon T.

Boyce, Elizabeth A.
15 Sept. 1851 - 11 June 1936
same stone as Isaac N.

Boyce, Isaac N.
21 Oct. 1846 - 14 Oct. 1941
same stone as Elizabeth A.

Boyce, Mont T.
13 June 1878 - 8 Aug. 1917
same stone as Clodia (Roark)

Boyce, Thomas R.
13 Nov. 1875 - 16 Jan. 1944

Breckon, Homer V
23 Dec. 1937 - 28 Sept. 1999
Sgt. U. S. Marine Corps
h/o  Sarah M.

Breckon, Sarah M.
15 Aug. 1933 - no date
w/o Homer V.  - wed 8 Nov. 1958

Brockway, David E.
3 May 1951 - 8 Dec. 1988
SP4 U. S. Army

Brockway, Fay Irene
1912 - 1999
same stone as John M.

Brockway, John M.
1912 - 1989
same stone as Fay Irene

Brown, Amos Schafter
4 Jan. 1902 - 15 Feb. 1993
same stone as Anna Izetta

Brown, Anna Izetta
22 July 1907 - 9 Aug. 1992
same stone as Amos Schafter

Brown, Belva M.
1900 - 1973

Brown, Burla B.
1901 - 1980
same stone as Clarence W.

Brown, Clarence W.
1893 - 1964
same stone as Burla B.

Brown, Delpha (Reed)
13 Mar. 1883 - 27 July 1961

Brown, Dianna Lynn
5 Aug. 1964  - 4 Apr. 2001
d/o Donald Brown & Euneva (Strange) Brown

Brown, Donald Elwood
died - 4 Jan. 1935
Miller County records

Brown, Edward O.
1893 - 1962

Brown, George W.
1877 - 1967
same stone as Sadie E.

Brown, Harold O.
31 Mar. 1924 - 21 Apr. 1941

Brown, Herb W.
18 Dec. 1923 - 6 July 1982
Sgt. U. S. Marine Corps  - WW II

Brown, Jinks
2 May 1878 - 2 Oct. 1929

Brown, Leeman H.
1919 - 1952

Brown, Luther L.
18 Nov. 1885 - 12 Sept. 1957

Brown, Mabel E.
23 Aug. 1900 - 13 Nov. 1902
d/o Thos. & Edna

Brown, Marshall Ivan
1942 - 1954

Brown, Roxie
7 Apr. 1874 - 12 Feb. 1948

Brown, Sadie E.
1880 - 1957
same stone as George W.

Buchanan, Alonzo
1877 - 1952

Buchanan, Barney E.
1898 - 1927

Buchanan, Charley A.
1874 - 1944
same stone as Flora A.

Buchanan, Charlotte C. (Smith)
29 Jan. 1841 - 3 Dec. 1919

Buchanan, Flora A.
1877 - 1947
same stone as Charley A.

Buchanan, Infant
31 Aug. 1919 - no date
s/o W.H. & G.M.

Buchanan, J. W.
30 Jan. 1861 - 29 Sept. 1902
Miller County records

Buchanan, Jack T.
1876 - 1951

Buchanan, Leora Alice
3 Sept. 1886 - 10 June 1968

Buchanan, Louie R.
16 July 1913 - 13 Aug. 1913
s/o L.C. & C.E.
Buchanan, Mandy M.
19 Oct. 1900 - 28 Nov. 1900
d/o C.A. & F.A.

Buchanan, Nancy
25 Dec. 1848 - 19 Dec. 1938

Buchanan, Ola Aubry
9 Nov. 1914 - 25 Aug. 1917
s/o L.C. & C.E.
Buchanan, Thomas
7 Sept. 1919 - 11 Sept. 1919

Buchanan, William O.
9 Jan. 1869 - 31 Jan. 1884

Buchanan, Wm. T.
16 Sept. 1841 - 7 Aug. 1914
Corporal Co. I. 2nd Tenn. Calvary

Buckner, Ernest "Buck"
17 May 1913 - 4 June 2003
h/o Sylvia "Tibbie" - wed 26 Aug. 1939

Buckner, George R.
2 June 1929 - 6 Jan. 2000
PFC Army - Korea

Buckner, Sylvia "Tibbie"
29 June 1919 - no date
w/o Ernest "Buck" - wed 26 Aug. 1939
Bunch, Albert W.
one date - 3 Feb. 1933

Bunch, Betsey L.
2 Oct. 1867 - 29 Mar. 1868

Bunch, Beulah M.
25 June 1903 - 18 Mar. 1984
w/o Ellis R. - wed 11 Feb. 1920

Bunch, C.L.
7 Sept. 1892 - 6 July 1911

Bunch, Clara L.
28 Nov. 1892 - 4 Sept. 1893
same stone as Leona L.

Bunch, Cora M.
4 Nov. 1885 - 17 Mar. 1969
same stone as George M.

Bunch, David Elmont
1898 - 1961
h/o  Edna Aslee

Bunch, Dawn D.
13 Mar. 1937 - 24 May 1998

Bunch, Delma Dean
one date - 7 May 1939
d/o Mr. & Mrs. William

Bunch, Didamy Elizabeth
18 Jan. 1830 - 6 June 1869
w/o James M.

Bunch, Dosia
died - 27 Sept. 1886 - age 7y17d
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890

Bunch, Douglas E.
24 Jan. 1945 - 29 Mar. 1983

Bunch, Edna Aslee
1899 - 1942
w/o David Elmont

Bunch, Ellis R.
4 Feb. 1899 - 29 Mar. 1972
h/o Beulah M.
Bunch, Eloise Jane
15 May 1929 - 26 Apr. 1930

Bunch, Elva (Hoskins)
13 Oct. 1907 - 18 Jan. 1966

Bunch, Feraby M. (Slote)
1905 - 1987

Bunch, Florence H.
1872 - 1938
w/o Thomas J.

Bunch, Frank V.
4 Oct. 1903 - 18 June 1977
h/o Ruth A.
Bunch, G. I.
7 Sept. 1892 - 6 July1911
Miller County records

Bunch, George M.
10 Jan. 1882 - 17 Dec. 1961
same stone as Cora M.

Bunch, Goldia
1910 - 1930
d/o Geo. & Cora

Bunch, Harold M.
24 Dec. 1923 - no date
h/o Thelma (Strange)

Bunch, Infant
died  - 8 July 1942
s/o Raymond

Bunch, J. William
1854 - 1935
same stone as Martha J.

Bunch, James F.
1899 - 1985
same stone as Vergie A.

Bunch, James M.
10 Feb. 1826 - 31 Aug. 1885

Bunch, James Ray
30 Apr. 1975 - 22 Mar. 1997

Bunch, John N.
1882 - 1955
same stone as May V.

Bunch, Joseph F.
24 Apr. 1896 - 16 Sept. 1897
s/o S.W. & M.H.

Bunch, Leona L.
26 Feb. 1904 - 31 July 1904
same stone as Clara L.

Bunch, Leta (Hees)
10 Nov. 1900 - 14 Dec. 1997

Bunch, Martha H.
1860 - 1952
same stone as Simeon W.

Bunch, Martha J.
1865 - 1949
same stone as J. William

Bunch, Mary L.
1888 - 1979
same stone as William W.

Bunch, Mary M.
14 Jan. 1855 - 3 Sept. 1887

Bunch, May V.
1890 - 1932
same stone as John N.

Bunch, Neta B.
24 Oct. 1925 - no date
same stone as Raymond M.

Bunch, Raymond M.
29 Sept. 1915 - 13 Mar. 1978
same stone as Neta B.

Bunch, Raymond Monroe
8 July 1942 - 9 July 1942
s/o Raymond & Neta

Bunch, Ruth A.
14 Nov. 1910 - no date
w/o Frank V.  - wed 15 June 1929

Bunch, Simeon W.
1859 - 1928
same stone as Martha H.

Bunch, Thelma (Strange)
9 Jan. 1925 - no date
w/o Harold M.  - wed 2 Aug. 1942

Bunch, Thomas J.
1865 - 1946
same stone as Florence H.

Bunch, Thomas W.
2 Feb. 1908 - 31 Jan. 1994

Bunch, Vergie A.
1899 - 1969
same stone as James F.

Bunch, William W.
22 Feb. 1897 - 23 Aug. 1967
PVT Quartermaster Corps  - WW I

Bunch, William W.
1887 - 1962
same stone as Mary L.

Bunkee, George
1867 - 1944
Miller County records

Bunker, Byron A.
1883 - 1955

Bunker, Chauncey
9 Oct. 1892 - 1 Nov. 1892
s/o Isaiah  & M. J.

Bunker, David W.
25 Jan. 1852 - 16 June 1855
s/o Melton & Elizabeth

Bunker, Elizabeth
5 Dec. 1826 - 5 Jan. 1877
w/o Melton

Bunker, Ethel G.
30 Dec. 1896 - 17 Sept. 1979

Bunker, George W.
1867 - 1944

Bunker, Hansen R.
30 Apr. 1910 - 18 Jan. 1991
same stone as Norma L.

Bunker, Isaac F.
1855 - 1940

Bunker, Isaiah
1847 - 1929
same stone as Martha J.

Bunker, John B.
27 May 1859 - 29 May 1859
s/o Melton & Elizabeth

Bunker, Martha J.
1860 - 1949
same stone as Isaiah

Bunker, Mary A.
16 Mar. 1849 - 14 Mar. 1876
d/o Melton & Elizabeth

Bunker, Milton
16 Feb. 1816 - 27 Sept. 1873
Miller County records

Bunker, Milton P.
1886 - 1956
same stone as Vercia F.

Bunker, Norma L.
3 Nov. 1907- 5 Jan. 1990
same stone as Hansen R.

Bunker, Vercia F.
1890 - 1942
same stone as Milton P.

Bunker, William
1790 - 1869

Bunker,? Margaret Irene
31 Oct. 1862 - 2 May 1881

Burns, Edna Irene (Cotton)
9 Jan. 1922 - 23 Dec. 2001
w/o Louis Brownfield
w/o Victor Burns - wed 1946 

Burns, Victor B. 
7 Nov. 1918 - 23 May 1967
MO. PFC 106th Infantry Div.  - WW II
h/o Edna Irene (Cotton) - wed 1946

Busick, Alfred
19 Feb. 1822 - 8 Sept. 1878

Busick, Clinton L.
8 Jan. 1873 - 16 Nov. 1956

Busick, Emma E.
4 Jan. 1871 - 20 Nov. 1898
Busick, Glover H.
8 Apr. 1904 - 5 Apr. 1982

Busick, John
4 Apr. 1875 - 4 Sept. 1876

Busick, John
no dates
Co. B 8th MO. S.M. Calvary

Busick, Leroy
no dates
Co. B 8th MO. S.M. Cavalry 

Busick, Mollie E.
23 Oct. 1875 - 27 Nov. 1963

Busick, Sarah
26 Feb. 1837 - 13 Feb. 1901

Busick, Sarah H.
1845 - 1934

Busick, Tabitha
26 Feb. 1838 - 9 Jan. 1916

Busick, Vera G.
20 Feb. 1902 - 15 Jan. 2001

Byrd, John W.
10 Mar. 1853 - 16 Aug. 1916
same stone as Mary E.

Byrd, Mary E.
15 Apr. 1862 - 2 Jan. 1942
same stone as John W.

Cain, Lola B.
9 Feb. 1868 - 22 Jan. 1908
w/o Chas. R.

Caldwell, Anna
died - 2 Sept. 1895 - age 28y9d
w/o J. D.

Caldwell, Basha M.
1861 - 1944

Caldwell, Bertha Ada
20 Feb. 1888 - 13 Aug. 1888

Caldwell, Clarance ?
died -  12 Oct. 1895

Caldwell, David
29 Mar. 1825 - 23 Feb. 1914
h/o Nancy J.
Caldwell, Jefferson T.
1862 - 1937

Caldwell, Martha J.
died - 16 Apr. 1891 - age 31y2d

Caldwell, Myrtle
13 Mar. 1890 - 1 July 1899

Caldwell, Nancy J.
11 Feb. 1828 - 19 Dec. 1901
w/o David

Caldwell, [Pui]?coney
died - 3 Apr. 1888 - age 19 y 9m
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890

Caldwell, Pinkney
5 May 1868 - 11 Apr. 1888

Carney, Elsie
25 July 1897 - 26 Sept. 1899
d/o J. T. & M. J.
Miller County records

Carpenter, Mildred B.
died - 25 Aug. 1861- age 20y9m13d
w/o G.

Carrender, Bernice
1889 - 1945

Cartee, Infant
12 June 1888 - 27 Apr. 1890
d/o L. L. & M. A.
Miller County records

Cartee, Infant
15 June 1891- 27 Nov. 1891
s/o L.L. & M.A.

Cartee, Sissie
12 June 1888 - 27 Apr. 1890
d/o L.L. & M.A.

Chidster, Elizabeth
1859 - 1935
same stone as Lewis L.

Chidster, Lewis L.
1849 - 1940
same stone as Elizabeth

Coffman, ? ?
only date - 31 Jan. 1934
Miller County records

Coffman, Erda M.
8 Aug. 1895 - 9 Aug. 1982
w/o Olive Z.
Coffman, Harold (McCoffman)
28 July 1918 - 6 Aug. 1919
s/o Erda M. & Olive Z.

Coffman, John Henry
1868 - 1963
same stone as Mary Minerva

Coffman, Mary Minerva
1874 - 1961
same stone as John Henry

Coffman, Olive Z.
14 June 1895 - 11 Apr. 1978
h/o Erda M.

Cole, F. Ray
25 Nov. 1923 - 24 Sept. 2002
U S Navy - WWII  
U. S. S.  Abner Read
h/o Louise (Stark) -wed 22 June 1946

Combs, Macy M. (Brown)
30 May 1914 - no date

Conner, Edward F.
30 July 1889 - 22 Sept. 1964

Conner, Mary J.
13 Sept. 1827 - 13 June 1887
w/o William W.
Conner, Shirley Jean
8 Aug. 1946 - 19 Dec. 1946

Conner, William W.
one date - 10 Jan. 1891 - age 59y
h/o Mary J.

Cook, Andrew J.
20 July 1836 - 6 Mar. 1909
same stone as Levina

Cook, Infant
25 Mar. 1892 - 1 Apr. 1892
s/o G.A. & A.A.

Cook, Levina
26 Mar. 1835 - 7 July 1909
same stone as Andrew J.

Cook, Malinda (Bunch)
1798 - 1883

Cook, Margret E.
1 Aug. 1864 - 20 Feb. 1883
d/o Andrew J. & Levina

Cooper, Elzena
1884 - 1964
same stone as Matt

Cooper, Ervin A.
1914 - 1961
h/o Virginia (Quick) - wed 28 Aug. 1937

Cooper, Harold E.
1913 - 1975
h/o Ruth (Hoskins) - wed 25 Mar. 1933

Cooper, Infant
one date - 23 Nov. 1955
s/o E. & V.

Cooper, Infant
one date - 24 Oct. 1901
d/o Perry & Ida 

Cooper, J. Elzar
1883 - 1937
same stone as M. Emma

Cooper, Leonard E.
1916 - 1925
s/o J.E. & Emma

Cooper, M. Emma
1881 - 1949
same stone as J. Elzar

Cooper, Marvin D.
1939 - 1962

Cooper, Matt
1874 - 1946
same stone as Elzena

Cooper, Robert E.
25 Feb. 1941 - 14 Sept. 1985

Cooper, Roy A.
5 Apr. 1942 - 18 May 1987
U. S. Air Force

Cooper, Ruth (Hoskins)
30 July 1912 - 30 Dec. 1979
w/o Harold E. - wed 25 Mar. 1933

Cooper, Virginia (Quick)
17 Feb. 1920 - 31 July 2003
w/o Ervin Alva  - wed 28 Aug. 1937

Cordrey, William M. 
no date -  no date
Co. B Osage Co. MO. Home Guards

Cornelius, Willis
died - 6 Apr. 1904

Cornett, Dianne
13 May 1944 - 3 Dec. 1944

Cornett, Esther A.
3 Mar. 1909 - 26 Jan. 1990
w/o  J. Frank

Cornett, J. Frank
1905 - 1977
h/o Esther A.

Cornett, John M.
2 Mar. 1874 - 9 Oct. 1948
same stone as Sarah R.

Cornett, Ray D.
25 July 1927 - 16 June 1935
s/o J. M. & S.R. 

Cornett, Robert "Bob"
8 Apr. 1913 - 26 Sept. 1995

Cornett, Ruth E.
9 Sept. 1919 - 29 June 1978

Cornett, Sarah R.
12 May 1883 - 2 Apr. 1970
same stone as John M.

Coronet,? W.R.
Co. B Osage Co.. MO. Home Guard

Costner, Nora
25 Oct. 1900 - 6 May 1901
d/o J.L. & R.A.

Cotten, Benjamin F.
17 Jan. 1832 - 4 Aug. 1887
same stone as Lyda A.

Cotten, Ellen Maui
22 Mar. 1916 - 31 May 1996
side-by-side of Raymond E.

Cotten, Emmett H.
1886 - 1925
same stone as Julius B.

Cotten, J. Henry
1884 - 1938
same stone as Minnie E.

Cotten, James S.
1919 - 1980

Cotten, John H.
21 June 1853 - 27 July 1853
s/o B. F. & Lydia Ann

Cotten, John Henry
27 Aug. 1867 - 14 Jan. 1870
s/o Joseph & Julia A. 

Cotton, Joseph B.
1880 - 1932
Miller County records

Cotten, Julius B.
1870 - 1920
same stone as Emmett N.

Cotten, Lemuel R.
1912 - 1967

Cotten, Lyda A.
29 July 1829 - 21 Dec. 1912
same stone as Benjamin F.

Cotten, Mary Ellen
9 Sept. 1861 - 7 Aug. 1862
d/o Joseph & Julia A.

Cotten, Maude M.
1893 - 1968
w/o Norman E. - wed 4 Oct. 1911

Cotten, Melvin Nelson
4 Aug. 1917 - 16 Dec. 1977
U. S. Army  - WW II

Cotten, Minnie E.
1890 - 1938
same stone as J. Henry

Cotten, Nelson C.
11 Feb. 1942 - 14 Oct. 1948
s/o Mr.& Mrs. Lemuel R.

Cotten, Nina Faye
12 Aug. 1932 - 14 Feb. 2000

Cotten, Norman E.
1885 - 1961
h/o Maude M.

Chidester, Penemma Elizabeth (Cotton) 
21 Feb. 1859 - 15 Mar. 1935
w/o ? Allen 
w/o ? Ferguson
w/o L. L. Chidester - wed 2 June 1922 
d/o Joseph and Nancy (McComb) 

 Cotten, Raymond
6 Oct. 1924 - 2 Nov. 1924

Cotten, Raymond E.
2 Oct. 1913 - 1 Aug. 1984
side-by-side of Ellen Maude

Cotten, Raymond L.
6 Oct. 1924 - 2 Nov. 1924
side-by-side of Ruby F.

Cotten, Ruby F.
27 July 1927 - 10 July 1929
side-by-side of Raymond L.

Cotten, Samuel R.
7 May 1870 - 5 Dec. 1870
s/o Joseph & Julia A.

Cotten, Sarah E.
1 Dec. 1850 - 23 Feb. 1917
side-by-side of Thomas W.

Cotten, Thomas W.
1 Sept. 1846 - 27 May 1913
side-by-side of Sarah E.

Cotten, Truhman L.
21 June 1912 - 20 Feb. 1994

Cotten, Viola J.
27 May 1872 - 26 May 1949

Couts, Dorlis M.
1931 - 1935

Couts, Finley F.
1906 - 1973
same stone as Ruth B.

Couts, Ruth B.
1906 - 1995
same stone as Finley F.

Couts, Skinner
1878 - 1958

Cox Arthur
1866 - 1978 - s/o Tom

Cox, Anna Josiephene
21 Apr. 1889 - 17 July 1978
same stone as William Wade

Cox, Charles H.
21 Aug. 1915 - no date
h/o Dessie V.
Cox, Clarence E.
1888 - 1954
same stone as Myrtle

Cox, Dessie V.
29 June 1919 - 27 May 1999
w/o Charles H. - wed 21 Feb. 1936

Cox, Gerald Lynch
25 Oct. 1911 - 11 Dec. 1912
s/o W. W. & A. J.

Cox, Henry
no date - s/o Tom

Cox, Israil
no date - s/o Tom

Cox, Myrtle
1883 - 1968
same stone as Clarence E.

Cox, Sarah E.
10 Feb. 1870 - 4 Jan. 1889
d/o J.S. & S.E.

Cox, Sarah E.
20 Aug. 1847 - 1 July 1891
w/o J.S.

Cox, Tom
no date - no info
f/o Israil, Henry, & Arthur

Cox, William Wade
12 Apr. 1889 - 12 Dec. 1950
same stone as Anna Josiephene

Coykendall, C.H.
21 May 1860 - 24 Oct. 1914

Craig, Arthel
1894 - 1944
same stone as Ethel M.

Craig, Ben
1884 - 1953
h/o Mary R

Craig, Elda J.
28 Jan. 1893 - 9 Dec. 1990
w/o Wilbur Walter

Craig, Ethel
born & died - 23 Apr. 1894
d/o W. & M.

Craig, Ethel M.
1895 - 1976
same stone as Arthel

Craig, Harley W.
1916 - 1997
same stone as Ruth Z.

Craig, Harry Lee
1924 - 1926
s/o Ben & Mary

Craig, Maggie
1864 - 1947
w/o William W.

Craig, Mary R.
1889 - 1948
w/o Ben

Craig, Ruth Z.
1913 - no date
same stone as Harley W.

Craig, Tom
1869 - 1901

Craig, Wilbur Walter
1890 - 1960
h/o Elda J.

Craig, William W.
1863 - 1917
h/o Maggie

Crown, Alvin L.
18 Nov. 1904 - 28 Aug. 1973
h/o Ross N. - wed 28 Sept. 1929

Crown, Mary Kay
born & died - 1930

Crown, Ross N.
16 Nov. 1908 - 21 Jan. 1978
w/o Alvin L.
Crown, William Alvin
1876 - 1928

Crowther, Ethel V. (Boan)
25 Nov. 1905 - 16 Jan. 1988

Crum, Agnes A.
1890 - 1926

Crum, Agness A.
1 Nov. 1900 - 27 May 1980
same stone as Elmer

Crum, Alice
1869 - 1958
same stone as Wilbert

Crum, Clois
17 Sept. 1929 - 21 Mar. 1945
s/o H.R. & Neoma E.

Crum, Elmer
14 May 1901 - 14 Sept. 1962
same stone as Agness A.

Crum, Emma
1 Aug. 1890 - 12 Aug. 1890
d/o Henry & Mary

Crum, H. Ross
1902 - 1972
h/o Neoma E.

Crum, Henry
18 Feb. 1899 - 2 July 1900
s/o W.A. & S.A.

Crum, Henry
23 Nov. 1900 - 9 Dec. 1900

Crum, Infant
born & died  - 12 Aug. 1923
s/o H. R. & Neoma E.

Crum, Isaac
12 Mar. 1819 - 9 Apri1891
Miller County records

Crum, Margaret 
27 Oct. 1828 - no date

Crum, Nancy Jane
1890 - 1926

Crum, Nellie J.
1907 - 1920

Crum, Neoma E.
1904 - 1991
w/o H. Ross - wed 30 Sept. 1922

Crum, Wilbert
1870 - 1934
same stone as Alice

Cunningham, Columbus T.
12 Apr. 1848 - 19 Dec. 1902

Cunningham, James G.
died - 11 Dec. 1945

Cunningham, Mary E.
14 Dec. 1847 - 29 Oct. 1933

Dane, Everett (Rev.)
1915 - 1984
h/o Martha M

Dane, Martha M.
1918 - no date
w/o Rev. Everett - wed 10 May 1936

Dane, Ida May (Wilken)
3 Aug. 1894 - 29 Mar. 1982
side-by-side of John L.

Dane, John L.
1891 - 1928
side-by-side of Ida May (Wilken)

Davenport, Berbia M.
18 Aug. 1922 - 15 Apr. 1997
w/o Charles E. - wed 1 Feb. 1941

Davenport, Bitha J.
1881 - 1958
same stone as George A.

Davenport, Charles E.
5 Jan. 1919 - no date
h/o Berbia M.
Davenport, Dollie
1896 - 1971

Davenport, Evelyn Sue
29 Oct. 1949 - 19 Jan. 1952

Davenport, F.M.
5 Oct. 1867 - 28 Apr. 1939
same stone as Minerva

Davenport, Felon L.
23 Jan. 1899 - 7 May 1969
same stone as Maggie B.

Davenport, Frances U.
1851 - 1935

Davenport, George A.
1877 - 1951
same stone as Bitha J.

Davenport, Hershel
19 Sept. 1917 - 4 Jan. 1962

Davenport, James William
15 May 1917 - 3 Apr. 1982
SK3 U. S. Navy  - WWII

Davenport, Maggie B.
2 Feb. 1899 - 26 Feb. 1966
same stone as Felon L.

Davenport, Martha L.
11 Nov. 1922 - 26 Dec. 1930

Davenport, Minerva
12 June 1855 - no date
same stone as F.M.

Davenport, Patricia Helen
1958 - 1976

Davenport, William A.
20 July 1927 - 29 July 1927

Davidson, ?ina
no info

Davidson, Ella I.
1870 - 1935
w/o Robert C.
Davidson, Elvira R.
16 Feb. 1852 - 17 July 1930
same stone as Pleasant J. 

Davidson, Florence
1885 - 1979
same stone as Grant

Davidson, Georgia Estella
8 Feb. 1893 - 6 Feb. 1900
d/o R. C. & E. I.

Davidson, Grant
1879 - 1945
PVT 2nd MO. Infantry 
same stone as Florence

Davidson, Levina R.
1 Dec. 1813 - 23 May 1881
w/o W. F.
Miller County records

Davidson, Pleasant J.
5 May 1841 - 15 Oct. 1911
same stone as Elvira R.

Davidson, Robert C.
1852 - 1919
h/o Ella I.

Davis, Herbert A.
23 Mar. 1918 - no date
same stone as Opal M.

Davis, Opal M. (Greenup)
26 July 1918 - 7 Mar. 1991
same stone as Herbert A.

Dennison, Georgie Elizabeth
12 July 1911 - 16 Dec. 1915
d/o J. M. & H.E

Dieckman, Bessie
28 Apr. 1888 - 25 May 1967

Dieckman, Eucrette S.
1910 - 1997
same stone as Geneva L.

Dieckman, Eula H.
25 July 1913 - 15 Mar. 1994

Dieckman, Geneva L.
1912 - 1996
same stone as Eucrette S.

Dieckman, Herman
1881 - 1960

Dooley, ? ? 
broken stone next to Rebecca Vann

Dooley, Ann C.
died - 20 Oct. 1876
age 19y11m19d - d/o W.P. & A.C.

Dooley, Corlenda A.
14 Jan. 1854 - 17 Feb. 1855
d/o Elizabeth E. & U. S.
Miller County records

Dooley, Edward
one date - Sept. 1835
age 20yrs - s/o James & Mary

Dooley, Elizabeth E.
25 Mar. 1818 - 28 June 1854
w/o U. S. 

Dooley, Ellen 
28 Aug. 1822 - 14 Feb. 1892
Miller County records

Dooley, Esom B.
9 Nov. 1811- 2 June 1880

Dooley, Infant
no dates - d/o W.P. & A.C.

Dooley, Infant
born & died - Mar. 1844
d/o E.B. & E.

Dooley, Infant
born & died - Mar. 1843
d/o E.B. & E.

Dooley, Infant
stone mostly buried
d/o Esom B. & Elizabeth E

Dooley, James
14 Feb. 1760 - 26 Nov. 1863

Dooley, John E.
10 Sept. 1847 - 10 Jan. 1861
s/o U. S. & E. E.

Dooley, Mary 
died - 16 Sept. 1847 - age 69
w/o James 

Dooley, Samuel T.
4 Nov. 1860 - 30 Nov. 1865
s/o U. S. & Nancy

Dooley, U. S.
7 Sept. 1809 - 1 Dec. 1862
h/o E. E.

Dooley, Uriah S.
3 Dec. 1819 - 19 July 1868
s/o U. S. & E. E.

Dunstan, Cora E.
8 July 1877 - 26 Feb. 1958
side-by-side of Sherman

Dunstan, John C.
11 Oct. 1862 - 22 Oct. 1872
s/o Wm. & Sophia

Dunstan, Josephine (Brooks)
3 June 1887 - 9 Oct. 1957

Dunstan, Sherman
9 May 1875 - 19 Jan. 1949
side-by-side of Cora E.

Dunstan, Sophia
31 Mar. 1830 - 6 Jan. 1889
same stone as William

Dunstan, Tennis R.
1904 - 1947

Dunstan, William
26 Mar. 1812 - 6 Aug. 1880
same stone as Sophia

Dunstan, William P.
18 June 1865 - 28 June 1950

Dusenberry, Missouri J.
1877 - 1959
same stone as Walter E.

Dusenberry, Walter E.
1886 - 1948
same stone as Missouri J.

Dusky, Hattie
1890 - 1981
same stone as Mark
Dusky, Mark
1878 - 1943
same stone as Hattie

Dutcher, Annie (McNown)
28 July 1874 - 31 Aug. 1962

Dutcher, Bonnie
23 June 1892 - 23 Mar. 1901
d/o James & Elizabeth

Dutcher, Elizabeth
25 July 1854 - 27 June 1904
same stone as James

Dutcher, James
28 Mar. 1850 - 1 Mar. 1904
same stone as Elizabeth

Duzenberry, Evert
5 Aug. 1895 - 27 Nov. 1900

Elliott, Charles J.
1872 - no date
same stone as Sarah L.

Elliott, Essie B.
1880 - 1957

Elliott, Johnson W.
30 Mar. 1839 - 7 Feb. 1905

Elliott, Sarah L.
1871 - 1941
same stone as Charles J.

Engle, Charlottie
1910 - 1971

Engle, Dorothy Ann (Henley)
9 Apr. 1933 - 10 June 1992
w/o Billie G. (Phil. 1:21)

Engle, James G.
2 Aug. 1907 - 3 May 197?

Etter, Artie Frank
30 Oct. 1882 - 19 Dec. 1909

Etter, J. Fred
1873 - 1938
same stone as Luella A.

Etter, Lena (Moss)
16 July 1888 - no date
Miller County records

Etter, Luella A.
1873 - no date
same stone as J. Fred

Etter, Perlla
28 July 1876 - 21 May 1881
d/o S. G. & S. A.

Etter, Samuel G.
3 Jan. 1850 - 19 Aug. 1921
same stone as Sarah A.- w/o

Etter, Sarah A.
31 Dec. 1855 - 19 June 1927
same stone as Samuel G.- h/o

Etter, William Carlos
2 Feb. 1888 - 20 Nov. 1909

Evans, Bennie
11 May 1923 - 22 Mar. 2000
Marine Corps. - WWII - Two Purple Hearts
h/o Norma - wed 4 June 1958

Evans, Norma
9 Oct. 1939 - no date
w/o Bennie

Farley, Jane
8 Sept. 1899 - 9 Feb. 1935

Farris, Nettie V.
30 May 1885 - 30 Jan. 1920

Ferguson, Anna Frances
1912 - 1996

Ferguson, F. Josie
22 Jan. 1859 - 28 June 1947

Ferguson, Grace M.
1885 - 1965

Ferguson, Leeman E.
1910 - 1980

Ferguson, Lunda L.
1881 - 1954

Fetterhoff, Margareta
20 July 1848 - 19 Feb. 1898

Finey, Wiley B.
9 Mar. 1844 - 22 Feb. 1915
Co. B 9th Tennessee Calvary

Finney, Thomas D.
11 Aug. 1801 - 18 Mar. 1881

Fitzgerald, ? ?
1883 - 1945
Miller County records

Fitzgerald, Alice Irene
9 June 1911 - 26 Apr. 1994
w/o William T.

Fitzgerald, Ida A.
1883 - 1945 - mother

Fitzgerald, William T.
19 Oct. 1908 - 30 June 1985
U. S. Navy  - WW II
h/o Alice Irene

Fogleman, Arie B.
1890 - 1974
w/o William F. 

Fogleman, Florence
1855 -  no date
Miller County records

Fogleman, Grant
1879 - 1945
PVT 2nd MO. Infantry
Miller County records

Fogleman, John
died - 1915
s/o William F. & Arie B.

Fogleman, William F.
1886 - 1937
h/o Arie B. 

Foote, Lois Hamilton
1898 - 1934

Forrester, Bertie H.
4 July 1908 - 1 Dec. 1985
h/o Evelyn M.
Forrester, Evelyn M.
28 Dec. 1919 - no date
w/o Bertie H. - wed 2 Dec. 1936

Foster, Dean D.
27 Mar. 1918 - 5 July 1986
U. S.  Army  - WW II
same stone as Wanetta

Foster, Wanetta
23 Oct. 1919 - no date
same stone as Duan D.

Fradenbrough, Elizabeth F.
18 Apr. 1844 - 28 Mar. 1917
w/o Steven

Garnett, can’t read

Garrett, Bertie L.
1893 - 1977
same stone as Chester A.

Garrett, Chester A.
1881 - 1967
same stone as Bertie L.

Garrett, Gerald A.
17 Nov. 1919 - 9 Mar. 2002
U. S. Navy  - WWII
h/o Icel D. - wed 15 June 1940

Garrett, Harrett A.
12 Sept. 1842 - 2 Jan. 1892
w/o Jas.

Garrett, Icel D.
18 Mar. 1924 - 11 Oct. 1981
w/o Gerald A. - wed 15 June 1940

Garrett, James
2 May 1842 - 22 Nov. 1918
same stone as Mary E.

Garrett, James E.
1913 - 1981
h/o Opal L. (Sullens) - wed 10 Nov. 1939

Garrett, James T.
9 July 1873 - 29 Jan. 1894

Garrett, Mary E.
18 Mar. 1847 - no date
same stone as James 

Garrett, Opal L. (Sullens)
16 July 1917 - 12 Mar. 2002
w/o James E. - wed 10 Nov. 1939

Garrett, ? ? 
14 Dec. 1877 - 10 Sept. 1895
w/o Harwood

Garrett, William D.
17 Feb. 1877 - 23 July 1908

Garrett, William H.
11 July 1875 - 20 Feb. 1894

Gibbons, Florence V.
11 Apr. 1884  - 5 Sept. 1885
d/o W. A. & S. A.

Gibson, Mary A.
1858 - 1937

Gibson, William M.
1857 - 1890

Gouge, Albert C.
1874 - 1958
same stone as Arizona

Gouge, Arizona
1866 - 1953
same stone as Albert C.

Gouge, Clyde Vernon
23 June 1890 - 14 Mar. 1917

Gouge, George W.
1859 - 1933
same stone as Lucy A.

Gouge, James J.
1863 - 1912

Gouge, Lucy A.
1865 - 1948
same stone as George W.

Gouge, Millie
27 July 1846 - 9 Oct. 1904

Gouge, Wilson M.
1858 - 8 Nov. 1918

Graham, B.C. (or G.)
1937 - 1937

Graham, Bobby Gene
only date -  Jan. 1926

Graham, Cleo W. 
21 Dec. 1922 - 12 Feb. 1969

Graham, G.T.
1931 - 1931

Graham, Herbert A.
23 Apr. 1918 - 23 Apr. 1971
MO. CPL 263rd Gen. Hosp.  - WW II

Graham, Ina Y.
1925 - no date
same stone as Marion P.

Graham, Marion P.
3 Feb. 1919 - 19 Oct. 1967
U. S. Navy - Oklahoma T Sgt. Co. G 371st Inv.  - WWII 
same stone as Ina Y.

Graham, Ora B. (Vernon)
5 July 1906 - 26 Feb. 1983
w/o Selby A.

Graham, Selby A.
6 Aug. 1911 - 8 Aug. 1990
h/o Ora B. (Vernon)

Graham, Tracy
no info - homemade

Green, Andrew Jobson
15 Jan. 1870 - 10 Jan. 1955
h/o Sarah Jane (Brumback) - 8 Oct. 1891

Green, Mary E.
30 Apr. 1839 - 26 Sept. 1890

Green, Raymond I.
11 May 1913 - 1 Oct. 1955
MO. PVT U. S. Army  - WW II

Green, Sarah Jane (Brumback)
1875 - 1958
w/o Andrew Jobson - wed 8 Oct. 1891

Greenup, Charley
born & died  - 27 Dec. 1915
same stone as Theodore

Greenup, Charley
6 Jan. 1874 - 29 Oct. 1875
s/o T. W .& Lizie

Greenup, Charley
died - 27 Dec. 1915
Miller County records

Greenup, Cora B.
1880 - 1908

Greenup, Curtis Leon
7 June 1934 - 24 Jan. 1935

Greenup, Della
11 Feb. 1882 - 21 July 1882
d/o T. W. & Lizie

Greenup, Elsie
8 June 1885 - 5 Aug. 1885
d/o T. W. & Lizie

Greenup, Julia A.
24 July 1866 - 17 Nov. 1889
w/o G. W. Vann
Miller County records

Greenup, Lois L.
26 Nov. 1896 - 23 Oct. 1993
same stone as William L.

Greenup, Loren W.
6 Mar. 1925 - 28 July 1925

Greenup, Malinda
11 Oct. 1811 - 21 Jan. 1890

Greenup, Mary J.
1893 - 1981

Greenup, Nancy E.
16 Nov. 1848 - 20 Mar. 1910
w/o T. W.

Greenup, Ole
19 Feb. 1887 - 24 Apr. 1887
s/o T. W. & Lizie

Greenup, Roscoe K.
1921 - 1982 - U. S. Marine Corps

Greenup, T.J.
born & died - 28 Mar. 1913
s/o T. T. & M. J.

Greenup, Theordore
born & died  - 12 Jan. 1914
s/o T. T. & M. J.

Greenup, Thomas T.
1877 - 1962

Greenup, Thomas T., Jr.
born & died  - 21 Dec. 1916

Greenup, Thos. W.
22 Dec. 1845 - 15 Jan. 1908

Greenup, William L.
11 Dec. 1901 - 12 July 1977
same stone as Lois L.

Gunn, Luther
30 Mar. 1885 - 27 Dec. 1918

Gunn, Permelia
16 Nov. 1862 - 14 Mar. 1907
w/o J.L.

Hader, Jacob
17 Aug. 1824 - 22 May 1881

Hagan, Edward
19 Aug. 1894 - 20 Mar. 1914

Hall, Dessie
30 Apr. 1893 - 14 June 1893

Hall, Elizabeth A.
24 Dec. 1827 - 3 June 1879
w/o J.

Hall, Harry L.
9 June 1923 - 4 Jan. 1988

Hall, John W.
23 Mar. 1888 - 10 June 1890

Hall, Joseph
25 May 1821 - 29 Dec. 1892
Hall, Lucille P.
6 Aug. 1917 - 22 Mar. 1982

Hall, Mada
20 Feb. 1895 - 11 Mar. 1895

Hall, Mary E.
14 Dec. 1877 - 18 Nov. 1879
d/o Chester & Retta

Hall, Nolia
7 June 1896 - 11 Feb. 1897

Hall, Rachel
1879 - 1977
same stone as Walter

Hall, Terry Michael
one date - 7 June 1962
s/o Don & Sue

Hall, Walter
1879 - 1947
same stone as Rachel

Harper, Raymond B. Sr.
1910 - 1983

Haverstock, John D.
23 Jan. 1909 - 16 Nov. 1967

Haverstock, Nellie G.
30 Apr. 1908 - 15 July 1967

Hayes, Agnes G.
23 Sept. 1914 - 5 Apr. 1986

Hayes, Arthur A.
5 June 1891- 15 Mar. 1981

Hayes, John W.
22 May 1876 - 16 Dec. 1981
same stone as Nora F.

Hayes, Lulu B.
16 Jan. 1897 - 15 Jan. 1986

Hayes, Nellie K.
12 Mar. 1912 - 26 Dec. 1916

Hayes, Nora F.
12 June 1882 - 30 July 1967
same stone as John W.

H[e]rick ? , [Nora] May
died - 16 Sept. 1886 - age 7m
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890

Heil, Benjamin
1865 - 1919
same stone as Rebecca

Heil, Rebecca
1868 - 1943
same stone as Benjamin

Heldstab, John A.
1877 - 1953

Heldstab, Louisee
1882 - 1974

Helms, Elizabeth B.
1898 - 1913
d/o G.W. & M.B.

Helms, George W.
1870 - 1936

Helms, Harley S.
12 Aug. 1895 - 10 Nov. 1984
h/o Nelle P.

Helms, Homer E.
13 Sept. 1906 - 30 May 1907
s/o James E. & Vergie 

Helms, Infant
born & died - 19 Nov. 1913
s/o J.E. & M.E.

Helms, Mary Belle
1875 - 1917
w/o George W.

Helms, Mary C.
1884 - 1967
w/o George W.

Helms, Nelle P.
1894 - 1939
h/o Harley S.

Helms, Virgie E.
17 Oct. 1884 - 3 Dec. 1909

Helms, William S.
29 Mar. 1842 - 26 Feb. 1888

Henderson, Agness G.
29 June 1900 - 29 June 1900
d/o J.B. & M.J.

Henderson, Harriet J. (Pruitt) 
1861 - 1920
w/o Geo W Rennison  - wed 14 Oct. 1885 
Miller Co.  -  w/o James M.

Henderson, James M.
1857 - 1937
h/o Harriet J. (Pruitt) 

Henderson, Jerome R.
6 Mar. 1855 - 16 Mar. 1919

Henderson, Maggie
26 Oct. 1866 - 17 Aug. 1906

Hendricks, Glen N.
10 Aug. 1923 - 14 Sept. 1984

Hendricks, Ivy B.
4 Nov. 1902 - 4 Nov. 1993
h/o Ruby E.
Hendricks, Ruby E.
10 Sept. 1899 - 18 Feb. 1972
w/o Ivy B.  - wed 13 Nov. 1922

Hendrix, Nellie M.
10 Mar. 1907 - 1 Jan. 1991
w/o Ralph F.  - wed 28 Nov. 1929

Hendrix, Ralph F.
19 Apr. 1909 - 31 Aug. 1970
h/o Nellie M.
Henley, Ellen E.
6 Aug. 1900 - 1 July 1997
same stone as William A.

Henley, William A.
18 Mar. 1901 - 31 Oct. 1980
same stone as Ellen E.

Hibdon, Clara L.
4 Mar. 1911 - 7 Feb. 1946

Hibdon, Ellen I.
1909 - 1986
same stone as Frank T.

Hibdon, Frank Kenneth
6 June 1931 - 26 July 1997
M. Sgt. U. S.   Air Force- Korea - Vietnam

Hibdon, Frank T.
1906 - 1962
same stone as Ellen I.

Hibdon, Mary Ann
12 Apr. 1930 - 31 Dec. 1984
A2C U. S.  Air Force

Hickam, Edmond P.
7 Nov. 1887 - 26 Oct. 1918
same stone as Grace L.

Hickam, Grace L.
22 Feb. 1884 - 17 Apr. 1971
same stone as Edmond P.

Hickman, Eliza E.
1884 - 1935 
same stone as Sherman

Hickman, Sherman
1877 - 1959
same stone as Eliza E.

Hicks, Lola G.
19 June 1903 - 27 Jan. 1978
same stone as Otto F.

Hicks, Otto F.
5 Apr. 1892 - 9 Apr. 1967
same stone as Lola G.

Hieks, ? Marie W.
7 Jan. 1915 - 4 Apr. 1995

Hilderbrand, Ellen (Hickman)
1910 - 1973
same stone as Lance E.

Hilderbrand, Lance Z.
1907 - 1978- Interred @ Empire Cemetery-Salem
same stone as Ellen(Hickman)

Hill, Edison Wilson
2 Jan. 1918 - 21 Oct. 1918
Miller County records

Hill, Fronla
1867 - 1938
same stone as James Edward

Hill, Hester A.
1 Sept. 1897 - 10 Oct. 1899

Hill, James Edward
1862 - 1941
same stone as Fronla

Hill, James L.
1888 - 1954
Miller County records

Hill, Leona
1889 - 1967
same stone as Lester

Hill, Lester
1885 - 1957
same stone as Leona

Hill, Mary S.
1873 - 1964
Miller County records

Hill, Ora E.
24 Aug. 1886 - 17 May 1897

Hite, Audra Nell (McClure)
27 Jan. 1890 - 5 Oct. 1976

Holder, Albert L.
1870 - 1939
same stone as Ollie B.

Holder, Charles M.
1879 - no date
same stone as Clio D.

Holder, Cleo D.
1883 - 1911
same stone as Charles M.

Holder, Clyde H.
1908 - 1909

Holder, George D.
8 Sept. 1889 - 4 Sept. 1921
s/o M. S. & Mary J.

Holder, George W.
17 Oct. 1831 - 9 May 1902

Holder, Lloyd L.
15 June 1924 - 18 Apr. 1945
MO. PVT 47th Infantry 9th Div.  - WW II

Holder, Lurissa
11 Nov. 1840 - 14 July 1911

Holder, M. Irene
10 Jan. 1905 - 18 Mar. 1991
same stone as W. Lloyd

Holder, Marion S.
1865 - 1951

Holder, Mary J.
1861 - 1947

Holder, Matilda C.
1865  - 1945
Miller County records

Holder, Melva L.
1898 - 1954

Holder, Myrtle M.
25 Sept. 1903 - 15 June 1924
w/o W. L.

Holder, Ollie B.
1871 - 1910
same stone as Albert L.

Holder, Orpha M.
20 Mar. 1908 - 20 Mar. 1980
same stone as Virgil S. Sr.

Holder, Sherman S.
18 July 1881 - 3 June 1903

Holder, Virgil S. Sr.
21 Oct. 1905 - 18 Jan. 1984
same stone as Orpha M.

Holder, Virgil Sherman IV
one date - 23 July 1993

Holder, W. Lloyd
10 Oct. 1898 - 17 Feb. 1970
same stone as M. Irene

Holder, Wm. B.
1863 - 1958
Miller County records

Holdt, Anna M.
26 Apr. 1916 - 14 Mar. 1978
w/o Hugh M.  - wed 4 May 1935

Holdt, Hugh M.
2 Apr. 1913 - 4 July 1978
U. S. Army  - WW II
h/o Anna M. 

Holiman, Janet 
22 July 1956 - 5 Oct. 1956

Hollenbeck, Dorcas Jane (Robb)
11 Sept. 1851 - 28 Aug. 1933

Hollenbeck, Philander B.
21 Mar. 1852 - 28 Feb. 1904

Holze, Fred W.
17 Nov. 1908 - 17 Oct. 1973

Hoover, Lucinda
31 Mar. 1834 - 11 Dec. 1905
w/o H.B.

Horton, Icle (Loving)
12 Feb. 1904 - 24 Oct. 1984

Horton, Lee
13 Mar. 1889 - 22 Feb. 1969
MO. PFC Provost Guard  - WW I

Hoskins, Burdie Irene
26 Feb. 1914 - 19 May 1997

Houston, A.J.
1 Sept. 1845 - 23 Dec. 1932

Houston, Benjamin F.
1846 - 1938
same stone as Eliza J.

Houston, Berley A.
22 Dec. 1915 - 29 Mar. 1973

Houston, Eliza J.
1853 - 1935
same stone as Benj. F.

Houston, Jack O.
20 Dec. 1910 - 5 Oct. 1969

Houston, Jacob D
6 June 1874 - 1 May 1957
PVT Co. B 6th Regt. MO. Infantry Spanish American War
same stone as Laura A.

Houston, John M.
1880 - 1951

Houston, Joseph F.
1880 - 1959

Houston, Laura A.
1878 - 1957
same stone as Jacob D.

Houston, Lena Agnes
1885 - 1948

Houston, Nellie J.
1886 - 1971

Houston, Perry H.
1 July 1888 - 27 Jan. 1965

Houston, Ruby Lea
20 Aug. 1907 - 4 Nov. 1911
d/o J.F. & N.J.

Houston, William T.
1890 - 1967

Howard, Hiram
1846 - 1922

Howard, Nancy J.
1850 - 1933

Howser, Howard M.
6 Aug. 1857 - 21 Oct. 1940
h/o Livonia J.
Howser, Livonia J.
12 Nov. 1861 - 28 Jan. 1940
w/o Howard M.
Howser, Sarah J. Victoria
15 Jan. 1842 - 15 Apr. 1888
w/o Benton

Howser, Victoria
died - 15 Apr. 1888
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890

Howser, Willard
8 Jan. 1896 - 6 Jan. 1972

Hudak, Peggie Lou
20 Jan. 1956 - 13 Aug. 1999

Hull, Donald G.
29 Nov. 1931 - 17 Feb. 2003
U. S. Army
s/o Jesse & Pearl (Crown) Hull

Hull, Farrell Laverne
12 Oct. 1940 - 11 May 2001
U. S.  Army retired SFCR
h/o Barbara (Gatlos)

Hull, Jesse B.
2 Mar. 1906 - 12 Aug. 1982
h/o Nina P.

Hull, Marcus
no dates
Co. I 99th Illinois Infantry
Miller County records

Hull, Milfred L.
28 Dec. 1928 - 29 Apr. 1982
Sgt. U. S.  Army - Korea

Hull, Nina P.
11 Aug. 1908 - 29 Sept. 1977
w/o Jesse B -  wed 2 Dec. 1927

Hull, Ruth Ray (Kelly)
15 Oct. 1933 - 10 Mar. 2002
w/o Milfred L. - wed 16 Feb. 1954 

Humphrey, Margaret L.
6 Feb. 1911 - 6 Sept. 1987

Hutchison, Lois
5 Dec. 1923 - 30 June 1995

Iliff, Edith M.
1898 - 1937

Israelson, Noddie May (Lucas)
12 Dec. 1882 - 21 May 1941
w/o E.N. - wed 22 Nov. 1901
James, James M.
1899 - 1964
side-by-side of Pearl

James, John E.
31 Dec. 1861 - 6 Oct. 1938

James, Mary E.
13 Apr. 1872 - 19 Apr. 1957

James, Nancy F.
20 Mar. 1826 - 7 Nov. 1907
w/o John

James, Ola
died  - 29 Mar. 1895
d/o J. F. & E. - 2y9m4d
Miller Country records

James, Pearl
1901 - 1988
side-by-side of James M.

Jenkins, Erma B.
30 Mar. 1914 - 6 June 1987

Jenkins, Gerald L. 
27 Jan. 1939 - 12 Nov. 2001
U. S. Army 

Jenkins, H.
no dates

Jenkins, Harley G.
21 Nov. 1902 - 10 Dec. 1988

Harris, JoAnn C. Golden (Horan)
6 June 1948 - 16 Nov. 2002
w/o Lacan - wed 19 Nov 2000

Jenkins, Harrison A.
15 Feb. 1898 - 14 Sept. 1953
MO. PFC Co. 1 50th Infantry

Jenkins, Henry H.
31 July 1842 - 3 Mar. 1905

Jenkins, James Edwin
one date - 29 Jan. 1938
s/o Parker & Trevah

Jenkins, Josie
8 Mar. 1897 - 3 Jan. 1989

Jenkins, Parker E.
14 Sept. 1914 - 15 Sept. 1995
h/o Trevah M.
Jenkins, Trevah M.
20 July 1915 - no date
w/o Parker E.  - wed 21 Feb. 1937

Jenkins, William P.
1943 - 1958

Jesse, Anna L.
19 Nov. 1928 - no date
w/o F. Lyman  - wed 2 Nov. 1991

Jesse, Berry T.
1882 - 1948
same stone as Bertha A.

Jesse, Bertha A.
1888 - 1969
same stone as Berry T.

Jesse, Clarence
17 Feb. 1881 - 24 Jan. 1953

Jesse, Cora M.
1907 - 1981
same stone as Grover C.

Jesse, F. Lyman
19 Oct. 1933 - 24 Apr. 1996
h/o Anna L.
Jesse, Grover C.
1883 - 1958
same stone as Cora M.

Jesse, James M.
1846 - 1929
h/o Mary J.

Jesse, James M.
26 Sept. 1816 - 27 July 1859

Jesse, Mary J.
1857 - 1931
w/o James M.

Jesse, Montie C.
19 Feb. 1893 - 29 Oct. 1956
MO. PVT Provost Guard Co.  - WW I

Jesse, Myrtle
one date - 14 Apr. 1888
age - 16 yrs. 7 mon.  20 days 
w/o J.W.

Jesse, Walter
no info - no info
Miller County records

Jesse, Wm Montie
one date - 13 Aug. 1936
s/o Montie & Goldie

Jobe, Abraham
1836 - 1888
same stone as Susan E.

Jobe, Anna
2 Dec. 1830 - 27 July 1904
same stone as Henry- h/o 

Jobe, Bessie E.
21 Jan. 1897- 16 Dec. 1978

Jobe, Byron C.
30 Mar. 1884 - 31 Dec. 1912
same stone as Mary E. & James L.

Jobe, Chum
1893 - 1950
same stone as Mary

Jobe, Dora E.
1895 - 1976

Jobe, E.M.
28 Jan. 1849 - 24 Jan. 1927

Jobe, Edna A.
1884 - 1948

Jobe, Elisha T.
1846 - 1910
same stone as Lizzie P.

Jobe, Emma F.
1 Apr. 1870 - 28 Feb. 1922

Jobe, F.D.
11 Feb. 1902 - 29 Mar. 1932

Jobe, Henry
5 May 1830 - 31 Dec. 1913
h/o Anna

Jobe, Hester J.
5 Aug. 1856 - 16 Feb. 1940

Jobe, Infant
one date - 13 Oct. 1931
s/o Lee & Dora

Jobe, James L.
15 June 1852 - 24 June 1931
same stone as Byron C. & Mary E.

Jobe, John S.
22 July 1826 - 11 Apr. 1909
h/o Lemanda J.

Jobe, John W.
no info - no info
Miller County records

Jobe, Lemanda J.
19 Feb. 1832 - 9 Apr. 1886
w/o John S.

Jobe, Lizzie P. (Hall)
30 Apr. 1865 - 22 Feb. 1948
w/o Thomas Jobe - wed 1833  Thomas died - 1910
w/o  A. J. Holder - wed 1914  A. J. died - 1939
same stone as Elisha T.

Jobe, Marion G.
19 Sept. 1888 - 5 Apr. 1904

Jobe, Mary
1895 - 1963
same stone as Chum

Jobe, Mary E.
1 Jan. 1856 - 6 Apr. 1911
same stone as Byron C. & James L.

Jobe, Maud J.
8 Sept. 1885 - 22 Oct. 1886
d/o J.L. & E.

Jobe, Richard P.
27 May 1894 - 12 Dec. 1922

Jobe, Rube
no dates - brother of E.T.

Jobe, Susan E.
1845 - 1924
same stone as Abraham

Jobe, W.T.
2 June 1857 - 15 July 1920

Johnson, Fred M.
21 July 1886 - 5 Jan. 1952
MO. PVT 134th Infantry 23 Div.  - WW I

Johnson, Grace C.
2 Apr. 1893 - 26 Dec. 1981

Johnson, Mary Virginia
21 Dec. 1927 - 23 Dec. 1971

Jones, ??
11 Dec. 1882 - 12 Jan. 1883
stone down

Jones, Clinton
11 Sept. 1899 - 21 Oct. 1899
s/o J.A. & S.E.

Jones, Clinton W.
1910 - 1985

Jones, Dora E. (Jobe)
1895 - 1976 

Jones, Elizabeth J.
11 Dec. 1882 - 12 June 1883
d/o T. L. & J.
Miller County records

Jones, Grant D.
13 Jan. 1916 - 24 Mar. 1917
s/o W. & Rose Jane

Jones, Infant
one date - 13 Oct. 1931
s/o Lee & Dora 

Jones, John A.
2 Feb. 1868 - 29 Mar. 1950
h/o Vinia E.

Jones, Alonzo "Lon"
1880 - 1914
h/o Maude "Pruitt"

Jones, Lulu Mabel
14 June 1882 - 21 Sept. 1883
d/o F. & A. L.

Jones, Mary M.
1921 - 1964

Jones, Maude (Pruitt)
1 Nov. 1879 - 25 Apr. 1905
w/o Alonzo "Lon" 

Jones, Rosa Ellen
1882 - 1962

Jones, Sarah E.
9 July 1871 - 13 Sept. 1906

Jones, Thomas L.
2 Aug. 1850 - 10 Jan. 1882

Jones, Vinia E.
17 Aug. 1890 - 12 July 1938
w/o John A.

Jones, Walter Joseph
1878 - 1954

Kaufman, Loel
10 Mar. 1898 - 27 July 1898
s/o W.H. & N.J.

Kaufman, Moel
2 Nov. 1899 - 11 Nov. 1899
s/o W.H. & N.J.

Kaufmann, Audrey
24 Mar. 1892 - 20 Apr. 1893
d/o W.H. & N.J.

Kay, Grace
27 May 1910 - 22 Aug. 1910
d/o T. B. & Edna

Kay, J. Douglas
10 Sept. 1877 - 6 June 1912
same stone as Lula J.

Kay, Lula J.
12 Sept. 1884 - no date
same stone as J. Douglas

Keever, Harry
1877 - no date
brother of Lias 

Keever, Lias
1868 - 1945
brother of Harry

Kehr, Chancey Oliver
3 Feb. 1980 - 20 July 1982
s/o Gerald & Glenda 

Kehr, Ollie R.
9 Aug. 1899 - 2 Nov. 1968

Kelsay, Jasper
1850 - 1917
same stone as Permelia

Kelsay, Lora B.
1881 - 1952
same stone as Sarah H.

Kelsay, Permelia
1858 - 1946
same stone as Jasper

Kelsay, Sadie M.
9 Sept. 1887 - 1 May 1968
side-by-side of William S.

Kelsay, Sarah H.
1882 - 1941
same stone as Lora B.

Kelsay, William S.
17 Oct. 1876 - 13 Mar. 1940
side-by-side of Sadie M.

Kempker, Alfred William
11 Dec. 1943 - 22 Apr. 1947
s/o Alfred & Bonita

Kerrigon, George T.
21 Mar. 1894 - 20 June 1897
s/o T. & L.
Miller County records

Kidwell, Garland
27 Apr. 1931 - no date
same stone as Jewell Eileen

Kidwell, Jewell Eileen
9 Mar. 1931 - 3 June 1960
same stone as Garland

King, George W.
9 Jan. 1915 - 18 Dec. 1990

King, Rosa B.
6 May 1909 - 4 Jan. 1996

Kirby, Eliza
11 Sept. 1854 - 31 Dec. 1915
same stone as H.M.

Kirby, Elston Earl
22 Aug. 1916 - 20 Jan. 1917
s/o F.H. & Etta

Kirby, H.M.
17 Oct. 1843 - 15 Apr. 1901
same stone as Eliza

Koebel, Michael D.
20 May 1951 - 13 Jan. 1965

Kratzer, Carrie G.
1889 - 1953
same stone as Fred J.

Kratzer, Fred J.
1886 - 1950
same stone as Carrie G.

Kratzer, Noah Allen
1912 - 1988

Lamm, Joseph R.
1873 - 1955

Lamm, Ollie M.
1918 - 1994

Lamm, William R.
1902 - 1966

Lamm, Willie F
no dates - age 68
Miller County records

Lawrence, Rachel
died - 12 July 1887
age - about 80y
w/o Thomas

Lea, Helen S.
24 Feb. 1912 - 10 Mar. 1994

Lindner, S.J.
27 Jan. 1958 - 22 Apr. 1994

Lindsey, David
10 Jan. 1836 - 21 Oct. 1927
Corp. Co. E. 5th MO. SM Cavalry - Civil War

Lindsey, Elizabeth
1838 - 1914

Littleton, Alta
1902 - 1903

Loving, Charles Thomas
1871 - 1948

Loving, George Arthur
1877 - 1940

Loving, Lydia Ann
1878 - 1950

Lowery, Audrey D.
1902 - 1956
same stone as Charles H.

Lowery, Charles H.
1885 - no date
same stone as Audrey D.

Lowery, Eliza
5 Mar. 1909 - 15 July 1991

Lowery, Harriett E.
1849 - 1940
same stone as William M.

Lowery, Mary J.
1884 - 1953
same stone as Walter A.

Lowery, Otis A.
16 Nov. 1909 - 1 Apr. 1984

Lowery, Walter A.
1879 - 1965
same stone as Mary J.

Lowery, William M.
1836 - 1923
same stone as Harriett E.

Lucas, Dessie Wood
25 July 1905 - 12 May 1989

Lumpkin, James D.
15 Oct. 1836 - 15 June 1857

Lyman, Permelia (Shelton)
1869 - 1917

Madole, Earnest
24 Dec. 1891 - 18 July 1893
s/o J. R. & F. M.

Madole, Flora B.
31 Mar. 1926 - 8 Apr. 1995
same stone as William L.

Madole, Flora Mae
1866 - 1950
same stone as John Ross

Madole, John Ross
1865 - 1945
same stone as Flora Mae

Madole, Loma E.
born & died - 24 Dec. 1891
s/o B. D. & Dora
Miller County records

Madole, William L.
1 Feb. 1921- 2 Aug. 1988
same stone as Flora B.

Manley, Art
1873 - 1953
Miller County records

Manley, Bertie A.
1884 - 1975
w/o Clarence A.

Manley, Clarence A.
1873 - 1953
h/o Bertie A.

Manley, Clarence M.
10 Oct. 1910 - 28 June 1972
MO. S SBT Army Air Force  - WW II

Marriott, Norma Lee
one date - 22 Aug. 1961
d/o Norman & Mary

Marsh, Daniel M.
5 Nov. 1831 - 14 Feb. 1912
same stone as Mary A.

Marsh, Mary A.
26 Jan. 1843 - no date
same stone as Daniel M.

Martin, Emanuel Robert
13 Feb. 1913 - 6 Feb. 1986
h/o Karen Johanna

Martin, Gertrude A. (Sells)
5 July 1888 - 18 May 198?
w/o Robert B.- wed 26 May 1909

Martin, Infant
one date - 3 Sept. 1927
s/o W.B. & L.J.

Martin, Karen Johanna (Spadaford)
28 Dec. 1947 - 11 Dec. 1997
w/o Emanuel Robert  - wed 16 Mar. 1966

Martin, Lena Jewell
14 Mar. 1899 - 18 Nov. 19??

Martin, Robert B.
11 Oct. 1878 - 11 Jan. 1932
h/o Gertrude A.
Martin, Willie Bert
31 Jan. 1899 - 19 Mar. 1974

Mason, Clyde
1941 - 1943
s/o N. W. & L. M. (Varner)

Masterson, Ammy
age 8 yrs. - died 27 Oct. 1883
MO. Permanent Records - 1883 - 1890

McAvoy, Lulu H.
9 July 1905 - 11 Aug. 1996

McCasland, ??
died - 14 Feb. 1828

McCasland, Elizabeth
26 Mar. 1884 - 11 Feb. 1931

McCasland, Ethel ??
stone down - can’t read

McCasland, F.M.
4 July 1830 - 6 Dec. 1903
h/o H.B.
McCasland, Frank M.
23 Sept. 1907 - 17 Aug. 1908
s/o I. E. & M. C.

McCasland, Gathel
1919 - 1921
s/o O. & L.

McCasland, Green Arley 
10 Sept. 1881 - 13 Mar. 1882
s/o Seth C. & C. L.

McCasland, H (or M) B.
1 June 1836 - no date
w/o F.M.

McCasland, Hester L.
23 Mar. 1904 - 7 Aug. 1904
d/o C. & L.

McCasland, John H.
18 Dec. 1823 - 14 Feb. 1878
Miller County records

McCasland, Lillie M.
30 Mar. 1881 - 2 May 1882
d/o S. J. & L. P.

McCasland, Luella P.
27 June 1860 - 18 Dec. 1891
w/o S.S.

McCasland, Lulu M.
28 Oct. 1885 - 16 Aug. 1897
d/o S. J. & L. P.

McCasland, Sophronia
2? Oct. 1840 - 14 Sept. 1885

McCasland, Thomas B.
6 Mar. 1838 - 1 Dec. 1878

McClure, Mary E.
19 Sept. 1848 - 11 Jan. 1920
same stone as Thomas G.

McClure, Thomas G.
22 Jan. 1837 - 11 June 1919
same stone as Mary E.

McClure, Virginia I.
12 Mar. 1875 - 15 June 1939

McClure, Warren
6 Aug. 1882 - 7 Mar. 1909

McComb, David (Elder)
13 Sept. 1836 - 26 Apr. 1913
h/o Sarah J.
McComb, Sarah J.
30 Jan. 1836 - 4 Nov. 1911
w/o David 

McConnell, Charles A.
26 Feb. 1875 - 18 Sept. 1876
s/o M. & E. P.
Miller County records

McConnell, Curtis F.
1900 - 1957
same stone as Leota M.

McConnell, Elmer Alfred
1899 - 1928

McConnell, Emily P.
18 Oct. 1847 - 11 May 1921
w/o Martin

McConnell, Eunice M.
10 Oct. 1903 - 18 Mar. 1964
same stone as R. Wayne

McConnell, Fred A.
1872 - 1953
same stone as Sarah M.

McConnell, Freda Selma
1 Apr. 1907 - 22 May 1927

McConnell, Harold I.
18 Feb. 1909 - 10 Nov. 1981

McConnell, Infant?
21 Feb. 1870 - 18 Sept. 1870

McConnell, John L.
29 Aug. 1882 - 20 Dec. 1899
s/o M. & E. P.

McConnell, Leota M.
1910 - 1995
same stone as Curtis F.

McConnell, Luella L.
15 Nov. 1868 - 15 Feb. 1870
d/o M. & E. P.

McConnell, Margaret (Ruth)
6 Oct. 1917 - 1 Mar. 1920
d/o F.A. & S.M.

McConnell, Martin
9 Nov. 1840 - 19 Dec. 1920
Co. I 12th MO. CAN. USA
h/o Emily

McConnell, Mary E.
1869 - 1947
same stone as Robert F.

McConnell, R. Wayne
27 July 1902 - 12 Nov. 1991
same stone as Eunice M.

McConnell, Robert F.
1870 - 1939
same stone as Mary E.

McConnell, Ruby E.
9 Mar. 1911 - 26 Mar. 1915
d/o F.A. & S.M.

McConnell, Sarah M.
1876 - 1961
same stone as Fred A.

McDaniel, David Edward
18 Aug. 1968 - 6 Aug. 1977

McDaniel, Edward
12 Aug. 1930 - 4 May 1974
MO.  CPL U. S. Army - Korea

McDaniel, Eliza Ann
1872 - 1935
Miller County records

McDaniel, Laura Elaine
1953 - 1955

McGinnis Wm. "Buck"
14 Sept. 1949 - 12 Jan. 1990
h/o Bonnie Sue (Johnson)

McGinnis, Jerrel Lee
26 Aug. 1943 - 26 Aug. 1943
s/o Vincent N. & Wilma L.

McGinnis, Vincent N.
24 Jan. 1918 - no date
h/o Wilma L.

McGinnis, Wilma L.
1 Aug. 1918 - 24 Jan. 1998
w/o Vincent N. 

McGowin, Kenneth Ray
1959 - 1984

McKie, Alatha J. "Sissy"
8 Aug. 1942 - 26 Oct. 1997

McKinney, Cecil M. (Houston)
9 Aug. 1915 - 11 Feb. 1992
w/o Roy L.

McKinney, Roy L.
24 June 1917 - 29 Oct. 1982
same stone as Cecil M.

McMillin, Carl Ray
16 Apr. 1958 - 6 Jan. 1984
s/o Carl & Treva

McMillin, Carl V.
5 Sept. 1923 - 4 Mar. 2003
h/o Treva K (Lehew) - wed 29 June 1946

McMillin, Larry Don
27 Feb. 1950 - 28 May 1950
s/o Carl & Treva

Mees, George
1854 - 1935

Mellinger, Nellie
July 1910 - 20 Sept. 1954

Melton, Florence (Helms)
1866 - 1946

Miller, John D.
23 Mar. 1962 - 9 May 1997

Miller, Rollin
1929 - 1998
h/o  Ruby

Miller, Ruby
1941 - no date
w/o Rollin - wed 29 Apr. 1960

Mosley, Parks
31 Mar. 1821 - 3 Mar. 1905

Musick, Carol J.
one date - 15 Jan. 1935
same stone as Otis H.

Musick, Otis H.
28 Sept. 1932 - 14 Oct. 1996
same stone as Carol J.

Myers, Anna M.
13 Nov. 1916 - no date

Myers, Jack A.
26 Jan. 1912 - 21 May 1985

Myers, James E.
1878 - 1960
same stone as Nova A.
Myers, Nova A.
1891 - 1949
same stone as James E.

Nations, Bashie Mae
15 Oct. 1892 - 5 Aug. 1959

Nations, Ellis F.
1915 - 1948

Nations, Jean Ruth
11 Feb. 1926 - 29 June 1984

Nations, Lester Douglas
1918 - 1991

Nebergall, Patricia Sue
one date - 21 Sept. 1944

Nevins, Adalade L.
4 Nov. 1837 - 23 May 1897
w/o A.A.

Newton, Mirtle
30 June 1887 - 15 Aug. 1892

Newton, W. Denver
12 Aug. 1881 - 14 Nov. 1883
s/o J. T. & Lourissa

Nichols, Annie
26 Mar. 1892 - 23 Nov. 1972
same stone as William H.

Nichols, Earl W.
16 Oct. 1910 - 8 Nov. 1982

Nichols, William H.
5 Dec. 1875 - 3 Oct. 1952
same stone as Annie

Nivens, Sintitha
5 Mar. 1841 - 7 Mar. 1881
w/o James

Palmer, John W.
1865 - 1958
Miller County records

Parks, W.H.
2 Feb. 1844 - 6 Dec. 1862

Parsons, George E.
1880 - 1950
same stone as Mary L.

Parsons, Mary L.
1877 - 1905
same stone as George E.

Pendleton, Alpha Otis
24 July 1885 - 23 June 1888

Pennington, Golda E.
23 Mar. 1896 - 14 Oct. 1898
d/o C.A. & D.E.

Perkins, Deanna Lynn
24 Jan. 1960 - 31 July 1973

Perkins, Fern L. (Nichols)
17 Feb. 1941 - 28 Mar. 2002
w/o Fred W. - wed 19 June 1959

Petzold, Lena P.
9 July 1884 - 1 Mar. 1914
d/o M.P. & E.P.

Phillips, Lottie B.
1907 - 1921

Phillips, Manda
1865 - 1942

Phillips, Roy E.
1898 - 1944

Phillips, William T.
12 Aug. 1867 - 16 Mar. 1933

Pickett, Gladys (Bennett)
6 Feb. 1921 - 25 Sept. 2002
w/o  ____ Lee

Platter, Herbert
2 June 1900 - 11 Dec. 1987
same stone as Pearlie E.

Platter, Pearlie E.
19 Dec. 1903 - 3 Aug. 1979
same stone as Herbert

Pollan, Judith (Jones)
15 Jan. 1952 - 9 Jan. 1998

Polly, ? ? 
died - 1969
Miller County records

Polly, Billy J.
3 Nov. 1937 - 19 Sept. 1990

Polly, Frances "Fran"
13 Sept. 1939 - 4 Feb. 2003
w/o Billy Joe - wed 4 July 1975
d/o Lawrence & Louella (Harmon) Gregg

Polly, George W.
24 Aug. 1905 - 21 Sept. 1986

Polly, Joe 
1 Feb. 1877 - 3 Dec. 1959

Polly, N. Louisa
1914 - 1969

Polly, N. Lula (Lamm)
1881 - 1970

Polson, Lydia F.
1870 - 1958
same stone as Ruben S.

Polson, Ruben S.
1869 - 1940
same stone as Lydia F.

Pope, Richard D.
24 Sept. 1917 - 24 July 1918
s/o Thomas & Sisley

Pope, Sisley
1877 - 1943
same stone as Thomas

Pope, Thomas
1873 - 1960
same stone as Sisley

Pope, Thomas E.
24 Sept. 1917 - 7 Nov. 1918
s/o Thomas & Sisley

Porter, Arch
1864 - 1942
same stone as Malinda

Porter, Charley
1874 - 1929

Porter, Charley C.
1918 - 1966

Porter, Daniel E.
29 June 1912 - 13 June 1989
same stone as Ethel Mae

Porter, Daniel Grant
14 July 1944 - 11 Jan. 2002

Porter, Douglas E.
15 Sept. 1910 - 11 Feb. 1985
same stone as Edith I.

Porter, Edith I.
26 May 1923 - no date
same stone as Douglas E.

Porter, Ethel Mae
13 Oct. 1919 - 10 Mar. 2000
same stone as Daniel E.

Porter, Gary D.
3 Sept. 1947 - 3 Sept. 1947

Porter, Ida Jane
1879 - 1965

Porter, Linda F.
28 Sept. 1943 - 22 June 1944

Porter, Malinda
1868 - 1941
same stone as Arch

Posten, Clarence
1891 - 1960

Potter, Bobby Gene
Jan. 1943 - Sept. 1946
s/o  Wayne and Dovie Marie (Arnold)
Miller County records

Potter, Burel H.
26 Mar. 1923 - 22 June 1947
147th MO. PVT Air Corps  - WW II

Potter, Larry Dale
Sept. 1945  - Sept. 1946
s/o Wayne and Dovie Marie (Arnold)
Miller County records

Potter, Wayne Thomas Mitchell
25 Jan. 1920 - 13 June 1977
h/o Dovie Marie (Arnold)

Price, Edith
3 May 1885 - 22 Mar. 1902
d/o W. & M.

Price, Florance V.
20 May 1893 - 15 Dec. 1912

Price, Luella
19 Oct. 1863 - no date
Miller County records

Price, Luether
1863 - can’t read

Pruitt, Alford A.
12 Dec. 1851 - 5 May 1921

Pruitt, Dessie J.
1895 - 1996

Pruitt, Elizabeth
1875 - 1962

Pruitt, Ellen
11 Dec. 1860 - 20 Mar. 1917
w/o A.

Pruitt, Ervill ?
1842 - 1907

Pruitt, F.A.
28 Feb. 1878 - 20 Jan. 1925
w/o W.A.

Pruitt, Henry Houston
1888 - 1971
same stone as Ida M.

Pruitt, Ida Mae
1901 - 1971
same stone as Henry H.

Pruitt, J.C.
24 July 1833 - 12 Aug. 1904

Pruitt, James R.
1893 - 1980

Pruitt, John T.
7 Apr. 1875 - 30 July 1955

Pruitt, John W.
5 Aug. 1886 - 7 Oct. 1887
s/o L. W. & M. J.

Pruitt, Joseph A. Sr.
1 July 1897 - 3 Sept. 1947

Pruitt, Joseph P.
1867 - 1929
h/o Mary E.

Pruitt, L.W.
6 Mar. 1864 - 6 Feb. 1926

Pruitt, Louis A.
5 Jan. 1908 - 15 Apr. 1909
s/o L.W. & L.

Pruitt, Mary A.
22 July 1867 - 9 Feb. 1938
w/o W. T.

Pruitt, Mary E.
25 Feb. 1868 - 30 Apr. 1945
w/o Joseph P.

Pruitt, Simeon A.
1 Apr. 1875 - 30 Apr. 1880
s/o J. C. & S. J.

Pruitt, William A.
26 Jan. 1893 - 16 Dec. 1962

Rains, Bertha L.
1876 - 1944
same stone as Samuel D.

Rains, Infant
1 Jan. 1902 - 7 Jan. 1902
s/o S.D. & B.L.

Rains, Samuel D.
1877 - 1952
same stone as Bertha L.

Ratcliff, Annie May
1 Nov. 1882 - 19 Mar. 1960

Ratcliff, Edra Olivia
20 Aug. 1917 - 6 Feb. 1972

Ratcliff, Estella L.
1884 - 1957
same stone as William F.

Ratcliff, Glenn William
5 Sept. 1909 - 26 Mar. 1960

Ratcliff, William F.
1876 - 1962
same stone as Estella L.

Rawlings, Georgia I.
21 Feb. 1909 - no date

Rawlings, Robert H.
28 May 1902 - 9 Nov. 1972
Ray, John C.
1848 - 17 May 1936
h/o Nancy C. (Wood) - wed 15 Jan. 1859

Ray, Nancy C. (Wood)
24 June 1858 - 19 Oct. 1948
w/o John C. - wed 15 Jan. 1859

Reed, Charles A.
21 Sept. 1876 - 8 Aug. 1963
same stone as Minnie A.

Reed, Emma G.
1890 - 1934
side-by-side of Preston W.

Reed, Harley
died - 23 Jan. 1942 - age 22y6m13d
Reed, John J.
22 Nov. 1866 - 23 Oct. 1962

Reed, Joseph W.
1855 - 1951

Reed, Minnie A.
24 Jan. 1883 - 27 Dec. 1964
same stone as Charles A.

Reed, Norman W.
1929 - 1930
Miller County records

Reed, Preston W.
26 Feb. 1922 - 16 Sept. 1939
side-by-side of Emma G.

Roark, Elizabeth
1868 - 1940

Robbins, Dessie M.
1906 - 1983
same stone as Earl A.

Robbins, Earl A
1914 - 1992
U. S. Army  - WW II
same stone as Dessie M.

Robbins, Eddie
1904 - 1967
same stone as Mabel

Robbins, Hazel
1931 - 1947
same stone as Icel 

Robbins, Icel
1924 - 1947
same stone as Hazel 

Robbins, James
1899 - 1957

Robbins, Mabel
1909 - 1985
same stone as Eddie

Robbins, Richard E.
24 Oct. 1938 - 23 May 2003
h/o Patricia (Bateman) - wed 29 June 1958

Robertson, Eldred D.
15 May 1888 - 11 Sept. 1891

Robinette, Lena May (Russell)
1906 - 1933
w/o P.D.

Rodden, Mary L.
1899 - 1953

Routon, Alta Mable
27 Feb. 1896 - 27 Oct. 1897
d/o R.D. & A.R.

Routon, Rosie Laural
28 June 1894 - 25 Oct. 1897
d/o R. D. & A. B.
Miller County records

no info - at rest

Russell, Alexander
1 Nov. 1825 - 5 Mar. 1903
Miller County records

Russell, Bernice R.
5 Nov. 1907 - 12 Jan. 1985
w/o Carl M. - wed 1 Apr. 1925

Russell, Carl M.
13 Apr. 1898 - 25 Jan. 1988
h/o Bernice R.
Russell, Evalener
died - 15 Feb. 1880 - age 274m17d
d/o O.C. & I.S.

Russell, Frank
1880 - 1925

Russell, Fredonia
1890 - 1970
same stone as Lunda L.

Russell, Isabella S.
1855 - 1938

Russell, Jennie A.
died  - 20 Sept. 1894- age 23y

Russell, Jennie O.
3 Feb. 1862 - 16 June 1897
w/o John
Miller County records

Russell, Joseph
16 Jan. 1956 - 17 Jan. 1956
Miller County records

Russell, Joseph Riley
one date - 15 Jan. 1960
s/o Carl & Dorothy

Russell, Louisa J.
18 Feb. 1828 - 3 Apr. 1899
w/o M.

Russell, Lunda L.
1886 - 1959
same stone as Fredonia

Russell, M.
1 Nov. 1826 - 5 Mar. 1903
h/o Louisa J.

Russell, O.C.
28 May 1846 - 5 Dec. 1918

Russell, Ray E.
1910 - 1967

Saling, Adaline C.
25 May 1826 - 29 Apr. 1911
w/o J. M.

Salisbury, Genevieva R.
1909 - 1986

Salisbury, Howard R.
1934 - 1991

Salisbury, Infant
born & died - 1955
Miller County records

Salisbury, Janet M.
18 Aug. 1936 - 6 Feb. 1980

Salisbury, Randy
one date -  29 July 1955
s/o Howard & Janet

Salisbury, Timothy L.
15 Jan. 1960 - 18 July 1993

Sanders, William C.
1902 - 1925

Sandfort, Jewel M. 
19 Aug. 1911 - no date
w/o Lloyd L.
Sandfort, Jr.
30 July 1921 - 23 Aug. 1921
s/o Edgar & Bertha 

Sandfort, Lloyd L. 
19 Feb. 1911 - 10 Nov. 1984
h/o Jewel M. 

Sandfort, Margaret Afton
Aug. 1941 - Oct. 1941
d/o Lloyd L. & Jewel M.

Schlaprizzi, Anna A.
25 Dec. 1880 - 5 Oct. 1977

Schneider, Betty Jo
10 Oct. 1936 - 27 Nov. 1959

Schneider, Ted C.
11 Nov. 1904 - 14 Aug. 1980

Schupp, Delphia B.
29 Jan. 1912 - no date
same stone as John F.

Schupp, Eliza
1879 - 1947
w/o John H.

Schupp, Guss William
12 Jan. 1905 - 19 Aug. 1971

Schupp, John F.
29 Dec. 1905 - 24 May 1972
same stone as Delphia B.

Schupp, John H.
1880 - 1912
h/o Eliza

Schupp, Otto Leslie
1909 - 1915

Sclino, Leonard L.
age - 3 yrs. - died 8 Feb. 1884
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890 

Scott, Albert
12 Feb. 1871 - 30 Nov. 1913

Scott, Bertha Geneva "Tootsie"
5 July 1918 - 28 Feb. 2000
same stone as John L.

Scott, John
no dates -
Co. M 10th MO. Calvary

Scott, John L.
17 May 1919 - no date
same stone as Bertha Geneva "Tootsie"

Scott, Louise F.
1877 - 1953

Scott, Mary Belle
1871 - 1912

Scott, T.J.
30 Mar. 1835 - 11 May 1900
Co. G 10th MO. Cavalry

Sells, Julia A.
1867 - 1958

Sells, M.E.
21 Mar. 1865 - 23 July 1928

Settles, Mary Elizabeth
24 Sept. 1907 - 26 Sept. 1978

Settles, Walter Russell
15 Mar. 1916 - 10 Dec. 1993

Sharp, Lewis
10 May 1808 - 21 May 1890

Sharp, Sarah
5 June 1816 - 2 June 1899
w/o L.

Shaw, Sally
1872 - 1954

Sheldon, Bertha D.
1889 - 1963
same stone as Frank R.

Sheldon, Frank R.
1872 - 1953
same stone as Bertha D.

Sheldon, Giles H.
1866 - 1941

Sheldon, Hanney E.
1842 - 1907

Sheldon, William L.
1825 - 1906

Shelton, Alice M.
1869 - 1947

Shelton, Armina M.
1875 - 1954

Shelton, Bertha D.
1889 - 1963
Miller County records

Shelton, Clifford P.
1908 - 1978

Shelton, Elizabeth
10 Oct. 1796 - 9 Feb. 1859
w/o Lewis

Shelton, Emma E.
1862 - 1939

Shelton, Florence B.
4 Nov. 1868 - 9 Sept. 1893
w/o George W.

Shelton, Frank R.
1872 - 1953
Miller County records

Shelton, George W.
1865 - 1926
h/o Florence B.

Shelton, Giles C.
1911 - 1949
PFC 85th AR B5

Shelton, Giles H.
1866  - 1941
Miller County records

Shelton, Hanney B.
no dates - no info
Miller County records

Shelton, Henry L.
8 Mar. 1913 - 16 Nov. 1970
PFC U. S. Army
Miller County records

Shelton, John 
1861 - 1922

Shelton, Lemoyne
1913 - 1970

Shelton, Lewis
22 Nov. 1786 - 28 Sept. 1852
h/o Elizabeth

Shelton, Lula J.
born & died - July 1882
d/o G. W. & F. B.

Shelton, Martha (Vernon)
6 June 1838 - 30 Mar. 1904
w/o Thomas W. 

Shelton, Martha A.
20 Feb. 1904 - 12 Dec. 1906
d/o Joel & Mary

Shelton, Olney R.
1901 - 1946

Shelton, Thomas W.
no dates
Co. D 5th MO. S.M. Cavalry
h/o Martha (Veron)

Shelton, William L.
1825 - 1906
Miller County records

Shepard, Anna
1898 - 1975
same stone as James

Shepard, James
1896 - 1961
same stone as Anna

Shepard, Lawrence Edward Cox
30 Sept. 1923 - 20 Feb. 1992
U. S.  Navy  - WW II

Shepard, Louie H.
27 July 1925 - 8 Mar. 1928

Shumate, Martha A.
8 Nov. 1871 - 7 Jan. 1901

Shyder, Herbert L.
26 Dec. 18?? - can’t read

Sidebottom, Dallas W.
23 Oct. 1940 - 13 Mar. 1988
U. S.  Air Force

Sidebottom, Doris Jean
2 May 1939 - 11 Feb. 1940

Sidebottom, Grace R.
1892 - 1978
same stone as Herman L.

Sidebottom, Herman L.
1894 - 1979
same stone as Grace R.

Sidebottom, J. Calvin
1875 - 1915
same stone as Sarah E.

Sidebottom, J. Louis
10 Apr. 1902 - 8 Apr. 1904
s/o M.B. & Rosa M.

Sidebottom, James F.
1866 - 194 6

Sidebottom, Rosa M.
21 Dec. 1876 - 16 Mar. 1910

Sidebottom, Sarah E.
1879 - 1965
same stone as J. Calvin

Sidebottom, Viola E.
1908 - 1992
same stone as William

Sidebottom, William
1897 - 1954
same stone as Viola E.

Simmons, Ailcy E.
1839 - 1930
same stone as John H.

Simmons, Cena A.
1878 - 1949
w/o George L.

Simmons, Charles F.
1868 - 1943

Simmons, Corbell C.
9 Apr. 1868 - 2 Jan. 1928
h/o Fannie

Simmons, Delpha C.
1876 - 1973
same stone as Ely E.

Simmons, Eleanor
1847 - 1927

Simmons, Ely E.
1871 - 1945
same stone as Delpha C.

Simmons Elzie Franklin 
1900 - 1956

Simmons, Emma J.
22 Apr. 1881 - 2 Aug. 1872
d/o J. C. & E.

Simmons, Fannie
1870 - 1921
w/o Corbell C.

Simmons, George L.
1872 - 1939
h/o Cena A.

Simmons, Grace E.
1887 - 1948

Simmons, H.G. "Green"
1865 - 1933

Simmons, Infants
no dates
children/o Mr. & Mrs. J.M.

Simmons, Irma A.
1905 - 1968
d/o George L. & Cena A.

Simmons, James C.
no dates
Co. C 45th MO. Infantry

Simmons, John H.
1823 - 1881
same stone as Ailcy E.

Simmons, John Monroe
1876 - 1946

Simmons, Leona
1872 - 1959

Simmons, Nellie
1877 - 1965

Simpson, can’t read

Simpson, Edgar N.
1890 - 1966
same stone as Ethel M.

Simpson, Ernest Westly
19 Feb. 1919 - 16 Dec. 1990

Simpson, Ethel M.
1895 - 1983
same stone as Edgar N.

Simpson, Janice Darlene
one date - 1 Feb. 1944

Simpson, John
can’t read

Simpson, Sarah
20 Sept. 1899 - 19 Mar. 1925

Simpson, W.P.
16 Oct. 1860 - 11 July 1925

Sinnett, Gary Lee
died - 21 July 1931
Miller County records

Sinnett, Jacob M.
1854 - 1943
same stone as Mabel B.

Sinnett, Mabel B.
1879 - 1974
same stone as Jacob M.

Skinner, Edna Jane
1873 - 1958
Miller County records

Slavens, Bernice
1913 - 1914

Slavens, Charles C.
1886 - 1955
same stone as Georgia A.

Slavens, Charles E.
21 June 1929 - 12 Aug. 1986
Slavens, Daniel E.
1884 - 1926

Slavens, Daniel F.
3 Dec. 1841 - 1 Oct. 1905

Slavens, Georgia A.
1888 - 1932
same stone as Charles C.

Slavens, John W.
9 Aug. 1872 - 18 Nov. 1874
s/o D. F. & M. F.

Slavens, Robert
1923 - 1925

Slavens, W.C.
1 June 1915 - 19 Nov. 1918
s/o Charley & Annie

Slavens, William B.
26 Sept. 1818 - 27 June 1833
Miller County records

Smith, Alvin W. "Curly"
one date - 6 Jan. 1925
same stone as Oma L.

Smith, Eliza (Elizabeth?)
died - 29 Apr. 1884 - age 39y 3m
MO. Permanent Records 1883 - 1890 

Smith, Oma L. "Midge"
one date - 8 Mar. 1930
same stone as Alvin W.

Snyder, Emeline
9 Aug. 1857 - 3 Sept. 1880
w/o John M.
Miller County records

Snyder, Herbert L.
26 Dec. 1882 - 29 Dec. 1884
s/o D. W. & S. J.
Miller County records 

Snyder, Willis F.
27 Mar. 1877 - 11 Dec. 1877

Sousley, William T.
12 Dec. 1846 - 19 Dec. 1924

Spencer, Donald T.
31 Dec. 1931 - no date
same stone as Evelyn

Spencer, Evelyn
16 Feb. 1932 - 7 Mar. 1992
same stone as Donald T.

Spencer, Loftis, Jr. "Lofty"
24 Sept. 1962 - 23 Mar. 2001
s/o Loftis Sr. & Bonnie (Spratt) Deaton

Spencer, James Everett
10 Jan. 1915 - 17 Feb. 1991

Sport, Justin C.
25 Apr. 1988 - 31 July 1988

Spratt, Hazel G. (Gouge)
27 July 1912 - 5 July 2001
w/o Noah

Spratt, Noah
1910 - 1961
h/o Hazel G. (Gouge)

Spratt, Patty L.
1948 - 1992
d/o Noah & Helen G. (Gouge)

Staples, Ambrose
1 Mar. 1883 - 21 Dec. 1951
Miller County records

Staples, D.M.
9 July 1888 - 5 July 1889
s/o D.B. & M.

Staples, Martha E.
born & died - 5 Feb. 1882
d/o D.B. & M.

Staples, Mary
31 Aug. 1857 - 24 July 1893
w/o D. B.
Miller County records

Staples, P.A.
22 Jan. 1886 - 19 Nov. 1886
s/o D.B. & M.

Staples, W.T.
20 Aug. 1884 - 20 Oct. 1885
s/o D.B. & M.

Stark, Betty J.
4 Mar. 1903 - 17 May 1981

Stark, C. E.
14 Mar. 1896 - 9 Sept. 1896
s/o E. V. & M. A.
Miller County records

Stark, Charles
10 Dec. 1802 - 22 July 1882

Stark, Cora
1887 - 1939

Stark, Edward Lacy
1892 - 1945

Stark, Elisha H.
1875 - 1949
sane stone as Lydia Ann

Stark, Elisha V.
1862 - 1940
same stone as Martha A.

Stark, Elizabeth
10 May 1820 - 3 Dec. 1911

Stark, Etta M. 
9 Sept 1892 - 6 Dec. 1976
same stone as George T.

Stark, George T.
12 June 1893 - 18 May 1961
same stone as Ettam

Stark, Gretchen
1908 - 1967

Stark, Infant
born & died - 28 Jan. 1898
s/o E.V. & M.A.

Stark, John W.
1885 - 1963

Stark, Lois Dean
4 June 1920 - 23 Nov. 1939
side-by-side of Orville

Stark, Louis M
24 Mar. 1932 - 3 July 1995
CPL U. S. Army - Korea

Stark, Lydia Ann
1878 - 1962
same stone as Elisha H.

Stark, Martha A.
1868 - 1943
same stone as Elisha V.

Stark, Mary E.
26 Jan. 1860 - 3 Apr. 1884
w/o E. V.
Miller County records

Stark, O.E.
11 May 1898 - 9 June 1898

Stark, Orville
10 June 1899 - 27 Dec. 1921
side-by-side of Lois Dean

Stark, Thomas L.
31 Jan. 1895 - 18 Feb. 1895
s/o E. V. & M. A.

Stark, Willard E.
27 May 1904 - 8 Dec. 1967

Stayton, Minnie E.
8 Jan. 1869 - 10 Feb. 1955
same stone as William W.

Stayton, William W.
8 May 1867- 12 Nov. 1948
same stone as Minnie E.

Steen, Janell I.
12 Sept. 1966 - 31 May 1987
same stone as Jessica L.

Steen, Jessica L.
29 May 1985 - 31 May 1987
same stone as Janell I.

Stephen, Joseph
no dates
Co. D 5th MO. SN Cavalry 

Stephens, J.W. (Poker)
15 May 1907- 4 July 2000
same stone as Ruth A.

Stephens, Ruth A.
18 Nov. 1909 - 23 Feb. 1992
same stone as J.W. (Poker)

Steward, Velma (Brown)
1925 - 1949

Stone, Doyel Dean
28 June 1926 - 18 Aug. 1989
h/o Erma (Hicks) - wed 12 Nov. 1949

Stone Erma (Hicks)
29 Nov. 1929 - no date
w/o Doyel Dean

Stone, Esther Eileen
8 June 1919 - 19 Aug. 1994

Stone, Katlin C.
one date - 18 Aug. 1995
d/o Dale & Amy

Stoner, John
24 July 1872 - 3 July 1948
Miller County records

Strange, Aleen
17 May 1923 - 28 June 1923
d/o Everett & Mary

Strange, Alice M.
1890 - 1975

Strange, Basil L.
1913 - 1945
side-by-side of Mabel B.

Strange, Carolyne M.
24 Nov. 1942 - no date
same stone as Clifford I.

Strange, Charles H.
1882 - 1968
same stone as Clara L.

Strange, Charles W.
1886 - 1964

Strange, Clara L.
1883 - 1967
same stone as Charles H.

Strange, Clifford I.
27 Feb. 1916 - 14 Dec. 1992
same stone as Carolyne M.

Strange, Coffman
1831 - 1834

Strange, Dallas I.
21 Apr. 1918 - 11 Aug. 1979
Sgt. U. S. Army  - WW II

Strange, David Alan
one date - 1940
same stone as Vickie Ann

Strange, Everett L.
1889 - 1978
same stone as Mary A.

Strange, Gaylord E.
20 July 1914 - 21 Dec. 1918

Strange, J. Leonard
one date - 5 July 1912

Strange, James L
born & died  - 12 Oct. 1951

Strange, James N.
1 Aug. 1942 - 19 Oct. 1942

Strange, Jack Lee
24 Jan. 1932 - 12 Apr. 1997
PFC U. S. Army - Korea

Strange, Jesse E.
1877 - 1958
side-by-side of Mary J.

Strange, Jimmie Lynn
28 Jan. 1958 - 2 Aug. 1982
s/o Jack L.

Strange, Lannie Elbert
23 Sept. 1924 - 5 July 1984
GMG 1 U. S. Navy  - WW II-Vietnam

Strange, Mabel B.
1911 - 1945
side-by-side of Basil L.

Strange, Mary A.
1889 - 1969
same stone as Everett L.

Strange, Mary J.
1885 - 1939
side-by-side of Jesse E.

Strange, Robert D.
1934 - 1940
s/o H.L. & E.N.

Strange, S.E.
1833 - 1929

Strange, Sarah J.
1852 - 1926
same stone as William H.

Strange, Sarah J. (Uber)
1891 - 1935

Strange, Sheila M. (Badley)
born & died - 25 Mar. 1967

Strange, Truman- no info
(this is a Truman-Strange plot-homemade)

Strange, Vicki Ann
one date - 1943
same stone as David Alan

Strange, Viola G.
one date - 15 Oct. 1914

Strange, William H.
1856 - 1929
same stone as Sarah J.

Stroad, Samuel R.
1890 - 1948
Miller County records

Stumph, Della H. (Green)
27 Aug. 1907 - 16 Mar. 1978
same stone as James

Stumph, James
no info
same stone as Della H. (Green)

Swafford, Ernest L.
8 Mar. 1940 - no date

Swafford, Mary L.
23 Feb. 1945 - 13 Feb. 1994

Taylor, Manda F.
8 Jan. 1865 - 15 June 1946
same stone as Mark R.

Taylor, Mark R.
12 Mar. 1857 - 12 Jan. 1932
same stone as Manda F.

Teal, Mary E.
15 Sept. 1913 - no date
w/o Western D. - wed 7 June 1930

Teal, Western D.
7 Jan. 1909 - 2 Dec. 1967
h/o Mary E.

Tennison, Herbert J.
31 Jan. 1929 - 21 Jan. 1992
same stone as Norma C.

Tennison, Norma C.
one date - 16 Apr. 1932
same stone as Herbert J.

Thacker, Arie
8 Nov. 1907 - 23 Nov. 1915

Thacker, Cora M.
1887 - 1953
same stone as Elmer

Thacker, Eliza J.
9 Aug. 1850 - 15 Mar. 1883

Thacker, Elmer
1882 - 1968
same stone as Cora M.

Thacker, Everett E.
13 July 1902 - 7 Oct. 1902

Thacker, Gerald Ray
22 May 1956 - 7 May 1974

Thacker, Isaiah
9 Aug. 1879 - 1 June 1900
s/o L. & E.J.

Thacker, Lawson
3 Feb. 1844 - 6 Apr. 1905

Thacker, Rosa H.
14 Mar. 1916 - 30 Nov. 1999
same stone as Roy E.

Thacker, Roy Elmer
11 Apr. 1908 - 11 Apr. 1963
MO. PVT Co. D 38th Signal BN  - WW II
same stone as Rosa H.

Thomas, Virginia L.
2 July 1938 - 4 Aug. 1995

Thompson, Lewis J.
1873 - 1948
same stone as Lucy M.

Thompson, Lucy M.
1882 - 1920
same stone as Lewis J.

Thompson, Marion Wm.
1846 - 1901

Thompson, Pearl
18 Oct. 1884 - 29 Oct. 1902
d/o Marion Wm. & N. J.
Thompson, Thomas L.
1883 - no date
s/o T. J. & M. E.
Miller County records

Thompson, W. M.
4 Apr. 1846 - 23 Nov. 1901
Miller County records

Tindell, J. J.
1 Jan. 1867 - 17 May 1872
Miller County records

Tindell, M. F.
20 Jan. 1872 - 3 Aug. 1872
s/o J. H. & T. B.
Miller County records

Tindell, N.J.
26 Oct. 1870 - 15 Oct. 1877
s/o J. H. & T. B.

Tipton, Dollie L.
1895 - 1987
same stone as Joe

Tipton, Joe
1890 - 1959
same stone as Dollie L.

Tipton, Laura
29 May 1867 - 7 Apr. 1939

Tipton, N.A.
25 Feb. 1853 - 28 Mar. 1911

Tompkins, Al
1859 - 1945

Tompkins, Annie
1866 - 1926

Tompkins, Annie (Jobe)
10 June 1873 - 7 Oct. 1963
w/o Jefferson D. - wed 28 Aug. 1895

Tompkins, Charles B.
11 Feb. 1901 - 15 July 1934

Tompkins, H. Harold
18 Oct. 1921 - 5 Feb. 1940

Tompkins, Jefferson  D.
7 Aug. 1860 - 9 Feb. 1920
h/o Annie (Jobe) -wed 28 Aug. 1895

Topping, Frank
31 Oct. 1877 - 22 May 1961

Topping, Gertrude
29 Sept. 1879 - 23 Jan. 1966

Towhead,? Aleen
2 Oct. 1918 - 24 July 1972

Triplitt, Honour M.
died - 8 June 1896  - age 40
w/o John C.

Triplitt, Infant
born & died - 23 Feb. 1888
d/o John C. & Honour M.

Triplitt, Lois Colomo
23 June 1883 - 2 Nov. 1894
d/o John C. & Honour M.
Miller County records

Tryon, James C.
died - 6 Sept. 1931
MO. PVT 2 U. S. Infantry 

Tryon, Louis A.
1 June 1905 - 28 Oct. 1921

Tryon, Mary M.
14 Feb. 1868 - 25 May 1945

Tryon, Willis James
30 May 1903 - 27 Aug. 1917

Tucker, Jean Marie "Colley"
21 Feb. 1946 - 4 Feb. 1980
w/o Walter

Twyman, Karl Vincent
1929 - 1935

Twyman, Marvin
died  - 7 Jan. 1971 - age63y11m21d
Miller County records

Tyler, Edna Mae
1901 - 1976
same stone as Joseph E.

Tyler, Joseph E
18 Aug. 1894 - 1 Aug. 1974
PFC U. S.  Army
same stone as Edna Mae

Uber, Everett R.
5 Sept. 1910 - 17 Oct. 1980
same stone as Hildred

Uber, Hildred
24 Nov. 1911 - no date
same stone as Everett R.

Uber, John W.
1883 - 1912

Uptergrove, John E.
6 Jan. 1896 - 17 Sept. 1971
same stone as Laura J.

Uptergrove, Laura J.
2 May 1899 - 26 Nov. 1960
same stone as John E.

VanHooser, Chum Leroy "Sam"
died - 25 July 2003 -age 73
U. S. Army - Korean War 

VanHooser, Doral G.
10 Sept. 1932 - 3 Sept. 1991

VanHooser, Grace 
19 Apr. 1919 - 13 Jan. 1993
same stone as James L.

VanHooser, James L
17 Nov. 1913 - 22 Feb. 1975
CPL 6 U. S. Army
same stone as Grace

VanHooser, James P.
1858 - 1934

VanHooser, Margie B.
18 May 1921- no date
same stone as Orville M.

VanHooser, Montie M.
14 Dec. 1889 - 9 Oct. 1960
same stone as Oscar M.

VanHooser, Orville M.
12 Mar. 1916 - 23 Mar. 1961
same stone as Margie B.

VanHooser, Oscar M.
15 June 1886 - 29 Sept. 1979
same stone as Montie M.

Vann, Julia A. (Greenup)
24 July 1866 - 17 Nov. 1889

Vann, Rebecca
2 Feb. 1860 - 8 Aug. 1878
w/o D.C.

VanWinkle, George E.
3 Mar. 1928 - 18 Apr. 2001
U. S.  Army - Korea
h/o Joan
h/o Laura M. Wagner (Morrison) - wed 14 Feb. 1991

VanWinkle, Joan
16 Feb. 1932 - 26 July 1990
w/o George - wed 6 Aug. 1953

VanZandt, Julia A.
13 Nov. 1861 - 19 Dec. 1894
w/o J.A.

VanZandt, Logan
1887 - 1965

Varner, Clyde Mason
1941 - 1943
s/o N.W. & L.M.

Vaughan, ? ? 
17 Feb. 1893 - 20 Jan. 1894
Miller County records

Vaughan, Albert C.
1874 - 1960
same stone as Minnie L.

Vaughan, Alfred E.
30 Dec. 1916 - 13 Jan. 1917
s/o Albert & Minnie

Vaughan, Alvin K.
8 Sept. 1858  - 28 Sept. 1898
Miller County records

Vaughan, Charles W.
9 May 1884 - 10 Sept. 1884
s/o Alvin K. & Nancy E.
Miller County records

Vaughan, Clarence A.
14 Aug. 1881 - 12 Oct. 1892
s/o Alvin K & Nancy E
Miller County records

Vaughan, Clarence E.
7 Mar. 1883 - 14 July 1885
s/o G. W. & R. M.

Vaughan, Clyde
1898 - 1970

Vaughan, Cynthia (Watts)
 1901 - 1991
w/o Leslie V.

Vaughan, Desdia E. (Watts)
1904 - 1990
w/o Wesley C. - wed 1 June 1920

Vaughan, Edward T.
Feb. 1924 - July 1981
U. S.  Army  - WW II

Vaughan, Elbert G.
1890 - 1952

Vaughan, Elmer C.
9 Apr. 1896 - 16 Nov. 1918
PVT Co. A 352nd Infantry USA

Vaughan, Frank A.
12 Apr. 1897 - 14 Aug. 1918

Vaughan, Harley D.
16 Jan. 1916 - 20 Jan. 1916
s/o F.A. & E.M.

Vaughan, Harley V.
1917 - 1954
same stone as Lela M.

Vaughan, Henry C.
1923 - 1928
s/o W.C. & D.E.

Vaughan, Ionia M.
18 Sept. 1918 - 27 Jan. 1919
d/o F. A. & E.M.
Miller County records

Vaughan, Isabella M.
21 Feb. 1861 - 21 June 1895

Vaughan, John
1802 - 1888
Miller County records

Vaughan, Lela M.
1922 - 1993
same stone as Harley V.

Vaughan, Leslie V.
 1894 - 1965
h/o Cynthia (Watts)

Vaughan, Minnie L.
1874 - 1965
same stone as Albert C.

Vaughan, Myrtle L.
no dates - no info
d./o J. W. & M. E.
Miller County records

Vaughan, Nancy
26 Feb. 1861 - 31 Dec. 1904
Miller County records

Vaughan, Nancy
1857 - 1943

Vaughan, Nancy M.
12 Mar. 1841 - 9 July 1914
Miller County records

Vaughan, Velma Irene
28 Dec. 1919 - 27 Jan. 1920
Miller County records

Vaughan, Wesley C.
1901 - 1973
h/o Desdia E.(Watts)

Vaughn, A.K.
8 Sept. 1858 - 28 Sept. 1898
same stone as Nancy E.

Vaughn, Charles W.
9 May 1884 - 10 Sept. 1884

Vaughn, Ionis M.
18 Sept. 1918 - 27 Jan. 1919

Vaughn, Nancy E.
16 Feb. 1861 - 31 Dec. 1904
same stone as A.K.

Vaughn, Nancy M.
12 Mar. 1841 - 9 July 1914

Vernon, Berry T.
22 Feb. 1851 - 30 Aug. 1918
same stone as Elizabeth

Vernon, Elizabeth
23 Oct. 1863 - 3 Feb. 1903
same stone as Berry T.

Wadley, David
27 Dec. 1799 - 27 Jan. 1865
h/o Jane

Wadley, Jane
4 Mar. 1801 - 16 Mar. 1855
w/o David

Wadley, Moses
2 Apr. 1834 - 15 Nov. 1862

Wadley, Pleasant L.
27 Apr. 1841 - 15 Nov. 1862
s/o David & Jane

Wadley, S.
can’t read

Wallace, Willie C.
13 Jan. 1892 - 9 Aug. 1892
s/o W. C. & J. A.

Waltz, Mary M.
25 Feb. 1927 - 30 Dec. 1980

Ward, Dorthy Kay
one date - 3 Oct. 1950

Ward, Edoth E.
1 Mar. 1908 - 17 Jan. 1980
same stone as Robert

Ward, Herby
30 Aug. 1930 - 1 July 1978
U. S. Army - Korea

Ward, Robert
2 Jan. 1909 - 11 Dec. 1996
same stone as Edoth E.

Waresback, Charles W.
1903 - 1988
same stone as Dorothy I.

Waresback, Dorothy I.
1908 - 1991
same stone as Charles W.

Warne, Thomas A. - A.F.&A.M.
1863 - 1961

Watson, L. Douglas
10 Jan. 1910 - 28 Jan. 1997

Watt, Drury
30 Aug. 1893 - 2 May 1975
PVT U. S.  Army  - WW I

Watt, Infant
one date - 22 Jan. 1919
s/o J.T. & N.A.

Watt, John
24 Oct. 1842 - 1 Dec. 1887

Watt, John T.
1872 - 1962
same stone as Nancy A.

Watt, Joseph B.
30 Oct. 1870 - 30 Aug. 1935

Watt, Martha A.
1 Jan. 1872 - 20 Feb. 1958

Watt, Minnie
31 Dec. 1874 - 15 Feb. 1890
d/o J.W.& Lydia

Watt, Nancy A.
1877 - 1963
same stone as John T.

Watt, Ruby H. (Riffle)
1910 - 1933

Watts, Alice 
1865 - 1953
same stone as Boon

Watts, Boon 
1867 - 1952
same stone as Alice

Watts, Edward T.
1849 - 1918

Wells, ??
died  - 29 Mar. 1890
age - 2y9m4d

Wells, Eliza J.
1873 - 1911
same stone as James W.

Wells, Elmer O.
14 Jan. 1890 - 13 Mar. 1890
s/o J.W. & E.J.

Wells, Elpha A.
1880 - 1939

Wells, James W.
1861 - 1947
same stone as Eliza J.

Wells, Jewel 
24 Sept. 1903 - 21 Mar. 1904
s/o J.W. & E.J.

White, Albert Roscoe - A.F.&A.M.
1892 - 1957
U. S. Army  - WWI  
h/o Olive 

White, Binford
1896 - 1966

White, Boyce
1892 - no date

White, Chloe
1891 - 1976

White, Earl L.
26 July 1934 - 30 Apr. 1995
PFC U. S.  Army

White, George W.
1 Mar. 1807 - 20 Dec. 1889
h/o Mary

White, Glen
17 Dec. 1896 - 29 May 1897
s/o H. L. & O. R.

White, Goldie L.
1920 - 1978

White, Hugh L.
14 Apr. 1858 - 9 Mar. 1924
same stone as Olive R.

White, Margaretirena
31 Oct. 1862 - 2 May 1884
w/o Julius E.
Miller County records

White, Mary
30 Mar. 1818 - 6 Dec. 1890
w/o George W.

White, Mary E.
27 Mar. 1844 - 18 Mar. 1911

White, Nancy Lucinda
13 Jan. 1878 - 15 Apr. 1963
same stone as Robert Forrest

White, Olive R.
23 Sept. 1863 - 1 July 1960
same stone as Hugh L.

White, Opal
1900 - 1942

White, Robert C.
1898 - 1966
same stone as Vertie M.

White, Robert Forrest
31 Dec. 1879 - 7 Sept. 1961
same stone as Nancy Lucinda

White, Vertie M.
1900 - 1987
same stone as Robert C.

White, Walter Lee
13 Apr. 1917 - 10 Dec. 1939

Williams, Emiley E.
1882 - 1958
same stone as William E.

Williams, Harry
1895 - 1979
same stone as Verlie

Williams, James I.
25 June 1877 - 23 Oct. 1910

Williams, James W. (Rev.)
15 Dec. 1851 - 15 Sept. 1904
h/o Mary E.

Williams, Mary E.
5 Sept. 1849 - 4 Oct. 1907
w/o James W.
Williams, R.D.
1877 - 1934

Williams, Rube H.
1853 - 1926
h/o Susie J.

Williams, Susie J.
1857 - 1932
w/o Rube H.

Williams, Verlie
1903 - 1967
same stone as Harry

Williams, William M.
no dates
Co. M 3rd MO. Calvary

Williams, William E.
1880 - 1958
same stone as Emily E.

Willis, Cornelius
died - 6 Apr. 1904
Miller County records

Wilson, Alice Berry
1850 - 1933

Wilson, Eula P.
1915 - 1950
same stone as Joseph E.

Wilson, John F.
1870 - 1929

Wilson, Joseph E.
1911 - 1978
same stone as Eula P.

Wilson, Leona
30 July 1907 - 22 Nov. 1910
d/o W.H. & F.M.

Wilson, Linda E.
born & died - 22 Jan. 1952
d/o Jack & Lois

Wilson, M.D.??
home-made, can’t read

Wilson, Mount
no dates - no info
Miller County records

Wilson, Manda
1873 - 1945

Wilson, Mary T.
1878 - 1941

Wilson, Nora M.
1891 - 1933

Wilson, Will A.
21 Apr. 1903 - 1 June 1919
Miller County records

Wilson, Willard
1905 - 1928

Wilson, William A.
21 Apr. 1903 - 1 Jan. 1919

Wise, Valeda
1904 - no date

Witt, Carl Thomas
14 May 1986 - 15 Feb. 1999
PVT U. S. Army

Witt, Earl Wayne
19 July 1938 - 25 Aug. 1981

Witt, Ida M.
13 Apr. 1913 - 19 June 1965
same stone as William T.

Witt, JoAnn
one date - 3 Jan. 1948
d/o Willie & Ida

Witt, Paula Diane
2 Mar. 1959 - 11 May 1961

Witt, William T.
19 Dec. 1892 - 28 Apr. 1972
same stone as Ida M.

Wolfe, Lloyd
17 Mar. 1890 - 30 July 1890
d/o Geo W. & Agnes

Wood, Bertha E.
1880 - 1960

Wood, Charles Wilbert
15 June 1926 - 3 Jan. 1951
MO. SC2 U. S. Navy  - WW II

Wood, Clyde Edward
6 July 1908 - 16 Sept. 1991
h/o Lucy E. (Boan)

Wood, Darlene Fay
11 May 1945 - 12 May 1945

Wood, Harold
2 June 1909 - 25 Feb. 1917
s/o O. P. & Jane

Wood, Jane H.
20 Feb. 1891 - 4 May 1921

Wood, Lannie
13 Feb. 1899 - 9 Dec. 1940

Wood, Lucy E. (Boan)
27 Sept. 1915 - 16 Mar. 1986
w/o Clyde E.

Wood, Pearl
6 Feb. 1903 - 31 July 1933

Wood, Robert A.
1876 - 1949

Woolley, Helen   (Cemetery shows this spelling Wooley)
one date - 11 Feb. 1928
d/o Frank & Oma

Woolley, Oma E. (Slavens)    (Funeral home says Woolley is the correct spelling)
22 Apr. 1909 - 17 Nov. 2001
w/o Frank B. - wed 4 June 1927
Woolley, Frank B.  (cemetery shows this spelling Wooley)
17 June 1902 - 17 Dec. 1986
h/o Oma E. - wed 4 June 1927
Worthley, Ray Hale
27 May 1892 - 9 Jan. 1946
MO. PVT 29th Field Artillery 10th Div.

Wynn, Dustin E.
10 Apr. 1991 - 24 July 1991

Yates, Elizabeth B.
2 July 1841 - 19 Mar. 1903
w/o John

Yates, Emma 
no dates - w/o John

Yates, John
11 Nov. 1841 - 19 Mar. 1903
h/o Elizabeth B.

Miller County home page

Last update: 17-Mar-2018